  • How to detect hidden diabetes? Its causes and treatment

    Hidden diabetes is also called latent diabetes. The name is well founded - the disease proceeds without manifesting any of its symptoms or symptoms. People who suffer from this disease feel completely normal. To reveal the latent diabetes it is possible only with the help of tests for tolerance to carbohydrates.

    The index above 120 mg on an empty stomach and 200 mg after a meal will be a characteristic sign that this person develops a latent form of the disease.

    Dangers of latent diabetes

    If it was previously thought that the problems and complications begin in people who have increased blood glucose, then today everything is a little different. Disorders of human health occurs much earlier. At this time, the future diabetes mellitus does not yet manifest itself, and many analyzes will not show any deviation from the norm.

    But human vessels begin to suffer already at the stage of latent diabetes. Sharply increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. In people who are in a state of latent diabetes, the risk of death from a heart attack or stroke is several times higher than in people with normal metabolism. People with these problems are also more likely to develop heart failure. Problems with vision and nerves are observed in every tenth person who suffers from concealed diabetes mellitus.

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    How to detect latent diabetes?

    At usual inspection on a diabetes mellitis blood on a sugar take on an empty stomach. This analysis is not able to reveal the latent form of the disease. To determine it, you need to conduct a test for glucose load. To begin with, determine the level of sugar in the blood, then give a drink of 75 grams of glucose dissolved in water and eat a sweet loaf. Then the blood is taken for analysis again.

    In healthy people, all indicators will return to normal, and in people with underlying diabetes, the amount of glucose in the blood will be increased. If deviations are observed, then treatment is recommended to begin immediately, without waiting for the development of a classic disease. A diet with hidden diabetes is needed, as well as some other measures about which will be discussed in this article a little later.

    Risk Factors

    Three times more often hidden diabetes is found in women who have polycystic ovary syndrome. A low level of potassium in the blood is another risk factor that directly affects the development of this disease. Especially, hypertension should be feared, the increased pressure of which promotes frequent urination and the excretion of potassium from the body. People with overweight and obesity, poor heredity also constitute a risk group. Often this problem is faced by women who, during pregnancy, suffered a temporary form.

    This is important! Only half of the patients go to type II diabetes mellitus. If the condition described in time to identify and take all the necessary measures, the development of the disease can be avoided.

    Prevention and treatment of pre-diabetes

    Treatment of latent diabetes does not require much effort. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the normalization of your own weight and the provision of constant physical activity. The fact is that in physical exercises, muscles absorb twenty times more glucose. The most useful will be swimming, biking and just walking. The load should not be excessively large. It is enough to walk or swim for half an hour a day. For example, you can not only engage in exercises, but abandon the elevator or start cleaning the apartment yourself.

    Modern medicine has developed some drugs that are ways to stop the development of diabetes. For example, "Acarbose" or "Metformin".But for these drugs to have their effects, they need to be taken regularly for several years. Therefore, a change in lifestyle with latent diabetes will be much more effective than taking medications. Normalization of weight and minimal physical activity will reduce the risk of developing the disease in half.

    There are also some plants that are able to slightly reduce the amount of glucose in the blood. But only herbs, of course, can not cope with hidden diabetes. However, they will not be a hindrance in the desire to stop the development of the disease. For example, blueberries, dandelion roots, flax seeds, dry leaves of green bean pods proved to be excellent.

    To normalize weight during the period of latent diabetes, it is recommended to reduce to a minimum the consumption of fats and alcohol. Especially it is impossible to use such a diagnosis to use sausages, sausages, sausages and fatty cheeses. Vegetable side dishes should become dishes of the daily diet. Because vegetables are a source of potassium, which is very important in the latent form of this disease. In an unlimited number of allowed to eat nuts and legumes, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, celery, liver.

    Seafood, white poultry meat and veal will be useful for a diet due to this condition. Sugar, caffeine, ice cream, condensed milk, sweet drinks - all this is recommended to be excluded from the diet. Also, to prevent the development of atherosclerosis, which often occurs in people with latent diabetes, it is necessary to limit products containing cholesterol. These include mayonnaise, egg yolk, fatty dairy products.

    Despite the fact that hidden diabetes develops without obvious symptoms, this disease can be identified if you consult a doctor. If the disease is detected in the early stages, then the risk of developing the disease and the transition of latent diabetes to a more severe form can be minimized.

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