  • Prevention of hyperopia - how to act correctly?

    Hyperopia is an eye disease in which the image is focused not on the retina itself, but behind it. The eyeball is shortened with farsightedness, a small diameter of the cornea and a small anterior chamber of the eyeball are observed.

    The disease is very insidious, because it is very often difficult to recognize it. A weak degree of farsightedness can be hidden behind one hundred percent vision. It is especially dangerous not to notice the development of hyperopia in childhood, when the visual function is plastic enough and you can correct the situation by correcting this visual impairment. If the disease is detected in time, then there is a very high probability of successful treatment of hyperopia.

    Overfatigue of the vision organs in the farsightedness is expressed by asthenic manifestations. Children often and quickly get tired, become irritable, withdrawn, complain of headaches. There are difficulties in studying, as the ability to concentrate on work is reduced.

    Early diagnosis of the disease also avoids the occurrence of serious complications( convergent friendly strabismus, amblyopia, glaucoma).

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    Pay special attention! The causes of hyperopia in children may be inadequate conditions of the educational process. If the child began to learn badly, be capricious, quickly tired with visual stress, then it is necessary to check the vision of the child by contacting an ophthalmologist! You also need to know that a routine examination with an ophthalmologist can not help detect hyperopia. This will require a special ophthalmological examination.

    Mechanism for the development of hyperopia

    In this disease, the cause of hyperopia is a reduction in the size of the eyeball from front to back, there is insufficient depth of the anterior chamber and a small, narrow pupil. In this situation, only the converging rays can make the image clear, however, they do not exist in nature.

    If a clear display of visible objects on the retina is impossible, then in this case the accommodation mechanism works, which makes it possible to compensate for missing diopters by moving the image onto the retina.

    If the image is closer to the eye, then the accommodation device is forced to work more than with normal vision. Therefore, with farsightedness, the compensatory possibilities of the organism are exhausted earlier. Therefore, earlier there is a need for correction of hypermetropia with a stronger lens.

    What happens with the farsightedness of

    Such patients see objects at bad distances at all distances. At the same time, when the objects approach the eyes, the image deteriorates even more. The rays from the surrounding objects at a closer distance become divergent, so the far-sighted eye is more difficult to focus them than the parallel rays. This requires additional voltage.

    The concept that defines the name of the disease "farsightedness" is that such patients in the distance see better than at a closer distance.

    When reading without glasses, a long-sighted person will squint, strain his eyes, blink frequently, experience discomfort, quickly becoming tired of such a procedure. With a low degree of hypermetropia( up to 2 dpt.), The eye can cope on its own, including the accommodation function. At medium and high degree( up to 4 dpt and more) correction for distant and close distances is required.

    Basic principles for the prevention of hyperopia

    As measures to prevent the onset of eye disease, certain rules must be observed:

    1. Lighting mode. Reading, writing and other visual loads should be done only in good light, using a top light or a table lamp with a power of 60-100 watts. Do not use fluorescent lights. We must try not to combine artificial and natural lighting.
    2. Mode of visual loads. It is necessary to monitor the duration of visual loads, pauses and breaks, rest your eyes. It is better to alternate tense visual work with active rest, gymnastics, perform special exercises for the eyes during breaks.
    3. Gymnastics for the eyes. A special complex of eye exercises is recommended to be performed every 30-40 minutes. Exercises include relaxing gymnastics and training eye muscles, charging elements.
    4. Special training of eye muscles. It is carried out under the supervision of an ophthalmologist. Laser stimulation, computer correction, the use of eye drops, courses of preventive gymnastics to strengthen the eye muscles responsible for accommodation.
    5. Early detection and correct correction of weak degree of farsightedness. This will help to avoid the development of high degrees and progression of the disease, as well as the occurrence of complications.
    6. Activities aimed at strengthening the body as a whole. Swimming, massage and contrast shower of the collar zone, active way of life - activities that will help reduce the risk of eye diseases.
    7. Rational, full-fledged nutrition. Food must contain the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for the body, vitamins( especially group A) and trace elements, such as zinc, copper, chromium, manganese, etc.

    Exercises for the prevention of hyperopia:

    • Solarization. If you need to relax your eyes with prolonged reading and writing, you can use the effect of a candle or the sun. You need to concentrate your eyes on the candle flame or the sun and alternate slow turns of the head to the right and left. Exercise for 10 minutes. The sun is better to use a dull( at dawn and at sunset).
    • Watch. Close eyes. Mentally imagine the clock face. Rotate the head clockwise, glancing at all the numbers, then repeat the exercise counter-clockwise. Eyes must be closed! Repeat 5-6 times.
    • Massage of biological points. Click on the points at the beginning of the eyebrows from the side of the nose. Perform rotations with pressure. Exercise should be repeated 5-10 times.
    • Palmning( relaxation).You should take a comfortable sitting or lying position, close your eyes, cover them with your hands. Maximum relax and think only about pleasant things. You can imagine the sea, a beautiful landscape. Imagine that from the palms of your hands a pleasant warmth comes to your eyes. The exercise should take at least 5 minutes. You can repeat during the day 3-4 times.
    • "Far close".This exercise can be performed in school, office and at home. Looking at the window, you need to focus on any point on the glass. Then you need to look at any other point in the distance, in the same direction, without looking to the other side. This can be the roof of the house, the top of the tree, etc. The main thing is to alternate the distance "close - far."This exercise very well trains the eye muscles, stimulating accommodation.
    • We write with a "nose".This exercise is like children. It is necessary to close your eyes and smoothly take out the letter with your nose. Exercise well relaxes the muscles of the visual apparatus.

    Active exercises, including turns, inclinations, relaxing elements, should be performed during prolonged visual exertion. They are a good prevention of hyperopia and other visual impairments, not only in children, but also in adults.

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