  • How to lose weight by 10 kg?

    This is the fastest - respectively, the most dangerous to health - the way to say goodbye to the hated ten extra pounds. We advise you to resort to it only in extreme cases.

    So, how to lose 10 kg per week? To begin with, we offer several options for the most effective diets for weight loss, which will help achieve your goal.

    Unloading fasting for 7 days

    Day one.6 glasses of mineral water without gas during the day.

    The second day.4 cups of milk throughout the day, a green apple at bedtime( at 21.00).

    The third day.6 glasses of mineral water without gas during the day.

    Day four. Vegetable salad of white cabbage, carrots and various greens, dressed with 1 tbsp.vegetable oil( preferably olive).The volume of salad is a liter pot, it needs to be divided into 3 portions.2 cups water or unsweetened green tea. Day five.4 cups of milk throughout the day.

    The sixth day. Breakfast - boiled soft boiled egg, a glass of unsweetened tea. The second breakfast is a glass of vegetable broth( potatoes, carrots, cabbage).Lunch - 100 gr.boiled beef, 100 gr.canned green peas. For a snack, dinner and a second dinner( before going to bed) - one apple.

    The seventh day. Throughout the day - half a cup( 100 grams) of cottage cheese, 2 cups of milk, before going to bed - 1 glass of green tea without sugar.

    This fasting is quite effective, but not everyone will take it out.

    Fruit Diet for a Week

    Another effective way of how to lose weight by 10 kg for a week is a strict fruit diet. For 7 days you need to eat 10 kg of any fruit( except grapes, bananas, dates).Daily consumption of water( tea) should be 2 cups.

    Day one.1 kg of fruit.

    Day two.1.5 kg of fruit. Day three, fourth and fifth.2 kg of fruit. Day Six.1.5 kg of fruit.

    The seventh day.1 kg of fruit.

    How to lose 10 kg for a week without diets?

    If you do not want to torture yourself with diets, you can try a number of miracle slimming products that promise an impressive result for the first 7 days of use. Tablets, plasters or insoles for weight loss - choose you. The extreme measure is liposuction - with its help you can get rid of badly kilograms for a few hours, but the consequences of this operation are very many on health.

    How to lose 10 kg in 10 days?

    Reset 10 kg in 10 days is more real than a week. However, here you can not do without a strict diet - in this case, vegetable.

    Vegetable Diet for 10 days

    The daily quantity of products offered should be divided into 4-5 receptions. You also need to drink about 1.5 liters of mineral water a day without gas or unsweetened green tea.

    Day one. Puree from 1 kg of potatoes.

    Day two.1 - 1.5 kg of fresh cabbage.

    The third day.1 kg of cooked beetroot. Day four.1 kg of raw carrots. Day five.1 kg of apples.

    The sixth day.1 kg of fresh cucumbers.

    The seventh day.1 kg of apples. Day eight.1 liter of low-fat milk. Day nine.1 liter of low-fat kefir.

    Day the tenth.100 gr.boiled rice.

    How to lose 10 kg per month?

    Undoubtedly, the most real and safest way to lose weight by 10 kg is "long-playing" diets of 1-2 months. In addition, for such a period you can lose weight and without the help of diets.

    Diet for weight loss of 10 kg, calculated for the month

    Repeat the menu offered 3 days for a month.

    Day One. Breakfast - 2 tbsp.brewed oatmeal, 1 small banana, a glass of low-fat kefir. The second breakfast is an apple or an orange. Lunch - 150 gr.salad from any vegetables, 2 tbsp.liver pate, 2 slices of rye bread, a glass of low-fat milk. Snack - an apple or a pear. Dinner - 100 gr.boiled or steamed fish, 100 gr.boiled vegetables, 50 gr.boiled rice. The second dinner is a glass of low-fat yogurt.

    Second day. Breakfast - 3 tablespoons.muesli, 1 small banana, a glass of low-fat milk. The second breakfast is an apple or a pear. Lunch - 100 g of beef or chicken meat, 2 slices of whole grain bread, 150 gr.vegetable salad. Snack - orange or grapefruit. Dinner - 1 small baked potato, 150 gr.salad from vegetables. The second dinner is a glass of low-fat kefir.

    The third day. Breakfast - 3 tablespoons.muesli, a glass of low-fat milk. The second breakfast is an apple or a pear. Lunch - 100 gr.cooked beans, 150 gr.salad from fresh vegetables, a glass of low-fat kefir. Snack - a glass of low-fat yogurt. Dinner - 1 baked potato, 2 slices of black bread, 100 g of beef or chicken meat. The second dinner is a glass of low-fat kefir.

    How to lose weight on 10 kg for a month without diets?

    For this period, you can lose 10 kg without strict diets and expensive miracle products for weight loss.

    First of all, you need to adjust your diet, start eating properly and balanced. Eat no more than 1500 calories a day. To do this, you need to carefully read the table of caloric content of products and carefully compile a daily menu, excluding from it all sweets, flour, fatty, spicy and smoked sauces, alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

    lean on green vegetables - they help to rid the body of harmful substances, promote the normalization of metabolic processes, the burning of excess fats. Buckwheat and oatmeal porridge, fresh and boiled vegetables, fresh fruit, wholemeal bread, beef, chicken, and fish should be an obligatory component of the menu. It is necessary to drink a lot - at least 2 liters of mineral water without gas, unsweetened green or black tea, herbal decoctions.

    Every evening( no earlier than 17.00) perform a set of exercises bodyflex, callanetics or yoga. If possible, visit the pool and sauna. You are more in the open air - just stroll or jog.

    Try to avoid stress, which can lead to a desire to eat. Work on self-improvement, engage in self-training, every day mentally tell yourself that you will certainly lose weight. Daily weigh on the scales and rejoice in each weight dropped.

    That's all ways of how to lose 10 kg per week, 10 days and within a month. We advise you not to hurry up and lose weight without harm to your health. Lucky you!

    Quick and easy to lose weight by 10 kilograms - the dream of many people suffering from lush forms. Is it possible? If you want and follow certain rules - yes. However, do not forget that such a sharp loss in weight can not affect the body's condition in a positive way. Therefore, in choosing the method to throw off the extra 10 kg, give preference to longer versions of the diet.

    How to lose 10 kg per week?