  • Worms in humans: symptoms, treatment, tablets, photo

    Worms arise in humans as a result of the penetration into the body of parasitic multicellular organisms - inferior worms-parasites or helminths.

    Each of 250 species of parasitic worms causes a certain disease with its characteristic symptoms.

    Classification of

    Parasites of the first type combine worms of round or nematodes. Parasites of the second type unite flat-worms - ribbon flukes and flukes.

    Parasites are divided into contact worms, geohelminths and biohelminths, because they have different biological characteristics and in different ways they penetrate and spread within the human body.

    Biohelminths are called: chained - pork and bovine, echinococcus and parasites, representing nematodes, cestodes and trematodes. Until their development, biogelminthes consistently change several hosts-carriers: insects, molluscs, crustaceans, fish and humans, which becomes carriers: cysticerca - pork and echinococcus chain: single-chambered or multicellular.

    Geochemists include ascarids( see the symptoms and treatment of ascaridosis), vagal heads, hookworm, nekatorov, the development of which occurs without penetrating the intermediate host.
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    Worm helminths call pinworms( see how to treat pinworms in adults), which excite enterobiasis and dwarf chain, which causes hymenolepiasis.

    Causes of infection with worms

    The reason for the penetration of worms related to biogelmintics is the eating of meat dishes without proper culinary heat treatment. Bovine meat can survive a bull tinder, in pig meat - pork tapeworm.

    Fish: lightly salted and raw can be crammed with a wide ribbon and opisthorchis, as the water of rivers and lakes is infected by the larvae of worms floating in it or adhering to algae. Water is often drunk raw, washing dishes, raw vegetables and fruits during the rest in the bosom of nature.

    Geohelminths in larval form, together with human and feces of animals - intermediate carriers are in the soil. To the new owner they get by means of unwashed hands while relaxing in nature or working in the garden and in the garden.

    A healthy person becomes infected by contacting a sick helminthi, inhaling the dust of the room with air or by using utensils, linen, toilet items.

    Place of worm dislocation in humans

    In an adult, the place of dislocation of all kinds of chain and nematodes is usually in the zone of the colon, which is also a haven for whipworms and pinworms. The liver with bile ducts can be occupied - clonoarchis, opisthorchiasis and fasciola from the detachment of trematodes.

    Trematodes affect the bile ducts with the liver, where echinococcal cysts are formed. They burst, then the blisters with worms spread to other organs: the leaflets of the peritoneum, the mesentery, the spleen.

    The blood current carries the larvae of the pork chicken( cysts) from the intestine to all organs, including the eye chamber, brain area, muscle vessels, subcutaneous fatty tissue.

    The most frequent helminths in adults

    Most often a person can become infected:

    • with ascariasis( with ascaris infection);
    • with diphyllobothriasis( when infected with a wide ribbon);
    • enterobiasis( when infected with pinworms)
    As a result of absorption by the worms of nutritive juices, the neurohumoral regulation and the processes of absorption of the intestinal mucosa of what remains are violated. This is fraught with hypovitaminosis, anemia and other disorders.

    1. 1) Ascaridosis man gets sick through eating dirty vegetables, fruits and berries.
    2. 2) Diphyllobothriasis - by eating poorly salted caviar of fish, raw or poorly fished fish: perch, pike, omul, grayling, etc.
    3. 3) Enterobiosis - in contact with a sick person through oral-fecal( food) and contact-household waysinfection.
    4. 4) Worms develop in acute( 15-60 days) and chronic stage, 30-60 days after acute helminthic invasion. Helminthes squeezed and mechanically injured organs and tissues, where they are located.
    With the transition of helminthiosis to the chronic stage, resistance and immunity decrease, so many become infected with fungal, viral and bacterial infections. Due to the presence of worms, a person risks getting an oncology of organs where helminths are located.

    Symptoms of worms in an adult: signs of

    The first symptoms of worms will depend on the parasite that has got into the body of an adult. Below we will consider the most popular helminths, and their specific signs.

    Ascaridosis is manifested:

    • by rashes on the skin;
    • with nausea and abdominal pain;
    • decreased appetite;
    • changes in blood composition( increased content of eosinophils).
    Further complications develop: the integrity of the intestines is broken and peritonitis and appendicitis develop( when the ascarids get into the appendix), the liver is affected, there is an obstruction of the intestine.

    Diphyllobothriasis manifests itself:

    • with nausea, weakness and dizziness;
    • constipation, diarrhea;
    • release during stool grafting - fragments of the parasite;
    • with pain syndromes in the abdomen;
    • reduced body weight.
    In the future, invasion leads to severe anemia, which is caused by a lack of protein, vitamin B and iron.

    Enterobiosis is characterized by:

    • persistent itching in the anus and dermatitis due to inflammation of the skin as a result of combing;
    • pain in the abdomen;
    • vulvaginitis and inflammation in girls when ingested on the mucosa of the vagina pinworm.
    Ascaridosis is manifested after 2-3 days, parasitosis - after 14-21 days, filariasis - develops 6-18 months.

    Common symptoms of helminth invasion are:

    1. 1) Recurrent, persistent itching rashes on the skin;
    2. 2) Edemas: generalized or local;
    3. 3) Cough, attacks of suffocation, fever;
    4. 4) Increased regional lymph nodes;
    5. 5) Weakness, pallor and fatigue in case of damage caused by hookworms of blood vessels, which leads to chronic bleeding and eating of blood;
    6. 6) Painful sensations in the joints, muscles and abdominal region;
    7. 7) Serious diseases: myocarditis allergic, Mengoencephalitis, pneumonia, hepatitis or hemostasis disorder.
    8. 8) Lymph nodes, allergic syndrome in filariasis;
    9. 9) Terminal hematuria( drops of blood in the urine), frequent urination and pain in chronic genito-urinary schistosomiasis;
    10. 10) Disturbance of stools, swelling and pain in the intestines, impurities of blood due to intestinal schistomotosis.
    With alveococcosis, echinococcosis, cysticercosis after a long asymptomatic course, small cysts with parasites rot and tear, which leads to peritonitis, pleurisy or anaphylactic shock, CNS damage. Hookworms feed on blood and, damaging vessels, provoke chronic bleeding from them.

    Diagnosis of worms in humans

    In the diagnosis of helminthiases in adults, feces are examined for egg egg.

    For the detection of pinworms and ascarids:

    • examine scraping from the anus zone;
    • in girls - examine the scraping from the vaginal area, inguinal folds and navel;
    • is determined by antibodies with immunological tests for ascariasis.
    During the diagnosis, hepatosplenomegaly is detected, which happens with an enlarged liver and spleen. In the blood, the level of eosinophils rises, which leads to eosinophilia. With disproteinemia, different types of protein are in imbalance.

    If individual helminths are parasitized in the body, then the symptoms go unnoticed or are not manifested at all. In the presence of a large number of worms inside the human body, especially in children, there are syndromes: dyspepsia, pain and asthenoneuuricheskie syndromes. Ascaridosis leads to pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction and mechanical jaundice.

    Especially people suffer in the evening and at night pranal itching with the development of enterobiasis. In the liver, parasitizing trematodes( opisthorchiasis, fascioliasis, clonorchiasis) leads to hepatitis pancreatitis, cholecystocholangitis and neurologic disorders, including chronic forms of illness.

    Urine, blood and urine, bile and sputum, muscle tissue, rectal and perianal mucus are additionally examined for microscopic presence of eggs and macroscopic method-the presence of pieces or whole helminths. The contents of the duodenum are taken for analysis. To clarify the location of the worm colony, ultrasound, computer tomography, endobiopsia and endoscopy are used.

    To remove worms, and relieve a person of unpleasant symptoms appoint special pills depending on the pathogen.

    Worm treatment in adults

    Treat worms in an adult by appointment and under the supervision of a doctor. Different pills, medications and other remedies for worms can be different depending on the type of parasites.

    1. 1) Preparations that contain Mebendazole are best suited for trichocephalus and enterobiosis.
    2. 2) Tablets containing Diethylcarbamazine are the best drugs used to treat different types of filariasis, including those with eye, subcutaneous tissue and lymphatic system damage.
    3. 3) Preparations that contain levamisole - used for ankylostomosis, ascariasis, strongyloidosis, non-catarosis, trichocephalosis, trichostrongylosis, toxoplasmosis, enterobiasis.
    4. 4) Bephenia hydroxynaphthoate - used against roundworms - with ankylostomiasis, ascariasis, trichocephalosis, trichostrongylosis.
    5. 5) Piperazine adipate - effective for enterobiosis and ascaridosis( paralyzes ascaris, but does not kill them).
    6. 6) Tablets that contain Albendazole are most effective for echinococcosis and cysticercosis.
    7. 7) Drugs that contain Praziquantel are most effective in cestodiasis, trematodosis, schistosomiasis and paragonimosis.
    With exacerbations of helminthiasis, the treatment is performed with:

    • infusions: hemodesis, saline solution, isotonic glucose solution;
    • injection: gluconate or calcium chloride, ascorbic acid, vitamin B6, sodium bicarbonate;
    • dimedrol, analgin and, antihistamines( Suprastin and Pipolphen) - in the presence of hyperthermia;
    • Cordiamine - from increased blood pressure.
    For hepatitis and allergic myocarditis, treatment is carried out with Prednisolone and potassium preparations. If heart failure develops in helminthiases, the treatment is carried out with the help of Cocarboxylase and Korglikon. With edema, Torasemide or Furosemide.

    Folk remedies

    You can try and folk remedies against worms, the most effective way - pumpkin seeds. The recipe is quite simple.

    1. Take about 100 g of peeled pumpkin seeds, rub them into a gruel and add 100 g of water and 2 tablespoons of honey, the resulting mass should be mixed. Use the resulting contents on an empty stomach after a night's sleep. One tablespoon every 60 minutes for 3 hours. Then take a laxative, and after 1-2 hours put an enema.

    Prevention of helminthiases

    Efforts in the prevention of helminthiasis are reduced to the conduct of a healthy lifestyle, the use of clean water, individual items: towels, dishes, toothbrushes and others.

    Pets should be treated on time from fleas, worms and vaccinated. Recommended:

    • use only pure vegetables, fruits and berries;
    • well treat thermally meat and fish;
    • to take medicines from worms for the sake of prevention, constantly contacting pets, land, fishing or hunting;
    • for children to conduct drug prevention while in institutions and adults - 2 times a year.
    Not recommended:

    • include raw fish, freshly salted fresh-water fish, slightly salted fish eggs in the ration menu.

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