
Caries of milk teeth: methods of treatment and prevention of dangerous pathology

  • Caries of milk teeth: methods of treatment and prevention of dangerous pathology

    Adults and children's dental pathologies are virtually indistinguishable. The small difference is that the caries of the milk teeth develop almost instantaneously. This is quite an insidious disease, as it often is asymptomatic and painless.

    The risk group for caries of infant teeth includes children aged two to three years. The prevalence of this disease in four-year-old children often reaches eighty percent.

    Why does the disease develop?

    Modern dentists call the following reasons for the onset and progression of dental caries:

    1. Dental germ infection( actual for the intrauterine period).Excess carbohydrate.
    2. Insufficiency of fluoride compounds( fluorides).
    3. Feeding from a bottle.
    4. Incorrect hygiene requirements.

    Defects of the teeth rudiments

    The causes of the appearance of early caries can be associated with certain diseases that developed in the mother during the period of gestation. The risk group includes young women who have recovered:

    • with diabetes mellitus;
    • hypertension;
    • rheumatism.
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    Often tooth decay develops in the background against the use of the future mother of certain medications.

    Sometimes the carious process in children develops on the background of prematurity, artificial feeding, as well as frequent childbirth.

    Carbohydrate "overdose"

    Often, the causes of the disease in an adult child are associated with an overabundance in the body of carbohydrates. This is inevitable if the child is fed with sugar-containing foods.

    Pathology develops against the backdrop of a huge amount of bacteria in the child's mouth, which actively spread and multiply in a fertile carbohydrate environment. As a result of this activity of bacteria, the "birth" of organic acids that promote the demineralization of tooth enamel occurs.

    Fluid deficiency

    Sometimes the causes of the development of the disease are directly related to the deficiency in the body of fluoride compounds, which must go there together with medicines, food and liquid.

    Due to the suppression of the activity of enzymes involved in the creation of harmful acids, fluorides are quite formidable and reliable protection against the carious process.

    Excess concentrations of fluorides differ in toxicity and contribute to the development of pathologies of the digestive tract, kidneys, as well as fluorosis. The norm is the intake of 0.1 milligrams of fluoride( per kilogram) during the day.

    It is noteworthy that a child born to a woman of Balzac's age, as well as born in the spring of the year, is less susceptible to developing caries of baby teeth.

    The danger of "bottle caries"

    The problem of frequent feeding of a baby from a bottle today is more relevant than ever. The reasons for the development of the disease are associated with the fact that at night, the easily ingested carbohydrates enter the baby's mouth, fueling dangerous bacteria and provoking the progression of the carious process.

    "Bottle caries" develops rapidly and is dangerous because, initially hitting several front teeth, gradually spreads to both jaws.

    Do not lose vigilance

    Baby tooth decay of baby teeth is easy to detect. About the beginning of the pathological process can say the presence of a specific plaque, which can not be removed independently.

    The reason for taking the child to the dental office may be his complaints about the presence of discomfort during eating. Unfortunately, this indicates that rotting has spread further.

    In case of late application to a qualified dentist, the child may experience complications such as periodonitis and pulpitis.

    Pulpitis is a pathology characterized by the presence of inflammation in the dental pulp. Sometimes the disease progresses for several hours and requires immediate medical intervention.

    If there is a characteristic swelling of the gums or cheeks on the patient's tooth region and a hole with pus is detected on the mucosa, this may indicate the development of periodontitis. Treatment of this complication can only be radical.

    Medical intervention

    Treatment of infant caries of baby teeth is carried out only after the establishment of an accurate diagnosis.

    Known methods of

    Treatment of caries of infant teeth is carried out by the elimination of rotted dental tissue. This procedure is painful in psychological terms, because it is carried out with the help of a "terrible" drill. Sometimes a doctor is forced to decide on anesthesia. If the child refuses to treat the teeth, and the examination reveals the presence of concomitant pathologies, a general anesthetic is used.

    Enamel silvering

    If the disease did not manage to develop into the late stage, treatment of caries of the baby teeth is carried out by means of enamel silvering. The essence of the method is that the doctor applies a solution to the carious cavity, which contains silver ions.

    This method of treatment is a temporary measure to combat dental pathology. It is important to remember that the use of silver preparations accompanies the dyeing of teeth in a black shade.

    Painless method

    Many parents who brought their child to the dentist's office are actively interested in how to treat tooth decays in a painless way.

    If the disease did not manage to develop in the late stage, it is important to treat the treatment of the tooth surface with fluoride varnish. This provides a dental enamel protection and helps to arrest the further spread of the disease.

    The procedure takes no more than fifteen minutes.

    A 100% cure for dangerous pathology is possible only if the problem tooth is sealed and the carious tissues are eliminated.

    Proper cleansing of teeth

    Parents who are thinking about how to treat dental caries from their children should take care of hygiene rules.

    It is important to remember the correspondence of the toothpaste composition to the age characteristics of the baby. Enamel matures much faster if you regularly use the drugs that contain the active fluoride.

    To the toothbrush is not taught immediately. To very small children to remove a plaque it is possible by means of special fingertips.

    The brush for cleaning teeth should be equipped with a soft, gentle bristles, the width of which corresponds to two or three teeth. Change the tool is recommended every month, because otherwise it can accumulate bacteria.

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