  • Causes of glucosuria and its main manifestations

    Glucosuria is an increase in the concentration of sugar in the urine - this is quite an alarming symptom, which should immediately be paid attention. The main danger of the situation is that such a sign often appears only at the critical stage of the disease, when the success of the organization of treatment is minimized.

    Symptoms and manifestations of glucosuria

    Naturally, the increase in the concentration of sugar in the urine can not be asymptomatic, therefore there are a large number of signs that indicate the presence of this ailment. Initially, it is necessary to pay attention to a strong thirst, when a person can not even for a short time dispense without drinking. Usually, thirst is so strong that for a day a person drinks such a quantity of water, which is several times higher than the norm recommended for daily drinking. In this regard, patients complain of frequent urge to urinate, usually at night.

    Symptoms of glucosuria are diverse and one more sign of the development of pathology is a sharp decrease in body weight, a feeling of constant weakness of the body and fatigue.

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    A vivid manifestation of the disease is the dryness of the skin, a person is concerned about irritation and itching all over the body, especially in the genital area.

    Symptoms of glucosuria include serious deterioration of the visual organs, increased drowsiness and constant depression.

    If a person finds at least one of these symptoms, it is best to see a doctor as soon as possible in order to identify threats to one's own health and develop the right treatment after consulting a specialist. Appropriate therapy will make it possible to get rid of the complications of pathology and reduce the concentration of sugar in the urine, subsequently maintaining its normal parameters.

    Glucosuria can develop with increasing blood glucose concentration or with a decrease in the threshold of the kidneys, therefore the following forms of this pathology are classified:

    • Almentary - is manifested by increasing the glucose concentration for a short time, usually after eating foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates.
    • Emotional - the concentration of glucose increases against the background of frequent stressful situations.
    • Glucosuria is often diagnosed in women in the position.

    If any signs of glucosuria are found, a person should urgently visit an endocrinologist or urologist.

    Types of glucosuria

    This symptom, like glucosuria, can manifest itself in various types - diurnal, renal, renal, each of which has its own characteristics. When identifying the danger of this feature, you first need to establish its appearance, and then make a decision about developing the right treatment.

    • Renal glucosuria is usually manifested due to congenital kidney pathologies, when a large amount of sugar is excreted from the body. In this regard, sugar is constantly found in the urine, and the patients feel strong hunger, weakness and fatigue. Treatment of such ailment presupposes compliance with a special diet in order to maintain the level of sugar in the body in the norm. Glucosuria in diabetes mellitus is often renal - and the patient needs additional treatment. Renal glucosuria in children develops on the condition that the child has genetic defects of the enzyme system in the renal tubules. If the concentration of glucose in the urine exceeds the level of physiological norm, then this indicates a pathology. In severe cases, children exhibit clinical symptoms - a feeling of hunger and severe weakness caused by high glucose losses in the body. This disease in the child may be the reason for the lag in physical development.
    • Renal glucosuria - the release of sugar in the urine with its normal concentration in the blood. This type of pathology can be primary or secondary. The peculiarity of the primary renal glucosuria is a violation of glucose absorption, in connection with which, the renal threshold decreases. Symptomatics does not manifest itself strongly, because metabolic processes do not occur in the body, but the consequences of the disease can be dangerous. Secondary renal glucosuria makes itself felt in chronic kidney damage - kidney failure or nephrosis.
    • Daily glucosuria is an increase in the concentration of sugar in the urine for a day. According to normal indices, the glucose concentration in the body does not exceed the renal threshold and the laboratory examination does not determine glucosuria. Also, the deviation of results from normal indices is not always evidence of a person's pathology, they can manifest themselves with frequent consumption of sweet and fruit foods or during excessive physical exertion. In this regard, the detection of daily glucosuria will require additional examination of the body.

    Factors provoking glucosuria

    As a rule, in healthy people, glucosuria is poorly manifested, and it can be identified only through a laboratory examination. Also, the survey will help establish the main causes of glucosuria.

    To independent pathologies include such a disease as renal glucosuria. Usually it is diagnosed accidentally, and the following can be attributed to the reasons for its development:

    • insufficient insulin in the body;
    • impaired kidney or liver function;
    • disrupting the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism;
    • frequent consumption of food with a high carbohydrate content.

    Diagnosis of glucosuria

    Diagnosis of renal glucosuria is performed with normal fasting glycemia. Glucosuria is confirmed by the detection of glucose in the urine in three subsequent analyzes, provided that there is no change in the concentration of sugar in the blood.

    The process of treatment of glucosuria

    There was no effective drug therapy against this disease, therefore the treatment of glucosuria is carried out by observing a strict diet.

    In most cases, renal glucosuria is also not required. An important aspect in the development of this pathology is the provision of an adult human or child with proper nutrition. It is important to prevent the development of hyperglycemia, in which the concentration of sugar in the urine will increase. To prevent this process, it is important to control the carbohydrate content of the food you eat.

    People suffering from kidney glucosuria lose a lot of potassium, so in their diet, you need to include a large number of products containing it. A lot of potassium is found in legumes, sprouted grain and in vegetables. If the diet is maintained, the prognosis of the disease remains favorable.

    Glucosuria, as a rule, is inherited, so a good preventive maintenance of the disease is conducting medical genetic counseling for future parents. Children with a disease of renal glucosuria should be under the constant supervision of specialists.

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