  • The main symptoms of hyperglycemia and its distinctive features

    This pathology, like hyperglycemia, is considered one of the signs of impaired carbohydrate metabolism. Often this disorder is triggered by diabetes mellitus, and in this case, so-called persistent glycemia is diagnosed. In some cases, the causes of the development of the disease may be transitory, for example, excessive sweetness in food or transferred stress. The last two reasons gave the name of hyperglycemia temporary. In medicine, sometimes there is also a reactive glycemia, which is a consequence of changes in hemodynamics in myocardial infarction, stroke and trauma.

    Severity of the symptom is determined by the conditional degree:

    • mild hyperglycemia, in which the blood sugar level does not exceed 10 mmol / l;
    • the average severity of hyperglycemia is from 10 to 16 mmol / l;
    • is a severe stage when the sugar level exceeds 16 mmol / l.
    • Precomatitis or coma may occur if the patient has exceeded 16.5 mmol / l.

    The causes of hyperglycemia may be associated with an insulin hormone deficiency, the decrease of which becomes the result of increased permeability of the cell walls for glucose, which ultimately leads to increased blood sugar. By this principle, hyperglycemia develops with the first type of diabetes mellitus.

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    The development of temporary hyperglycemia is usually attributed to the excessive intake of simple carbohydrates and their splitting. The release of excess in this case occurs in the liquid media of the human body, including blood.

    The emergence of reactive hyperglycemia provokes malfunctions in the production of hormones acting as insulin antagonists. Thus, an insulin-deficient organism takes the impact of hyperglycemia on itself. However, with elimination of the factors that caused the increased production of insulin antagonists, the disease is cured. Hence the name - "temporary hyperglycemia."

    Alarming symptoms of hyperglycemia, its prognosis

    The first manifestation of hyperglycemia is an increased thirst. As the amount of liquids increases, so does the toilet, accompanied by excessive urination. If the person who has the patient has diabetes mellitus, he can complain about rapid loss of body weight, although the appetite is not just good, but heightened.

    Acute stage of the disease is supplemented by a drop in blood pressure, an increase in ketone bodies in the blood and dehydration of the body. All this leads to serious health problems even after adjusting the functions of carbohydrate metabolism.

    All of these symptoms with hyperglycaemia reactive type lead to death of patients who are in an acute period of diseases such as heart attack or stroke.

    The forecast in conditions of untimely assistance or in its complete absence is most often unfavorable. In addition, episodes of hyperglycemia become provocateurs of Langerhans cell death and can lead to the development of diabetes. Medical statistics found that an increase in mortality in patients with heart attack and stroke of approximately 20% is observed against a background of hyperglycemia.

    Arthroscopic hyperglycemia

    In patients with diabetes mellitus, high resistance to hyperglycemia is noted. In addition, they are still developing hyperglycemia. As a result of a long fasting, which is about 10 hours, the percentage of carbohydrates in the blood increases.

    The normal state is when the blood test for fasting is determined as 3.3 to 5.5 mmol / l. An indicator exceeding the threshold of this value signals a pathological level of glucose concentration. Patients with severe disease have hyperglycaemia with a hypertension exceeding 7 mmol / l.

    With proper treatment, signs of hyperglycemia, which are thirst, lethargy, drowsiness, skin itching, dry mouth, polyuria, should disappear.

    Diagnostics - a morning blood test is usually performed on an empty stomach in order to obtain more reliable information, otherwise carbohydrates that have lingered in the blood after eating can affect the results of the analysis. To accurately establish the diagnosis of "diabetes" blood sampling is repeated after several hours.

    After diagnosis, confirmation of diagnosis and received treatment, a person must at least once a month donate blood for biochemical analysis. Patients with severe diabetes, whose baseline index exceeds 12 mmol / l, should constantly monitor themselves, using indicators and testers designed to determine the amount of glucose in the blood.

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