  • What is the diet with increased blood sugar

    The norm for human blood sugar should be 3.3-3.5 mmol / l. This number is the same for both children and parents. But during the day this level may be somewhat exceeded by digestion, but this is the norm.

    But if at the check two or more times in a row the blood test shows that you have a sugar level exceeding 5.5 mmol / l, then this is the reason for going to the doctors. They, in turn, will tell in more detail how to normalize blood sugar.

    The cause of increased blood sugar is the inability of the body to suck insulin from the blood. And any doctor, when referring to him, if you have elevated sugar levels will prescribe you a diet, which, alas, you will have to observe almost all the time. But it will help you to keep the level of insulin in the norm.

    Drawing up the menu

    Diet with increased blood sugar - № 9. Its feature is the restriction of carbohydrates, primarily from sweets. Completely, of course, the sweet can not be refused, but the amount of consumption must be controlled. Ideally, your diet for protein, fat and carbohydrate content should be balanced approximately in such proportions:

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    • Proteins - 15-25%.
    • Carbohydrates - 45-50%.
    • Fats - 30-35%.

    Also, when compiling an individual diet, one must take into account the body weight, whether there are chronic diseases, and the peculiarity of labor activity. If the activity is associated with high physical loads, then the calorie content of food should be slightly increased. You should also consider the possibility of allergy to certain dietary products. It is also necessary to completely abandon tobacco products and the use of alcohol-containing beverages, including beer. In this case, it is recommended to monitor the sugar content in the blood daily.

    What you can eat that can not be

    First of all you need to limit the use of such foods that contain so-called light carbohydrates. It's sugar in its pure form, all candy, jam and confectionery. Of the fruits in this list are raisins, grapes, figs. These fruits contain glucose, which is quickly absorbed into the blood and instantly increases blood sugar levels at times. It is always worth remembering that the increased level of sugar in the blood is difficult to normalize.

    You can eat vegetables without special restrictions: fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, cauliflower and cabbage, lettuce, pumpkin, zucchini and eggplant. Do not forget about parsley, dill, onions, carrots and beets.

    From bakery products you need to eat those that contain less carbohydrates. Basically it is wheat or rye bread with bran. And the amount of bread consumed must be correlated with medical restrictions. For example, if a dietician recommends eating 300 grams of carbohydrates, then about 130 can be obtained from bread, and the rest will have to be taken from vegetables and cereals.

    Many people are interested in the question, but can you eat natural honey with high blood sugar? Doctors do not mind, but the amount of honey should be limited to 2-3 teaspoons a day.

    Fruits are useful apples, currants black, broth of wild rose, natural fruit juices without sugar.

    You can increase the consumption of dairy products, such as cottage cheese, cheese, kefir. They help limit carbohydrates and increase the amount of protein in the human body.

    Diet with sugar in the blood or what to replace sugar?

    This question is asked by most of those who are diagnosed with elevated sugar for the first time. One of the substitutes for natural sugar is xylitol. To the taste it is almost equal to sugar, but unlike it, xylitol practically does not affect the level of sugar in the blood. After all, its calorific value is only 4 kcal per gram.

    The only restriction on the use of xylitol is that it is recommended per day not more than 30-35 grams. Exceeding this recommended dose may lead to a disordered stool.
    There is another substitute for natural sugar - it's fruit sugar or fructose. It can be found in almost all fruits and vegetables, and is also found in bee honey. It can be used as a substitute, but only in a very limited amount. Otherwise, the sugar level will rise. In other words, nutrition with sugar in the blood should be balanced and rational.

    Also it is not necessary at reception of the diagnosis - the raised or increased sugar, to pass to the products intended for diabetics. If you do not have diabetes, then such foods are more likely to be harmful to you. And as a prophylaxis they should not be used.

    Rules for a diet with increased sugar

    • There are 5-6 times, but this does not mean that during each meal you need to eat up to the heap.
    • Take a meal at a specific time.
    • Eat less salt and sugar.
    • Drink plenty of clean water.
    • Exclude from its diet all fried, fatty, floury.
    • Your diet should consist of:
    • Vegetable and meat low-fat soups.
    • Bread. Approximately 300 grams per day. Sour-milk products, unsalted cheese.
    • All kinds of cereals, except manna.
    • Fresh fruits and vegetables.

    And yet. Those who have been diagnosed with elevated blood sugar are not allowed to go on hunger strikes. If you practice such methods of cleaning your body, then they will have to be forgotten.

    If you comply with all the conditions of the diet, you can easily maintain the sugar level in the norm. After all, no matter how beaten it sounded, your health is in your hands, but it tells the truth, and only you can control your state of health. And if you do not do this, then the best doctors will not be able to help you.

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