  • Flat feet: prevention, treatment, causes, symptoms

    A flat foot is the distortion of the foot, because of which the vaults are lowered. Due to this distortion, the stop almost completely loses its ability to depreciate, this in turn provokes unpleasant consequences.

    The foot in a harmonious position has a transverse and longitudinal vault located in the inner part. These arches help us to amortize during the movement, and also to keep the balance. But with violations of the functions of muscles and ligaments, when they become weaker, the form of the foot changes: it settles, losing its normal functions. Because of these problems, the spine, as well as the joints of the knees and ankle, take over the load.

    But since they were not prepared for such work initially, with such tasks the spine and back cope badly, coming into an unusable state.

    Flatness is a disease, which results in rapid fatigue during movement, soreness in the knees, legs. Most of the patients do not even know about the onset of the disease, feeling soreness in the legs and back. Pain in the body appears when the body itself is unable to create the optimal movement. As a result, there are pathologies of body position, changes in joints.
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    Flattening is dangerous, as it provokes such diseases as scoliosis, arthrosis, varicose veins.

    Disease can appear in people with any work. The representatives of sedentary professions do not have enough sports loads, ligamentous tissue and muscles weaken. Concerning those who spend the whole day in a standing state, the situation is opposite: the loads are significant, which the muscles just do not master.

    Causes of flatfoot

    Flatfoot may appear for various reasons. The most relevant of them:

    1. 1) Illiterately selected shoes. This may be a too high pin, a smaller volume, or a much narrower shape of shoes or boots.
    2. 2) Excess weight.
    3. 3) Injuries of a different nature: fractures, cracks or severe bruises.
    4. 4) Predisposition. If someone in the family was sick with flat feet, most likely, the child will also have defects in development.
    5. 5) Complication after poliomyelitis.
    6. 6) Rickets, due to which the bones become softer.
    7. 7) Excessive physical activity: jumping, running, constant standing work.
    8. 8) Insufficient load and sessile work.
    Causes, due to which flat feet can arise, is enough, among them the hypoplasia of ligaments and muscles is the most actual. In order to properly form the arch of the foot, doctors recommend regular training. Without loads, the muscles relax, they can not keep their foot in a normal state, which is what causes the disease.

    Flatfoot types

    Existing flatfoot initially divided into longitudinal and transverse, depending on the lowering of the arch of the feet. In this case, the stack expands in width or in length.

    Longitudinal-transverse flatfoot or combined occurs when it comes to thickening the longitudinal, transverse arches at a time. In medical practice, a transverse flatfoot is more often isolated.

    There is an acquired and congenital disease. The first is most relevant, since the congenital appears due to malformations in the development of the fetus during pregnancy of the mother.

    Acquired type happens:

    • rickety;
    • is traumatic;
    • static;
    • is paralytic.
    The onset of the disease is possible in childhood or adulthood. The rickety type is possible, as you already guessed, because of rickets. Because of the disease, there is no normal development of bones.

    The traumatic type appears as a result of fractures of the ankle joint, bones of the foot. In addition, the trauma of the ligaments and muscles that strengthen the arches of the foot, is also capable of provoking the disease. Paralytic platypodia is possible because of the transferred poliomyelitis. Static appearance occurs in more than 75% of the disease.

    symptoms of flat feet in adults

    Flatfoot, the first symptoms of which can manifest pain in the legs after prolonged standing or while walking.

    And also, the following clinical signs are characteristic for the disease:

    1. 1) The feet are painful even after a light load.
    2. 2) Looking at your old shoes, you notice that it is worn from the inside and is worn out.
    3. 3) Ankles become swollen.
    4. 4) Noticeably the increase in feet in length and in width, the old models of shoes are already small to you.
    5. 5) It's impossible to walk on stiletto heels.
    6. 6) During the last stage of the disease, apart from the legs, the lumbar spine is gradually worried, walking becomes painful. Headaches are possible.
    Symptoms of longitudinal flatfoot:

    • stops swollen at the end of the day( see causes of edema on the legs).
    • feet quickly get tired.
    • , when pressed in the middle of the foot, soreness is felt.
    • sore leg: foot, ankle, lower leg.
    • to choose the right shoes is really difficult.
    • may have soreness in the lumbar region.
    • longitudinal arch is not visible, the foot is swollen, the heel is flattened.
    • standard shoes can not be worn.
    Symptoms in transverse disease:

    • tenderness in front of the leg,
    • appearance of corns;
    • change of toes stop.

    Degrees of flatfoot

    Let's name the general indicators of degrees of development of illness.

    The first is weakly expressed, it does not greatly disturb the patient. You can visually see the onset of the disease visually. The second degree or moderately expressed form often has pronounced changes. The disease is more pronounced, you gradually experience soreness in the ankle, foot. Visually visible are heavy movements and clubfoot. In the third form, a complete deformation occurs. Violated the functions of the musculoskeletal system, there may be more serious diseases. The soreness is very strong, it hurts to walk, and it's difficult to play sports.

    Let's call three stages of the longitudinal type of the disease.

    1. At the first degree of longitudinal flatfoot there is rapid fatigue of the legs. The soreness is not obvious, the patient can feel uncomfortable sensations when putting on shoes. Sometimes puffiness is possible in the morning.
    2. With the second form, the pain is more pronounced, sometimes it is very strong, the ankles and the shin extend. This degree complicates walking, making an ugly gait.
    3. With the third form of uneasy incessant pain in the leg: foot, shin, sometimes makes itself felt lumbar. Also visible swelling in the joints of the foot.

    Degrees in transverse flatfoot

    In this case, the transverse arch of the foot becomes large, the length of the leg decreases. The big toes gradually deviate from the others, becoming a kind of hammer. The transverse type of flat feet is characteristic for a female over thirty years of age. Disturb the corns, the bone grows on the fingers.

    With the first form of this type of flatfoot, the feet are periodically aching, the front is painful. At the second form there is soreness under the head of metatarsal bones. During the third degree the pain intensifies, usually corns appear in large quantities.

    Flat-footedness in children

    According to medical statistics, more than half of children at the age of 6-7 appear to exhibit flat feet. To avoid flat feet in the future, you should treat yourself, starting with childhood. To correct the arch of the foot is really up to 13 years, until it is fully formed.

    This diagnosis is given to children from three to five years of age. Sometimes, from the very birth or from the beginning of circulation, heel-valgus feet are visible. By the age of three they become flat-valgus. Until the age of three, flat feet do not exist, since a fat pad appears in the inner part of the foot. It is an additional shock absorber when walking.

    The most actual types of flatfoot in children are: longitudinal, transverse, flat-valgus feet and a mixed type of flatfoot.

    Plantogram is one of the most effective methods of diagnosing a child. To diagnose the foot, the baby is spread with a special liquid, after which the area that has been painted is analyzed. Due to age-related features, the diagnosis of flat feet in children is complicated. It is better to consult an orthopedic doctor, he will correctly identify the symptoms of flat feet.

    What can parents do? If the child slumps, perhaps, the presence of valgus platypodia. When the baby comes in when walking to the front edge of the foot, you should also consult a doctor for help. The

    Stop is best formed in natural conditions. Therefore, in the summer, let the child walk barefoot on the grass, sand, stones. A certain physical load is important: moving games, walking. The child should not wear old shoes after someone: the load can be mis-distributed in the foot. In addition, make sure that the child is sitting at the table with an even posture.

    Treatment of flatfoot in adults and children

    Therapy of longitudinal and transverse flatfoot is similar. Medical measures applied to an adult can only improve his condition.

    While the children are fully recovered, as the baby's feet just begin to form completely.

    The doctor prescribes the most often conservative treatment: medications in combination with physiotherapy procedures. Therapy is based on therapeutic exercises. Such physical culture is chosen specifically for the patient, the orthopedic doctor necessarily takes into account the age, the degree of the disease and its shape.

    Excellent massage helps and hydromassage stops. Active stimulation of the problem area improves blood circulation and improves the tone of the muscles of the feet and lower legs. Orthopedic insoles with the disease restore the required lifting of the arches of the foot, correct the normal position of the foot, provide comfort while walking. At the initial stage, the insoles perfectly help to cope with the disease. Operation is the most effective method of treatment with significant deformities of the foot.

    Flattening in children is treated easier, without surgery. Muscles, bone and ligament tissues of children are still very sensitive to treatment. A rarely encountered congenital platypodia is treated with special bandages.

    Mainly used toning massage and physical education. Also effective for the feet are the contrast baths. Many doctors recommend wearing orthopedic shoes. Than at an earlier age you or a doctor discover flat feet, the more effective the treatment will be. For the purpose of prevention, the child should be checked by a doctor about 5 years.

    Plane exercise exercises

    1. 1) The legs should be set to the width of the shoulders. Then the feet unfold, first the heels are joined, then the socks. Make at least 12 repetitions.
    2. 2) Rotation. Sitting on a chair or standing, set the heels to the width of the shoulders. Rotate the feet in two directions. Do 12 repetitions.
    3. 3) Stop installation. Performed in a sitting or standing position. Place the feet on the outer, and then on the inner surface alternately. Do it 15 times.
    4. 4) Low attacks. Rise steadily. Perform a front leg thrust. Then turn over the other way and do the same. Without fail, keep your back straight. It should be repeated 15 times.
    5. 5) We walk on the spot. Take quick steps. The feet look inward, the legs are bent at the knees. Do not move your shoulders, keep straight, legs are actively involved. The breathing is calm, the exercise is performed for half a minute. For children, the entire LF complex is performed in a play form.

    Complications of

    The following complications may occur:

    • tenderness in the hips, feet, back and knees.
    • change in the shape of the foot - curvature, the appearance of the stone, too wide a foot, improper development of muscles and articular tissue.
    • irregularity of posture and gait.
    • with squats to keep the balance is very difficult.
    • appearance of ingrown nails is possible.
    • clubfoot and heaviness of gait.

    Flatfoot prevention in adults

    People engaged in active work with permanent standing should periodically rest, move the main center of gravity to the outside of the foot.

    In addition, after a day's work it is useful to do foot massage, rub them. You can massage by walking barefoot on sand, grass or gravel. At home choose a massage mat. Correctly pick up your shoes so that it does not rub, do not press the foot, but it is better that no discomfort does not appear.

    Plane prophylaxis in children

    In children, prophylaxis should be performed starting from 1 year of age. It will be concluded in the exclusion of rickets, poliomyelitis and other diseases. Already during the first steps of the child, think about the choice of quality footwear.

    However, without walking on the grass, gravel and sand can not do: "barefoot" kids are several times less likely to suffer from the disease. Watch that the child does not walk on a flat floor, but on an uneven surface.

    Older children are recommended gymnastics with simple walking on the heels and toes, the inside and outside of the legs. You can do jumps on the spot, climb the gymnasium ladder. Combine gymnastics with water procedures. It is not only excellent strengthening of muscles, but also perfect hardening.

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