  • Osteoarthritis of the knee joint: symptoms, treatment, causes, prevention

    When you move, you feel a sharp pain, which is formed in the knee joint? The same signs are observed if you bend or unbend your leg? Doctors diagnose such a disease as arthrosis. In this case, it is impossible to delay the treatment of the disease.

    Take note of the fact that the faster you start to take effective measures, the faster you will cope with the disease, and the outcome of the disease will not be so dramatic. You can not run the disease itself, because with it the intraarticular cartilages are worn out.

    Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is also referred to as gonarthrosis. The frequency of the disease, he takes a leading position. Statistical data showed that patients in clinics with this diagnosis are more likely than people with other serious illnesses. As for the treatment, it takes an impressive amount of time. Here, an integrated approach and the use of drugs are important.

    The disease is characterized by calcification in soft tissues and ligamentous apparatus, as well as places in which tendons are fixed. Salt deposits have a limited character. The process is characterized by an imbalance of optimal circulation in the bone vessels, which provoke changes in the cartilaginous tissues.
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    Causes of

    Pathological microtrauma, which is formed on the cartilage. The main causes of the disease can be attributed to excessive mechanical stress, which is on the surface of the cartilage.

    In other words, knee arthrosis is rapidly developing in those who are prone to frequent physical exertion and overstrain of joints. Osteoarthritis can develop in those who often squat. The magnitude of the load increases rapidly, if a person suffers from excess weight.

    It should be noted the main causes of arthrosis of the knee joint:

    1. 1) Chronic defects. Dysplasia affects the formation of chronic microtrauma of the cartilage. Such a factor leads to an imbalance in the correct load on the joints. Take note that the risk of developing a terrible disease increases in people with defects in the musculoskeletal system.
    2. 2) Obesity. This factor is the main cause of the development of arthrosis. It has been clinically proven that with excessive kilograms, the likelihood of getting sick increases. Thus, every 6 kg.weight increase the possibility of developing arthrosis by 45%.
    3. 3) Genetic predisposition. The fact that arthrosis of interphalangeal joints is more common in females than in males is proved. This indicator is explained by autosomal-dominant inheritance.
    4. 4) Inflammation. The fact is that infectious and chronic arthritis provokes the formation of arthrosis. The appearance of immunoglobulins indicates the role of such factors during the development of arthrosis.
    5. 5) Neurogenic disorders. Violations provoke a decrease in muscle tone, which are near the joint. Thus, the load on the joints only increases.

    Symptoms of arthrosis of the knee joint

    The main symptoms of arthrosis include sharp pains that are observed in the knee joint. They occur during exercise, and then disappear again, provided that the patient is at rest.

    With nodular arthrosis, dense formations appear, which have a size - with a pea. In addition, near the nail bed may appear seals in the form of cyst-viscous fluids.

    If the knee joints are affected during the development of the disease, the pain intensifies with prolonged walking or walking on the stairs. The main sign of arthrosis is a crunch during movement. With hip arthrosis there are pathologies associated with the development of the hip joint.

    Symptoms of the disease:

    • knee pain that does not pass for a long time
    • if you undergo an X-ray examination, then osteophytes are found.
    • in the analysis of synovial fluid is confirmed that the composition is really characteristic of the disease.
    • disease is characterized by the fact that the articulation gap is narrowed.
    • joint stiffness in the morning
    • changes occurring in soft tissues, osteoporosis and calcification of cartilage.
    Optional signs: subluxations or dislocations, as well as various erosions and cysts. In total, the arthrosis of the knee joint is divided into three stages of development, which we consider below.

    1 degree

    Recognizing the first degree is problematic enough. It is interesting that a person moves also habitually for him, but sometimes the disease can manifest itself in the form of pain and stiffness.

    But such signs are often written off for weather change or uncomfortable position. And even if you go through an X-ray study, imperfection can not be immediately noticed. It will require skilled care, as well as palpation and a full examination, which will help to detect an uneven surface in the area of ​​the affected joint.

    Those suffering from ailment turn to folk medicine as a means of first aid. And this is a competent approach to solving the problem, because at the initial stage the disease can hardly be treated.

    2 degree

    If, after noticing the first signs of the disease, you did not take action, then it tends to go into the second. At the same time, arthrosis is chronic, and the cartilage begins to collapse rapidly.

    Especially these signs are noticeable with increased physical exertion. However, to give preference to folk medicine does not make sense. However, it can be used as an effective supplement to traditional treatment.

    Osteoarthritis of the knee joint and its symptoms begin to manifest themselves more and more: there is unreasonable fatigue, and the joints of the legs begin to "whine", and after a while there are crunches. If you do not treat the disease, then it leads to deformation of the joints.

    3 degree

    It also happens that, observing obvious changes, the patient still does not take measures, while the mechanisms that work against him start to be actively started. Meanwhile, inaction provokes irreparable consequences.

    It is also remarkable that a severe pain arises in the joint. Such a factor does not depend on whether you are in action or at rest. There are also cases when joints do not allow a person to move.

    Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint

    Arthrosis therapy is a very long process, and first of all will depend on the degree to which the disease is. Basically, the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint is based on the following stages:

    1. 1) It is necessary to anesthetize the affected joint. As a rule, the doctor prescribes analgesics - analgesics.
    2. 2) Inflammation should be avoided. In the event that the affected area indicates inflammation, as well as swelling, then such a defect should be immediately eliminated. In this case, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.
    3. 3) Restoring cartilage tissue. This is considered to be the most important factor of treatment. In the event that it can not be reconstructed, it is necessary to stop the degenerate course. From drugs, one should not expect instantaneous action, but they must be taken on the basis of individual characteristics.
    If joint damage differs from the absence of symptoms, then in this case the patient will be prescribed effective ointments that have a warming effect. Their main purpose is to increase blood circulation in the affected area.

    These drugs include Nikofleks, as well as Menovazine, which have no side effects. Treatment is accompanied by a pleasant sensation of warmth.

    And also, we recommend to familiarize yourself with other forms of this disease:

    • arthrosis of the ankle
    • arthrosis of the shoulder joint
    • arthrosis of the hip joint
    • arthrosis of the foot

    Prevention of arthrosis of the knee joint

    It is divided into the secondary and primary.

    The first is aimed at controlling body weight and preventing injuries. The likelihood of arthrosis may decrease if you wear competently matched shoes and systematically perform exercises that affect the strengthening of muscles and the maintenance of joints.

    Secondary prevention includes the use of healthy food, and red meat, as well as products containing animal fat is best replaced with lean fish, as well as poultry. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables, as well as as a prophylaxis - capsules containing fish oil. Drink at least 8-9 glasses of water.

    Give preference to minerals and vitamins, which contribute to the optimal performance of bones. Your allies also recognize antioxidants that are actively fighting free radicals that destroy cartilage. Arthrosis is a disease that does not tolerate amateurs, so it is necessary to seek help from an experienced doctor.

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