  • Inflammation of the pancreas symptoms

    Pancreas is the most important organ of the human digestive and endocrine systems, which produces digestive enzymes and hormones( insulin and glucagon).

    The pancreas has two important functions: the digestive and endocrine. The first is necessary for the digestion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. With the help of the endocrine release in the blood of the vital hormone insulin, regulating carbohydrate metabolism. Even the most insignificant violation of one of these functions can lead to an illness, then the body, as it were, begins to digest itself as food.

    Pancreatic inflammation( pancreatitis) is a severe attack that usually occurs after a few days or a week, but they pose a risk of life-threatening complications, including shock and infection of fluid accumulating near the pancreas( pseudocyst).Chronic pancreatitis, leading to permanent damage to the pancreas, may follow recurrent attacks of acute pancreatitis or result from persistent inflammation. Possible long-term complications include inadequate absorption of nutrients and diabetes mellitus. More information about pancreatitis see here.

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    It has been more than 150 years since the Dutch doctor D. Flush cured inflamed pancreatic patient with a water extract from the pancreas of calves. And till now for these purposes the preparation pancreatin made from a pancreas of a large horned livestock or pigs is widely used. The pancreatin enzymes of lipase, amylase and protease facilitate the digestion of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, which contributes to their fuller absorption in the small intestine. The reason for the popularity of enzyme drugs is simple: inflamed pancreas needs rest. It is provided by pills and capsules, which take part of the work on digesting food and relieve pain.

    At the pharmacy, you may be offered a choice of several products containing medicinal enzymes. These can be pancreatin concentrate, pancreatic, pancorhrenm, pancitrat, penzital, panzinorm forte, popular now creon and others. Some patients, waving a hand and not going into details, buy the first thing the pharmacist called. Well, there is still such a prejudice: ostensibly, the less a patient knows about medicines, the more he believes in them, and therefore the better they help him. Most likely, this is just a convenient position, allowing the doctor and the least to know, and the patient does not explain anything.

    For the good of the matter, we suggest you still understand the features of composition and application of the basic enzyme preparations. Let's start with the most mild correctors of dysfunction of the pancreas - this is mezim forte, which practically does not give side effects and is prescribed to children from the very early age and pregnant women. And all of the above drugs contain pancreatin in its pure form.

    Because inflammatory diseases of the pancreas are often accompanied by a violation of the functions of other organs( liver, stomach, intestines, bile ducts), additional ingredients normalizing the intestinal microflora, absorption, bile secretion and other parameters are introduced into the formulation along with pancreatin. Such medicines include digestal, digestal forte, festal, unifestal, enzyme, panzinorm forte.

    As you can see, there are quite a lot of enzyme preparations for the present day. And not to get confused in the boxes with unfamiliar names, before going to the pharmacy, do not be too lazy to consult a gastroenterologist.

    Perhaps the doctor will tell you that in recent years, approaches to the use of enzymes have changed. Previously, it was believed that they should be used when the exacerbation of pancreatitis subsides, that is, weeks to a half or two from the moment of exacerbation. Now the enzymes are prescribed almost immediately, as soon as a person begins to take food. On the average - from the fourth day of the disease.

    This became possible because in the last decade in Russia there appeared highly active drugs in a special form, for example, kreon. In the gelatin capsule Creon is a lot of tiny microspheres with pancreatin. Upon ingestion into the stomach, the gelatinous layer of the capsule dissolves rapidly. And the baby tablets are evenly mixed with food, go to the duodenum and there they are immediately taken for the cause. Therefore, kreon and its analogs are now widely used in the treatment of pancreatitis. Creon is a drug with an easily regulated dose and a quick positive effect. The patient, who takes the creon, may not adhere to a very strict diet.

    Now a lot of talk about plant enzymes - papain and bromelain, which are included in many modern drugs: vobenzim, phlogenzim, junienzim. These drugs are good for digestion of carbohydrate foods, rich in fiber, but of course they can not be compared with traditional medicines. Therefore, with pancreatitis, preparations of plant origin can be recommended only as part of a comprehensive treatment. And not in a period of exacerbation.

    In chronic pancreatitis, enzyme drugs are taken with long courses. And if the pancreas has suffered significantly - sometimes for life. Usually digestive enzymes are taken after a meal, but if you prefer products that have been processed or shredded, you are allowed to take tablets while eating. Keep in mind that all preparations containing enzymes should be stored in a cool place. Keep tablets and liquids in the refrigerator, and powders and capsules in a cool dry place.

    It would seem that the issue with enzymes is solved: the preparations facilitate the work of our pancreas - and now we can not be afraid of exacerbations. But, it turns out, there is a downside to the medal - some people under the influence of advertising now simply do not sit down at the table without a mezim and similar preparations. Be careful with enzymes, because without "training" your pancreas will become lazy and stop producing digestive substances. As a result, after a year, the drug will be stronger, then - even stronger, and then suddenly it will be found that without pancreatin, even semolina porridge can not be digested. So hope for enzymes, but do not fret yourself - do not forget about the diet, use enzyme preparations only for the doctor's prescription and in the event that you can not do without them.

    In the treatment of pancreatic pathologies, physiotherapy procedures are widely used. One of these methods is laser treatment. Laser therapy is usually administered immediately after an operation on the pancreas. Physiotherapeutic procedures in this case are carried out in two stages:

    1) first, patients undergo percutaneous electroneurostimulation of certain pancreatic zones( duration of the procedure is 5-10 min);

    2) then the laser therapy is carried out - the beam is scanned with a postoperative wound from a distance of 1 cm.

    The duration of the laser scan is 10 min. The course of treatment is 10-15 daily procedures, starting from the first day after the operation.

    What is the effectiveness of this method? First, there is a rapid healing of the postoperative wound. In addition, the laser beam relieves pain and inflammation.

    In the treatment of chronic pancreatitis successfully used properties of a variable magnetic field of low frequency, which, unlike high-frequency electromagnetic fields does not have a thermal effect. Clinical studies have shown that magnetotherapy has many merits - this procedure has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect, relieves pain, stimulates the immune system. In the course of treatment, blood counts improve, microcirculation in tissues increases. This method is especially effective in combination with therapeutic coniferous baths. Baths are appointed every other day, the water temperature is 36-37 ° C. The course of treatment is 8-10 baths.

    A good effect in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis is peloidotherapy, that is, treatment with muds affecting the reflexogenic zones. Studies have shown that mud applications stimulate recovery processes and eliminate microcirculatory disorders in the pancreas. It is recommended to apply mud applications on the collar zone, on the upper and lower extremities in the form of high gloves and socks. Mud applications are applied every other day( temperature - 38-39 ° C, treatment course - 8-10 procedures).

    Mud treatment with an effect on the reflexogenic zones activates the defenses of the body, regulates the functions of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Experts suggest that this method of physiotherapy be combined with other methods of treating chronic pancreatitis - diet food( table No. 5P) and therapeutic coniferous baths every other day( water temperature - 36-37 ° C, treatment course - 8-10 baths).

    Ozokerite, sometimes called the frozen tears of the earth, is known to people as long ago as, for example, oil. Previously, it was mainly used for making candles and some medicines. This amazing natural substance consists of high-molecular paraffins and ceresins with additives of liquid oils and asphalt-resinous substances.

    In medicine, ozocerite is used as an anti-inflammatory and anesthetic, with its help increase blood circulation in the diseased organ, which also has an antiseptic effect. In chronic pancreatitis in the stage of remission, ozokerite applications are prescribed for the area of ​​the pancreas projection. A good effect is provided by the so-called cuvette method of ozocerite applications. The molten product is poured into a tin cuvette measuring 20 x 40 cm and a height of 3-5 cm, lined with oilcloth. After the ozocerite cools down to a temperature of 45-50 ° C, it, together with the oilcloth, is applied to the area of ​​the diseased organ.

    Thermal conductivity of ozocerite is extremely low, and therefore its applications do not burn the skin, even at a temperature of 60-70 ° C.In addition, immediately after application, ozocerite hardens, thereby protecting the skin from the following, hotter layers.

    One of the most famous resorts, where ozocerite is treated, is in Truskavets. The most widespread use was medical ozocerite, consisting of ore petrolatum and paraffin. In the early 80-ies of the XX century, new drugs appeared - ozokeramine, ozoparaffin, ozokerakine, ozokerakine napkin. Ozokerakine, as well as medical ozocerite, are usually used for applications on the skin and are applied by dipping or appliqué or napkin method.

    Before the procedure, the ozocerite is heated to 100 ° C for sterilization purposes and kept at this temperature for 30-40 minutes. As a rule, it is applied to the skin by the method of compress or tortillas. In order to make a cake from ozocerite, it is poured in a melted form into a cuvette and allowed to thicken. The thicker this cake, the longer it retains heat.

    Compress is made with a thick gauze pad, which is lowered into a vessel with a hot product, squeezed, spread on oilcloth and wait until the compress has cooled to the desired temperature. After that, he is put on a sore spot. Ozocerite compresses are used when, for medical reasons, the patient is given more intense heat.

    Ozokeritic compress or tortillas are usually placed for 40-60 minutes. After the procedure, the particles of ozocerite adhering to the skin are removed with cotton wool with petroleum jelly. Usually, procedures are scheduled daily or every other day. After the procedure, the patient should rest for 30-40 minutes. The general course of treatment, as a rule, is 20-25 procedures.

    Good for chronic pancreatitis and mineral water. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the fact that mineral water is drunk not just so, from case to case, but by science: a certain amount of water is consumed at identical intervals of time for a long period recommended by the doctor.

    Specificity of the action of mineral waters depends on their chemical composition. So, hydrocarbonate waters of resorts Borjomi, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Morshin regulate the secretory and motor functions of the stomach, reduce stomach and intestinal cramps. Chloride waters increase the secretion of gastric juice and increase its acidity.

    Sulphide waters, for example "Batalinskaya"( Pyatigorsk), reduce gastric secretion, exert choleretic and laxative effect. Weakly mineralized waters containing organic substances such as "Naftusya", "Arkhyz", improve metabolic processes in the body, normalize the functional activity of the liver and pancreas. It is important to remember that drinking mineral waters for medicinal purposes is indicated in chronic pancreatitis only in the stage of remission.

    Such waters as "Slavyanovskaya", "Essentuki No. 17", have a beneficial effect on various parts of the digestive system. With their help they treat pathologies of the intestine, liver, stomach, pancreas. When ingested, mineral water has a chemical effect, due to the microelements contained in it, salts, gases.

    It is most useful to take mineral water from a source - a drinking pump room. At the same time, all its natural properties are preserved. Drink water slowly, in small sips. The duration of the drinking course is from 3-4 to 5-6 weeks. Usually take mineral water 3 times a day - before breakfast, lunch and dinner, less often - after meals.

    In addition to drinking, mineral waters are used to wash the stomach with a thick probe, duodenal drainage( tjubazh), irrigation of the oral mucosa, rectal procedures( enema, irrigation of the intestine).If in pancreatic diseases the reception of mineral waters is combined with a complex of rehabilitation treatment, this usually leads to a stable remission of the disease and a significant improvement in well-being.

    At what diseases of the pancreas are surgical treatments shown? Most often, operations are resorted to in acute destructive pancreatitis, with frequent exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, pancreonecrosis, tumors, trauma, chronic pancreatic cysts. The difficulty for surgeons is that the pancreas is located in a very inconvenient place: in the retroperitoneal and in the immediate vicinity of the vital organs - the aorta, the superior vena cava, the superior mesenteric veins and the artery, the kidneys. The pancreas consists of a very fragile parenchymal tissue, which is easily damaged. When performing operations on it, it is difficult to apply seams. Fragility of the tissue often leads to bleeding and the formation of fistula.

    Better, of course, before the operation it is not necessary, but there are cases when surgical intervention can not be avoided. Indications for surgical treatment of acute pancreatitis in the first 10 days from the onset of the disease are the following:

    Because the pancreas is in close proximity to the biliary tract and duodenum, it suffers if any problems occur in this zone. It happens that in acute pancreatitis, a small stone gets from the gall bladder into the pancreatic duct. The stone temporarily clogs the duct in the place where it joins the common bile duct at the point of confluence into the duodenum. Most patients with this diagnosis recover rather quickly, but some develop acute inflammation, which requires surgery. Since bile pancreatitis almost always repeats, immediately, as soon as the patient recovers from an acute attack, he is offered a cholecystectomy - removal of the gallbladder.

    Acute pancreatitis caused by gallstones or alcohol can be accompanied by the ingestion of enzyme-rich fluid from the duodenum into the pancreatic tissue. The liquid accumulates, and the so-called pseudo-or false cyst is formed, which differs from the true one in that it does not have an envelope. Pseudocysts also require surgical treatment.

    Surgery surgeons often do not know how the pancreas will behave during surgery. The cases of development of acute pancreatitis are described when operations that are not directly related to the pancreas, but in the immediate vicinity of it, or even at a significant distance( for example, on the heart) were performed. Given all these features, it is easy to understand why even an experienced surgeon treats the pancreas with the utmost caution.

    Once again we will remind: operations on a pancreas are complex or difficult and are carried out only under vital indications. After them, the period of recovery and recovery is rather long, or, as doctors say, rehabilitation.

    It used to be that without a pancreas a person's life is impossible. The first operations of complete removal of this organ were carried out at the beginning of the 20th century and ended in a fatal outcome after the operation or after a short time. Modern medicine has solved this problem. Today, people with a distant pancreas live by taking substitution therapy - enzyme preparations, lipotropics and insulin.

    To overcome the ailment, it is in your best interests to learn more about pancreatic diseases from books, medical guides, radio and television programs. But a number of questions can be answered only by a doctor. And the success of treatment largely depends on how the relationship between the doctor and the patient will develop.

    The trouble is that just like there are no ideal doctors, there are no ideal patients either. To all of us in one degree or another, weakness, laziness and irresponsibility are inherent. Not everyone, for example, is able to give up such habits as smoking, drinking alcohol, cups of coffee in the morning, even knowing that the pancreas will necessarily react to it.

    The most preferred option is when the doctor and patient become comrades in the fight against pancreatitis or diabetes. With an eternal lack of time for doctors, try to still find a doctor who will listen to you carefully and try to resolve all your questions. However, do not forget that communication is always a two-way process. The doctor can only react to the information that you are telling him. Therefore, it is very important to accurately and clearly describe how these and other symptoms are disturbing you.

    You can also sketch out on the leaflet those questions that you would like to ask the doctor. How often do we remember what we wanted to ask about when we left the doctor's office!

    Here are some typical questions that you might have had.

    Do you think about what you eat? What do products from the store consist of, and how will your pancreas take them? Pancreas is unique and indispensable, it can not be removed, as an appendix. So, you need to adapt: ​​fat it is impossible, fried - in no case, it is impossible also cold, acute and sour, sweet is sharply limited. .. It is necessary to break the ban, as the disease immediately punishes with pains in the abdomen, nausea. The inflamed pancreas is forced to speak the language of pain, it can not in another way warn about the danger that threatens you.

    With chronic pancreatitis in domestic medicine, the so-called diet No. 5p by MI Pevzner is successfully used. This Soviet scientist-dietician at one time developed a set of diets for the treatment of major diseases. Diets are called tables. For example, the first table is used for stomach ulcer, the fourth for intestinal diseases, the ninth for diabetes and so on.

    The main goal of diet No. 5p is to limit the release of pancreatic enzymes in order to reduce the burden on the pancreas. To do this, it is recommended to exclude from the diet strong broths, fatty, spicy and acidic dishes, sausage, sausages, sausages, by-products( liver, kidneys and others), smoked foods and pickles( primarily sauerkraut), canned foods, caviar and fatty fish -sturgeon, sturgeon, halibut, mullet, catfish, carp.

    Nuts, mushrooms, beans and black bread( too coarse fiber in them), millet( due to poorly digested cell walls), fresh pastries, cakes, cakes and caramel, ice cream, chewing gum, kvass, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, citrus, carbonated drinks.

    Do not get too carried away with fresh fruit, which usually feeds the sick family member with caring relatives. There is no doubt that the vitamins they contain are very necessary for the body, but the strong alkaline action of raw vegetables( especially white cabbage, radish, turnip and rutabaga), greens( sorrel, spinach, lettuce) and fruit does not benefit the pancreas.1-2 bananas or sweet ripe apples without skin, of course, do not damage your health, but sour fruits are categorically contraindicated. But baked apples, boiled and stewed vegetables to eat is not forbidden.

    Do not succumb to the entreaties of your loved ones to eat more, to return the sickly forces. Focus on your appetite: while it is reduced, limit the appropriate portions. The food you eat must be boiled or steamed. That's what dishes will be useful to you.

    To facilitate your choice of dishes, we offer you a three-day diet with chronic pancreatitis, designed for 1 person. The size of portions is taken approximately - you can reduce or increase them depending on the state of health.

    1 day

    2 day

    3 day

    The pancreas adores animal proteins: they strengthen it. The diet of patients with chronic pancreatitis, both in the acute stage and in the remission phase, should contain at least 130 grams of protein per day. For cooking choose the best sorts of meat: low-fat beef, veal, as well as chicken, turkey and rabbit in the form of fillets. White meat is digested and digested easier. Fish are preferable to cod, saithe, pike perch, carp, perch. Outside the competition, icefish is very delicious and tender. From time to time you can buy pollock, blue whiting, navaga.

    Proteins of chicken eggs are similar in amino acid composition to proteins of our body and are therefore easily digested, not too heavy for the pancreas. Every day you can eat one egg, cooked soft-boiled. And the air steam omelette is a real pleasure for this organ.

    Speaking of omelettes. Some doctors believe that they should be prepared only from proteins, others say that sometimes it is possible and from whole eggs. Who is right? Strangely enough, both are right. Protein omelet is prescribed for exacerbations of pancreatitis or worsening of well-being. Doctors working in the hospital are faced with such cases. Outside the aggravation it is quite possible to prepare a full omelet from a whole egg or even an egg soft-boiled, but it should be cooked according to all the rules. Chicken egg immersed in hot water and cook for 2-3 minutes with a weak boil. At the same time, the protein is slightly thickened and opaque, and the yolk is semi-liquid.

    The parade of protein dishes continues cottage cheese. Very tasty is obtained if you mix the dietary curd, bought in the store, with home-made fresh cottage cheese. To cook unleavened cottage cheese, boil 1 liter of milk, remove from heat, pour in 1/2 l of kefir. Cool cooled calf milk on a sieve. You can fill the ready cottage cheese with a tablespoon of sweet drink "Aktimel".A variety of curd cheese puddings or juicy casseroles with the addition of carrots, sweet pumpkins, apricots, pears, sweet apples. Dishes of cottage cheese and vermicelli can be sprinkled with grated cheese of low-fat varieties: Dutch or any soft.

    According to diet No. 5p per day, it is allowed to consume 60-70 grams of fat. If you have cooked a porridge, it is allowed to fill it with butter, but not more than 1 teaspoon per serving. It is better to buy oil in small packs, packed in foil. The oil should be fresh, premium( without adding vegetable fats).Oil is best put in a bowl of hot mashed potatoes, porridge or boiled vegetables. The same amount on the sandwich is worse. When the disease worsens, even insignificant, the oil from the menu is excluded for a time.

    Avoid vegetable oils. When the painful phenomena completely subside, you can add a little olive oil or sunflower refined.

    Regarding carbohydrates, dieticians are now of the opinion that patients with chronic pancreatitis need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates, since the pancreas is also an internal secretion gland responsible for insulin. And if she is involved in the pathological process, then the development of diabetes is possible. Therefore, the amount of carbohydrates in the diet for chronic pancreatitis is reduced to 350 g, the emphasis is on poorly soluble carbohydrates.

    Porridge is cooked on the milk in half with water. What kind of gruel treat the patient? Offer him a choice of semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal, oats or rice. Varied menu home made noodles, vermicelli. Refrain from millet: it contains indigestible polysaccharides.

    As you can see, the list of products available to you has turned out to be at least as much as the list of products that are not suitable for you. Show a little imagination, cook with love, and soon you will realize that diet food can be very tasty and varied.

    You already know that, as a rule, pancreatitis "does not go one", it is often accompanied by cholelithiasis. If cholecystopancreatitis develops, then changes in the gallbladder are taken into account when dieting is prescribed. The optimal amount of protein in the diet for this disease is 110-120 g per day. The source of high-grade animal protein is low-fat varieties of meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, eggs. Since the egg yolk is a strong stimulant for the separation of bile and pancreatic juice, during the exacerbation of the disease it is better to make protein omelettes( proteins not more than 2 eggs).

    Vegetable proteins are a part of vegetables, fruits, berries, bread and other flour products. Vegetables and fruits are the main suppliers of many vitamins and mineral salts, without them the diet will be inadequate.

    Because of a worsening of the secretory function of the pancreas and bile secretion in cholecystopancreatitis, as a rule, the absorption of fats is impaired. Therefore, the amount of fat in the diet should not exceed the lower limit of the physiological norm( 70-80 g).Fat in its pure form is excluded altogether. Unsalted butter in small amounts( up to 30 grams) is used for cooking dishes, and 10-15 g of refined vegetable oil can be added to ready meals if well tolerated. Vegetable oil does not need to be heat treated: it will lose its valuable properties. Occasionally, you can fill a salad with a spoonful of sour cream.

    Studies of recent years found that the excess of simple sugars in the diet leads to a deterioration in the composition of bile and the violation of bile secretion, and also requires the hard work of the pancreas. Therefore, limit carbohydrates to 300-350 g. This includes pasta, bread, cereals, sugar, honey, jam. Sugar in its pure form is recommended not more than 4 pieces per day( 30 g).

    Excess salt in the food supports the inflammatory process. Therefore, table salt( no more than 8 g), use only for podsalivaniya ready meals. The total weight of the daily diet for cholecystopancreatitis is 2.5-3 kg, the volume of the liquid is 1.5-2 liters, the caloricity is 2500-2800 kilocalories.

    Culinary processing of food is of no small importance. Dishes are steamed or boiled;it is permissible and bake in the oven. You can not fry, because it produces substances that irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, reflexively enhancing the excitability of the gallbladder and pancreas.

    During the exacerbation, it is recommended to eat crushed or rubbed food, which is easier to digest and absorbed by the body. However, long-term nutrition of the wiped food is undesirable;this negatively affects the psychoemotional state of patients, leads to a decrease in appetite, the appearance of constipation.

    Some pancreatic diseases are treated only with the help of surgical operations( pancreonecrosis, tumors, cysts, fistula, etc.).After the operation, for a while, the doctor will appoint a special diet for such cases. Food should only come in liquid form in very small amounts every 1.5-2 hours. This is a weak tea, fruit and berry sweet jelly, compotes( strained from dried fruits), you can eat some fruit jelly or souffle, you can also drink meat broths and brothsrice and oatmeal with butter( 1 teaspoon).The food should be warm. If necessary, use artificial feeding through a probe or intravenously inject ready nutrient solutions.

    After removal of the gallbladder, a strict diet is not required if the patients did not observe it before the operation. They can eat ordinary food, limiting only the use of indigestible animal fats - lard, brisket, roast lamb. Those patients who adhere to a strict diet can gradually expand their diet.

    To reduce the possibility of re-formation of stones - this time already in the bile ducts - helps to eliminate from the diet products containing large amounts of cholesterol: brains, egg yolks, fatty meats and fish, concentrated broths, spicy and fried foods. Alcoholic beverages, including beer, are not recommended. They complicate the work of the liver and pancreas. Obese patients should eat less bread, potatoes, sugar, muffins, confectionery and other foods rich in carbohydrates.

    In general, for patients with pancreatic diseases it is very important to observe regular rhythmic nutrition with observance of uniform intervals between meals. The break between them should not exceed 5 hours in the daytime, and between the last evening and the first morning - 10-11 hours. Optimal - four meals a day, as it favors the rhythmic excitation of the food center and the secretion of digestive juices. The daily diet of most patients is 3-3.5 kg. During the day it is distributed as follows: first breakfast - 25-30% of total caloric content, second breakfast - 10-15%, lunch - 40-45%, dinner - 15-20%.

    In stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers in the acute stage, exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, which require strict mechanical shaking, the daily volume of food decreases to 2.5 kg and is divided into 5-6, and sometimes even 8-10 receptions.

    The temperature of the dishes that are given to the patient is also of great importance. On the liver, pancreas, contrasting temperatures have an exciting effect. Dishes with a temperature above 60 ° C have an irritating effect on the mucosa of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum. Most preferred dishes, the temperature of which is close to 36-37 ° C, as in the stomach.

    Food is one of the main, and for many even the most important joy of life. Of course, it is hardly worthwhile to call people with an open ulcer, exacerbation of cholecystitis or pancreatitis for a common table. They need dietary meals. But for owners of chronic diseases of the digestive system, a well-known "recipe" is quite acceptable: it is impossible, but it is possible, if you really want.

    For example, to somewhat diversify the table, you can sometimes eat a piece of soaked herring, and boiled meat or fish lightly fry in a pan. If you can not live without a sweet day, do not deny yourself this pleasure at all. Still, it's rarely possible for anyone, so in the "quiet" period of your disease, you can afford a few sweets for morning tea, but for dinner limit yourself to a low-calorie vegetable or cottage cheese dish.

    Many like chocolate, but consider it too fat. In fact, cocoa is a low-calorie product, and fat additives( milk, butter, nuts, caramel, sugar) make it fat. It is better to buy bitter chocolate without fillings, it is the most dietary.

    It's not easy to completely revise food habits, so it's hardly worth hacking. Try to negate the number of "harmful" delicacies gradually, buy them occasionally and gradually so that they do not lie in the refrigerator and do not tease you.

    The situation is more complicated on holidays, when interesting communication, alcohol and food changes dull the feeling of satiety and many are addicted. But holidays are not every day, and it is not so difficult to prepare for them. Firstly, half an hour before the feast drink a glass of water - ordinary or mineral. This will dull the feeling of hunger, and the stomach, pancreas and liver will be very grateful for a sip of water before hard work. Secondly, chew food slowly and very carefully. Take one piece and put the fork back on the plate - so you will learn to eat small portions. Between hot dishes it would be nice to drink a cup of green tea without sugar. Bread is better not to take at all, so as not to stuff them with the stomach and intestines.

    Replace lemons and marinades with salted and sour products. But the sharp snacks and spices, but also non-acidic, you can taste a little. Carbonated drinks are not for you - they provoke heartburn and belching. Causing or intensifying heartburn is capable of coffee and chocolate, as well as non-hot meals. It is advisable not to use anything cool below room temperature. As for alcohol, then you can drink a glass, but the alcoholic beverage should be high-quality and non-acidic. But smoking is strictly not recommended.

    In addition, you need to periodically get up from the table and move. For example, when changing dishes. And after the end of the feast try not to go to bed for at least two hours. And do not even take a horizontal position.

    If overeating is still not possible, which often happens, you need to help your body - to take enzymes with bile components. The usual dose is one to two tablets. Do the same for cholecystitis, when the wall of the bladder becomes rigid and prevents emptying of bile in response to food stimuli. They take enzymes for pancreas rest in chronic pancreatitis. In short, if you accept these rules and will consider the feast, in terms of sports terminology, not as gambling - hobby for gambling, but as wrestling - a pre-rehearsed fight, everything will be in order.

    Can I relieve pancreatic inflammation myself?

    Most likely, you will not manage to remove inflammation in the pancreas yourself without medical assistance. You can only ease your condition before the ambulance arrives. For this, you can recommend:
    take a pill of duspatalin or drotaverin or nospy;
    apply cold from the back and in the area of ​​the stomach;
    take a comfortable pose;
    drink a few sips of clean drinking water or a warm infusion of chamomile.

    Pay special attention to nutrition in inflammation of the pancreas. In the first three days after the attack, a complete food rest is recommended. You can drink only a small amount of clean water. In the future, you should give up coffee, cocoa, tea and chocolate. All these products cause increased production of enzymes in the gland.

    Fatty varieties of meat, offal, smoked meat and salted canned foods are completely excluded. It is recommended to give preference to light vegetable salads without the addition of mayonnaise, chicken broth and mucous porridges. This diet should be observed at least 3 months after the attack of pancreatitis.

    Many chronic diseases of the pancreas, even in the period of remission, are accompanied by a decline in strength, asthenia, depressions - in short, the whole world is not nice. The person begins to look for where to draw energy. So, can not just cheer a cup of coffee. There is a means and stronger - it's physical activity. Practically in each recommendation of the doctor observing patients with pancreatic diseases, a reminder reminds you of the need to move more."Where more, I'm already spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, and my time is painted literally by the minute," many of you will object.

    The attending physician implies, in this case, not everyday fuss, but purposeful physical activity to maintain the tone of your pancreas. To achieve a good result, it is not necessary to train as athletes. A positive effect is even moderate physical activity -1 walks and jogging in the open air, work at home and in the garden, dancing, swimming and, of course, exercise and exercise at home. Of course, all these classes will benefit only in a quiet period, when all the exacerbations subsided.

    With the help of special movements of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm, you can learn to gently massage your pancreas. Due to these exercises, blood circulation in the pancreas region and outflow of digestive juices improve. This "charge" for the pancreas is an excellent prevention of pancreatitis and its exacerbations. First you need to practice: inhale, exhale and hold your breath. Smoothly, but strongly enough pulling in the stomach, count to three, and then relax the muscles of the abdominal press. We pass to the exercises.

    Gymnastics should be performed lying, sitting or standing 2-3 times a day. Start with 3-4 repetitions of each exercise and gradually bring up to 9 times. But do not exercise by force - postpone employment if you are tired or experiencing discomfort.

    Here is another simple exercise that improves blood circulation in the abdominal cavity, as well as strengthening the muscles and bones of the legs. Place your hands on the lower back, on the kidney area, and walk around the room on your toes, heels and on the inner and outer sides of your feet. Exercise is recommended for kidney, liver and pancreas diseases.

    Physical stress in cholelithiasis and pancreatitis are shown only during remission. If the patient underwent surgery on the pancreas or he was removed from the gallbladder, then about any gymnastics in the first month after the abdominal operation is out of the question - any strain of abdominal muscles causes pain. Only after the recovery period and under the guidance of the instructor in physiotherapy exercises do special exercises to form a good mobile postoperative scar and strengthen the abdominal muscles. A fat patient with a saggy belly should also wear a bandage. Where to buy it, tell the doctor. Those who undergo surgery with endoscopy, too, need to do exercises - they help the outflow of bile.

    Perform each exercise 10-15 times, but if you feel tired, reduce the load, reduce their repetition. Some believe that curative gymnastics is replaced by work in the garden, at the dacha or at home. This is a completely different load, not related to physical fitness and health. In the first half-year or year after surgery, you generally need to take care of yourself: avoid work associated with a significant strain of the abdominal muscles( washing the sexes, lifting weights, digging up beds).

    Some benefit in pancreatitis can be provided by breathing exercises in the yoga system - by accumulating the body's vital energy from the air and a kind of massage of the internal organs. To learn how to consciously control breathing and master abdominal( lower) breathing, you will have to practice - yourself or under the guidance of an instructor.

    You need to sit upright, on the floor, cross your legs( head, neck and back should be located on the same line), lie on the floor or stand on their feet. Before breathing in, one should exhale the air from the lungs, while the stomach gets inside( the diaphragm rises upwards).Then you need to slowly inhale the air through your nose, sticking out your stomach( the diaphragm drops), without moving the chest and hands. The lower part of the lungs is filled with air.

    When we exhale again, the stomach goes deep inside, and the diaphragm rises, while the air is exhaled from the lower lobes of the lungs. This respiration is characterized by the fact that only the diaphragm participates in it, while the ribs and intercostal muscles remain immobile. To quickly master this exercise, put your hands on your stomach. Then, with the help of touch, it will be easier for you to monitor the rise and fall of the abdominal wall. After you learn to breathe belly, you can move on to regular exercises.

    Bhujangasana( cobra posture).Lie down on the floor and put your hands on the floor at the chest level. Leaning on your hands, lift the upper body, bend the waist and throw your head back. Return to the starting position. Repeat exercise 4-5 times.

    Exercise removes diseases of organs located in the abdominal cavity, and also strengthens the muscles of the abdomen, chest, neck and arms.

    Dhanurasan( pose of onion).Lie on your stomach, bend your knees, grab your ankles and pull them up so that your arms straighten up, your back bends, and your stomach taut. First let the knees be placed. After a short practice, perform the exercise with the knees connected. During the exercise, perform 4-6 swings. Over time, the stomach tightens.

    Exercise helps to eliminate diseases of the digestive system, and is also useful for the spine.

    Prusta Walutz Hanumanasana( the pose of the king of monkeys).Stand straight by joining your legs together. Leave your left foot as far forward as possible, bending it in the knee. The right leg remains straight. Raise your hands folded over your head, pulling them back. Then put your hands down, touching the floor and turning the case to the left. Repeat the exercise in the opposite direction. Do this exercise in both directions. .

    Exercise causes strong tension of all muscles of the body, well strengthens the waist and treats diseases of organs located in the abdominal cavity and in the chest.

    And now remember the sport, which was not so long ago insanely popular and which does not require you to spend a lot of money and special equipment. All you need for jogging is comfortable shoes and warm socks. The runners believe that in this way they extend their lives for 5-7 years. Indeed, running jogging improves metabolism, lowers cholesterol and even is to some extent preventing diabetes. In the absence of contraindications, this sport is also suitable for the prevention of seals and pancreatic fibrosis.

    To understand the enthusiasm of the fans, you must at least once to force yourself to rise from the couch and go for a walk in the fresh air. At a minimum, you will enjoy the movement itself, as a maximum, improve health - and not just physical. One of the advantages of running is that it is able to relieve stress. Running through the park, listening to the singing of birds, or along the road, watching the cars passing by, - the choice is yours. In any case, a good run literally "winds his head", and those who live in a metropolis, it is simply necessary.

    If you have never been involved in sports, then even 4-5 minutes of jogging will make you tired. As soon as you feel tired, stop and measure the pulse. It should be on average 100-110 beats per minute;if more than 120 - reduce the load. Half-hour jogging usually covers 4.5-5 km, so at the same time you can explore the surrounding area. Use different paths, try not to run around the same one too often. In heavy rain, skip classes and never run without spikes on icy tracks. If the weather is warm enough, you can run and under a light drizzle.

    Everyone chooses a jog schedule for himself, but, in general, 2-3 times a week will be enough. If you want to run more, you can afford to run in a day, but not more often: your muscles need time to recover. And do not forget: regular intensive sports without seeing a doctor are shown only to absolutely healthy people. If you have congenital or acquired heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, eye problems, especially those associated with retinal changes, then a doctor's consultation is simply necessary. And before putting on sneakers and running out into the street, it is not superfluous to undergo a minimal examination: to make an ECG, check the level of cholesterol and blood sugar, measure blood pressure.