  • What does your clothes say? And how should I dress?

    The wardrobe of each person is a reflection of his feelings and thoughts, this is not blind imitation of fashion. If there are some kind of gaffes in the clothes, then this in turn means that the person has some internal conflicts, which in this way try to escape from the unconscious state to the conscious state.

    We all know the proverb "meet on clothes, and see off on the mind", and similar sayings are found practically in all languages ​​of the world. Like it or not, people are used to judging a book by the cover. To some extent, this may seem unfair, but clothes can in fact tell a lot about our personality, even something we do not always suspect about.

    Clothing in which you prefer to walk daily, carries quite important information about you. How you are a person in fact, your approximate level of education, your social status and income, clothing can even tell you about the level of your self-esteem.

    So, let's try to understand in more detail what the clothes really are talking about. Agree that cases where the fact that you are dressed is not very important is quite rare. Even when you are at home, in perfect solitude, and at this moment no one can see you, clothes still play a very important role, since it can affect your immediate mood.

    Next, you will learn:
    • Examples of characteristics of people made up by clothing
    • Official and unspoken dress code
    • Tips on how to use clothing to your advantage

    Examples of characteristics of people made out of clothes

    Next we'll look at some of the clothing elements in terms of the information thatshe can provide about you to others.

    If your clothes look sloppy , that is it is covered with some stains, is dented, and in addition to all the elements of your clothes absolutely do not correspond to each other, then in that case it is inevitable that the surrounding people will perceive you as an untidy and uncollected person. If a person looks like this, then this in turn means that he does not care at all about his appearance, and also about his future and work.

    If a woman is delighted with the fashion brands of , and at the same time is ready to save absolutely everything, in order to buy such a design thing, it says in turn that she wants to live the way celebrities live, but not everyonecan afford it. Thus, acquiring this or that branded thing, the fashionable women have self-confidence, which sometimes they do not have enough, and they believe that everything in their lives is doing right. The main problem of such women of fashion is that they can not objectively evaluate their character and potential.

    If you only carry items from the leading clothing manufacturers s, and strive to be known all about it, then this behavior people can regard in different ways. Such clothing can mean intelligibility, success, concentration, and on the other hand it may indicate that you are a little unconvinced and too materialistic, therefore, and try to constantly match your clothes.

    If you prefer for tight, short or more open clothes e, regardless of whether you go to work, to the beach or to a corporate party, this in turn means that youlow self-esteem and you seek to attract to yourself, thus, attention that is directly based only on your body. Some people believe that wearing such clothes is acceptable only sometimes, explaining this by the fact that it is coquetry and some fun. But in the case when a person always wears such clothes, this already shows quite the opposite. Many may see this as a sign that you have less than noble intentions, instead of thinking that you have a great sense of style.

    The flea marketer is the name of those people whose closets are almost bursting with things, and yet they always complain that they have absolutely nothing to put on, but they can not part with their old things either. The problem is that most of these things can not be worn in the majority, since they are either already small or large, or they need to be repaired and immediately repaired.

    In this case, you can safely say that these people, in addition to a lot of things in the closet, there is also a lot of problems. The biggest drawback of such people is that they are unable to take responsibility and make decisions. Usually people of this type feel as if their life has reached a dead end, and they do not know how to change the current situation. As a rule, the chaos in the wardrobe symbolizes chaos in the inner world of man.

    It should also be noted that everyday good clothes are suitable only for weekdays, going to the movies or a cafe with a girlfriend. In the event that there is some kind of campaign for a celebration or a holiday, everyday clothes will not give you a full sense of the solemnity of this moment and will hold you back. That's why there is such a thing as a dress code.

    Official and private dress code

    As for compliance with the official dress code at work, it allows to emphasize the corporate and professional identity of a person, including his official status and corporate identity. A woman needs to be attractive as well as a need for oxygen, we can say that for women this is vital. Therefore, often the office dress code puts them at a dead end, but given the fact that modern fashion is diverse, even in a strict suit a woman can look very attractive. To date, designers in strict suits use unusual textures and fabrics. Piquancy to such a suit can give a blouse with a floral or geometric print.

    So, if business casual clothing is properly selected, then this in turn can be a sign of self-confident person, who in turn acts only from the best motives.

    Such screaming elements , like, for example, funny shoes, bright handbag or non-standard tie, in principle it can be any fashion element, here they are bought in order to show their wild side. People who give preference to defiant clothing often show to others that they tend to stand out from the crowd of others and thus show their individuality and want to be seen.

    If a person always prefers to dress in simple clothes of neutral colors , and never deviates from this style, this in turn may indicate that the person avoids additional attention.

    Women who like sexy outfits , regardless of whether they go to work or to a party - it's "hot stuff".For such women, the sexuality and femininity of the word are synonymous. They seek to bring this to every person who meets them on the road. Basically, they believe that it is sexuality that is their strongest side. Such women simply do not see what other virtues they have, or simply do not want to believe that something else can work with men. Quite often, such hot things in adolescence suffered from frustrations.

    If a person prefers to the sporting style of clothing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, then on the one hand it can reproduce the impression that a person cares about his body. He is a sports person, but with this it is necessary to be rather cautious, as often people who prefer sports style can accept for slovenly people, especially when they are accompanied by the smell of sweat.

    There are also women who can be said that they do not have the age of , that is, they have great taste, but they dress just like young girls, the difference with which is 20 years or more, that is, theyprefer a leggings, mini-skirts, tops, dresses in the style of "baby-dollar", etc.

    Behind this lies the fear of aging, because the years go by, and the reluctance to watch this fear grows in the face, and you do not want to recognize the natural processes. Sometimes it happens that looking at this or that woman, you can say that she was stuck in the time when she was young and continues to dress in the same style. In this case, you can make the assumption that it was at that time that she was really happy. If, on the contrary, a woman dresses much older than her age actually is, in that case, most likely she believes that the best times have already passed and she simply waved her hand, and for her life goals and even may experience problems withsetting goals that directly affect her personally.

    Gothic style is a dress style, in which a lot of black color prevails, stockings in a mesh, even a studded collar is possible, which is a feature of the Gothic style. This kind for many can tell you that you are using this style of clothing to express your personality, and many may find that you are aggressive, depressed, inaccessible and insecure.

    As for Casual style - this is when girls or guys prefer jeans and t-shirts, and do not wear anything else. This style is perfect for a weekend, but if this style is for you daily clothing, it can make you feel like a one-sided personality, with a complete lack of creativity.

    Women who believe that clothing should be simple and uncomplicated , and that its direct function to hide the mistress's faults, they do not like looking in the mirror. These women do not like to go shopping, and buy things, because they need to be tried on there. In the closet these women have quite a few identical, baggy boring sweaters, practical pants - gray, black or brown.

    About such people you can say that they can not afford to wear beautiful and bright clothes, because they think that they are too far from the ideal, and thus they do not even try to show their figure in a winning light, since already in advanceare confident that their efforts will end in failure and beauty is not theirs. Quite often, a companion of such people is a sense of guilt, which in turn arises when they allow themselves to be pampered.

    There is also such a type of women as eternal mummies , they see their lives washed away in children, and they have neither the time nor the energy for themselves. The wardrobe of such women consists mainly of comfortable things that are able to withstand any washing. Classical clothes moms - it's t-shirts, jeans, jackets depending on the season. Quite often it happens that the child has long since graduated from school, and his mother is dressing all the same, as if she had a small child, who at any moment can stain her.

    Of course, being a good mother and wife is a natural desire of any woman. It's quite another thing when women are too addicted to this role and completely forget about everything else. The main problem of such women is that they can not meet their needs.

    Tips on how to use clothing to your advantage

    In fact, most people's clothing is a combination of different styles. Perhaps in one you will dress in Casual style, and on the next day give preference to a strict business suit. The key to using clothes in your interests is to dress in such a way as to feel ready to conquer the world.

    With this attitude to clothes and to your style, it has a direct impact on your abilities and mood in general.

    When dressing, note the following:

    • You should wear such clothing that fits your figure. Do not forget that in order to look good, it is not necessary to wear expensive clothes only. Dressing should always be in accordance with the case( a business suit will be needed for work).
    • Do not be afraid to show your personality when using accessories, colors or unique cut.
    • Sometimes it's worth going beyond comfort. That is, if you prefer a T-shirt and jeans, you should try to wear an elegant, beautiful costume and listen to your feelings.
    • Clothes should bring you joy. Do not take it too seriously.
    • It is necessary to wear only those clothes in which you will feel good and comfortable.
    • From clothes that are associated with some negative emotions, it is worth getting rid of.
    • Do not constantly dress the same way, otherwise you risk that your life will be monotonous, you will thus set yourself a day ahead, that it will be the same as the previous one, and this in turn means that nothing newwill happen. Do not be afraid to change your position. Try for a change to wear something special, even if the day is ordinary, and pay attention to what you feel.
    • Do not worry about the fact that you can not go one step further with fashion, just need to update your wardrobe regularly, getting rid of the items that were worn in the past decades.

    Learn to properly accent your dresses. When choosing an outfit, you should select one thing, either hands or feet. Hide any shortcomings, and thereby emphasize your features will help clothes, tailored to order. If you are faced with the choice of wearing pants or a dress, then the dress in turn will emphasize your femininity.