  • Masks for dry hair. Folk recipes

    Everyone wants to have beautiful, healthy hair, but considering what kind of ecological environment, we are now living, it's rather difficult. And to ensure that the hair was in good condition, you need constant care for them. Next, several useful masks for dry hair will be given:

    • Nourishing masks
    • Oil masks for the treatment of

    Nourishing masks

    Birch mask
    It is necessary to prepare an infusion of birch leaves, this will require: 4 tablespoons of birch leaves per 1½ cups of water. To rub the infusion obtained should be in the scalp after its immediate washing.

    Onion mask with honey
    It is necessary to grate onions and mix it with honey in the ratio: four parts of onion gruel and one part of honey.

    After which the mixture should be applied to the hair for 30-40 minutes, after this time, the hair should be thoroughly rinsed with warm water. If the hair is dry and brittle, then this mixture can add a small amount of warm olive, corn or soybean oil and rub the resulting mixture into the roots of the hair an hour before washing your head.

    Oil mask with vodka
    To obtain this mixture, it is necessary to mix linseed oil with vodka in equal proportions and rub into the scalp for 10 minutes with light circular motions, after which the head should be held warm for half an hour, wrapped around it with a warm towel.

    Castor-calendula mask
    One tablespoon of crushed dried calendula flowers should be poured ½ cup of alcohol or vodka, insist for one week, then strain. Mix one tablespoon of the obtained tincture with the same amount of castor oil. The prepared mixture must be rubbed into the scalp and hair before direct washing. Allow to stand for 20 minutes.

    Castor oil
    Beat one egg yolk with one tablespoon of castor oil. Apply the resulting mixture to the hair, after three hours, rinse thoroughly. This recipe is effective in treating dandruff.

    Castor-olive balm with yolk
    One hour before you decide to wash your hair - you need to warm the mixture of castor and olive oil, taken in equal proportions, add to this mixture 1 yolk and rub the resulting mixture into the scalp.

    From burdock oil
    It is necessary to take burdock and castor oil in equal proportions, mix them with the same amount of vodka and rub this mixture into the head for 10 minutes, light circular motions, then wrap the head with a towel and hold it for half an hour in the warmth.

    Classic castor-olive recipe
    It is necessary to take in equal parts castor, olive oil and shampoo, mix in a ratio of 2: 2: 1, apply the mixture on the scalp and hair for 30-60 minutes. After that, wash everything off with plenty of soft water without using soap.

    Burdock oil, yolk + honey
    It is necessary to take one tablespoon of burdock oil, one egg yolk, one teaspoon of honey, mix one teaspoon of cognac and apply the resulting mass to the hair. For 2-3 hours it is necessary to stand under the warming hood and then rinse the hair with shampoo.

    Horseradish Mask
    The horseradish root should be grated and put the resulting slurry into a ceramic cup( metal utensils can not be used to avoid oxidation).Add one tablespoon of sour cream, one tablespoon of vegetable oil, mix everything thoroughly. The resulting mixture should be applied to the scalp for 30-40 minutes and put on the warming cap, after which the hair should be thoroughly washed using shampoo and warm water.

    Oil masks for treatment of

    Recipe with burdock
    75 grams of ground burdock roots should be poured in 200 ml of almond or sunflower oil and insist in a warm place for one day, then boil on low heat for 15 minutes while stirring constantly. Cool, filter. The resulting product should be wiped hair and scalp for 1-2 hours before washing.

    Oil-Lanolin Mask Against Split Hair
    For steaming it is necessary to heat up ½ cup of vegetable oil with one teaspoon of lanolin, add to this mixture crushed medicinal plants: one tablespoon of chamomile flowers, nettle leaves, pansy grass, birch leaves. All this is to stand for 30 minutes in a water bath, after which the mixture is filtered, cooled and mixed with beaten egg yolk and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply for one hour to the scalp and wet washed hair, special attention should be given to the tips, after which the hair should be washed with shampoo.

    Herbal Mask
    For preparation, one tablespoon of ground dried flowers of white clover, nasturtium, chamomile, St. John's wort, birch and nettle leaves should be taken, pour all ½ cups of any warm vegetable oil and insist this mixture in a well-closed glass bowl forof the week. Before starting to use the mixture must be filtered, heated and applied on the scalp for 1-2 hours. After that, the head should be thoroughly washed using shampoo and warm water.

    Classic recipe
    It is necessary to slightly warm the vegetable oil in a water bath to 40-45 degrees, rub into the skin of a washed head, while also lubricating the hair. Wear a warming hood for 1-2 hours, then pat the hair with a towel and wash with shampoo. In the vegetable oil, you can also add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

    Shampoo from the egg
    If the dryness of the hair is too great, it will be quite useful if you apply whipped egg yolk and protein with a little water to wet hair. After that, the hair should be washed with cool and pure water, and then rinse with slightly acidified water.

    Peach mask
    Peach oil must be heated to a temperature of 50 degrees Celsius. Dampen with a gauze napkin and apply it to the hair. Top for one hour to put on a warming hood, after it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the mixture with running water.

    Egg-rum balm
    For preparation, grind one raw egg yolk, one teaspoon of castor oil, and one teaspoon of rum. Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp( the skin should be slightly red).Then the head must be tied with a handkerchief or a warm towel and leave in this form for 2 hours. After rinse with warm water.

    Mask from the rose
    Take 20 grams of sliced ​​rose petals to boil 5 minutes in ½ liter of water. Cool and drain. The resulting broth is rubbed into the scalp. You need to use it three times a week for two months.

    Recipe for ivy leaves
    Take 4 tablespoons of crushed ivy leaves pour ½ liter of boiling water. Boil this mixture for a few minutes, cool and strain. This broth should be rubbed into the scalp daily or every other day for 1-1.5 months.

    Collection mask
    It is necessary to take 3 tablespoons of leaves and dandelion flowers, chop, onion to pass through a meat grinder, squeeze and add 1 teaspoon of the juice obtained to a dandelion. The radish should be cleaned and passed through a meat grinder, squeezed and poured 1 teaspoon of the juice obtained into the total mass, there should be added ground plantain, pour it all 100 ml of sea buckthorn oil, warm the mixture and apply to damp hair. From above it is necessary to put on a warming cap. It is recommended to wash off the mask after 15 minutes. Apply this mixture is necessary before every head wash for two months.

    With the addition of camomile
    In this case, you need to make a tincture of 2 tablespoons chamomile and ¾ glasses of vodka. Use this tincture is necessary for rubbing the scalp at night every day for 1-1.5 months. Store this tincture in a refrigerator for 2 weeks in a well-closed glass bowl. Shake well before use.

    Aloe mask
    For preparation it is necessary to take one tablespoon of honey and mix with one tablespoon of aloe juice, one teaspoon of garlic juice and one egg yolk. Apply to hair and wash off after 20 minutes.

    Cherry mash
    It is necessary to take the carrots and carefully grind, mix it in equal parts with vegetable oil and apply to the scalp 2 hours before washing it. The course of treatment is 2-3 months.

    Recipe for Yarrow
    Four tablespoons of yarrow herb should pour ½ liter of boiling water, boil for a few minutes over low heat, cool and strain. Rub into the scalp every other day for 1-1.5 months.

    Using folk recipes for hair care masks, you will give them vitality and health. Since any hair requires care, nutrition and vitamins. Regardless of healthy hair, sick, split or drop out, they need nutrition, which you can give them by means of masks, infusions, decoctions, rinses, etc. In order to keep your hair healthy and beautiful, you also need to eat right, eat plenty of vitamins, in the form of fruits, vegetables, etc. In winter, when we can not afford fruits and vegetables, you can buy a vitamin complex in the pharmacy that is aimed at strengthening and promoting hair growth, and also take advantage of our tips from the article: How to take care of hair and skin in winter?

    The beauty of your hair depends solely on you.