  • How to choose cosmetics?

    When entering a store selling cosmetics, every woman faces a huge choice of the offered goods. Lipsticks, mascara and shadows flashed by hundreds in front of her eyes. As a rule, when choosing cosmetics, the fair sex representatives are guided by fashionable advertising, advice of girlfriends or recommendations of the seller. However, they often forget about the main rules of choosing cosmetics.

    Quality of cosmetics

    Try to refrain from buying cosmetics from an unknown manufacturer. Even if it's "supermeganovinka in the cosmetics market" - do not be fooled by advertising slogans, read first reviews on the Internet. And best of all, rely on the already proven manufacturers of cosmetics.

    But the name of a well-known company on the packaging still does not guarantee quality. How much in our country there are counterfeits of cosmetics! Always buy expensive cosmetics of famous companies in respectable large stores. The best manufacturers of cosmetics are French, Swiss, American and Italian companies.   

    Do not save on buying cosmetics - so you will save on your own health. The tonal cream, shadows, lipstick "lie" on your face and can lead to undesirable results, if it is poor-quality cosmetics. A bad foundation or powder will not allow the skin to breathe, take a lump. Low-quality cheap shadows will adversely affect the skin of the eyelids - and this is one of the most delicate places on the face! From a bad carcass, allergies and eye irritation can occur( sensation of sand in the eyes).Cheap lipstick of an unknown firm will lie unevenly and forever disappear from the lips after the first kiss.   

    Fits or not?

    Be sure to try cosmetics in practice, i.e.on itself. It is unreasonable to choose a lipstick or shade according to the principle "I liked the color".Of course, the ideal option will be a preliminary visit to the make-up artist who will recommend the most suitable colors for your lipstick, blush, shadows, a tonal cream shade. If this is not possible - do not hesitate to linger at the window with cosmetics, choosing the best, in your opinion, option.

    It is preferable to visit the cosmetics store during the day and carry out selection in natural light( otherwise - consider artificial lighting, which somewhat distorts the colors).The standard option of choosing cosmetics is applying to the back of the palm. Although lipstick, for example, is advised to test on the fingertips - their color is most similar to the color of the lips. Help in the selection of various probes.

    What's on the packaging?

    After choosing the most suitable cosmetics options, pay close attention to the composition of each product. In addition to various "chemistry"( and, unfortunately, there is no way to do without preservatives), good supplements should contain good supplements: vitamins( most often A, E and C), plant extracts( aloe vera juice, jojoba oil, almonds,avocado, rosemary extract, calendula, chamomile), acids( hyaluronic acid).These components help moisturize and nourish the skin, are natural antioxidants, heal wounds. However, if you have an allergy to at least one of the ingredients listed on the package, do not buy such cosmetics.

    Certainly, special attention should be paid to the shelf life of cosmetics. If the product has a shelf life of more than a year - refuse to purchase it, because such cosmetics is simply stuffed with preservatives. Optimal shelf life of cosmetics - up to six months. And, of course, do not even think about buying a cosmetic product, on which the date of manufacture is not in sight.

    Successful shopping for you, dear ladies! Stay irresistible - and let the right makeup help you in this!