  • Vasomotor rhinitis: symptoms and treatment, causes

    What is it - the violation of nasal breathing, stuffy nose can be the first indicators of such a disease as vasomotor rhinitis.

    This ailment appears due to the swelling of the nasal concha, because of this, the mechanism of regulation of the tone of the blood vessels in the nasal cavity is disturbed.

    Vessels eventually lose the possibility of self-constriction, increases mucous, and breathing is very difficult. The disease can provoke a bacterial or viral infection, an allergic reaction. The onset of the disease is also activated by factors such as stressful situations, dirty air, spicy food and others.

    Reasons for vasomotor rhinitis

    Why does vasomotor rhinitis occur, and what is it? The reasons for this ailment can be quite a lot.

    In any condition or somatic disease, due to which there is a violation of the tone of blood vessels, there may be a vasomotor rhinitis.

    To such reasons it is possible to carry:

    • VSD.
    • reduced blood pressure( see symptoms of hypotension).
    • instagram viewer
    • endocrine diseases.
    • polyps in the nose.
    • pregnancy.
    • adenoids( see how to treat adenoids).
    • use of oral contraceptives.
    • curvature of the nose.
    • spines and crests in the nasal septum.
    • allergic reactions.
    • use in excessive amounts of nasal drugs, narrowing the vessels.
    The disease appears due to changes in the excitability of the central and peripheral parts of the central nervous system. As a result, there is an incorrect reaction of the nasal mucosa to some form of external stimuli. The mucous nose responds to this condition by the hyperactivity of the vascular and neurovegetative membranes. After that, worried about excessive swelling and secretory reactions.

    In the epithelial layer, certain changes are observed in this type of rhinitis, there is a deterioration in the transport and ciliary activity of the ciliated epithelium. Sometimes this ailment is defined in the form of angioedema. Contribute to the further spread of the disease deteriorating functions of the gastrointestinal tract, prolonged hypothermia of the body.

    Classification of

    After studying vasomotor rhinitis, physicians divided it into 2 main forms. Symptoms, causes and treatment depend on the species of rhinitis.

    1) Neurovegetative rhinitis. This form of the disease is formed in patients with problems of the autonomic nervous system. Because of problems with nervous mechanisms, rhinitis appears when there is an irritating reaction in the nasal mucosa. If there is a neurovegetative rhinitis, there are seizures, usually in the morning. The mucous becomes pale, cyanotic, and swollen. When the attack subsides, the mucosa becomes normal and no longer disturbs the patient.

    Because vasoconstrictive drugs can only worsen your situation, consult a doctor. Having identified the main cause provoking the disease, you can eliminate and rhinitis. For the treatment to be effective, the doctor prescribes astringent, hyposensitizing drugs, physiotherapy, laser treatment. If the disease is severe, it is possible that the operation can not be avoided. It is conducted in the form of conchotomy, moxibustion, cryosurgery, etc. This method of treatment gives a 100% guarantee of further recovery! Note that the use of traditional medicine in the case of neurovegetative rhinitis is ineffective.

    2) Allergic vasomotor rhinitis. It is year-round and seasonal. Seasonal form of rhinitis is short-lived, allergens are usually the spores of mold fungi, plant pollen, library and house dust, insects. Seasonal form of rhinitis does not require surgical treatment.

    For recovery, antihistamines, vasoconstricting drops are suitable. With year-round rhinitis there is a risk of a cold at any time of the year. The operation is not effective. Treatment is the same as in the case of seasonal rhinitis, however, it is necessary to follow preventive measures more carefully.

    See also: how to treat allergic rhinitis.

    Symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis

    Vasomotor rhinitis appears initially, as a rule, in children after 7 years. Both neurovegetative and allergic form of vasomotor rhinitis are characterized by similar symptoms - increased fatigue, worsening of sleep, headaches. Also.especially in children, appetite worsens and memory decreases.

    Because of problems with nasal breathing, ventilation also decreases, which in turn worsens blood circulation in the brain and cardiovascular system.

    Patients suffering from vasomotor rhinitis often complain of shortness of breath. Also, they may be worried about secreting a large amount of mucus. Unpleasant sensation and stuffiness of the nose usually falls in the prone position. This is directly related to a new blood flow distribution, which causes the mucosa to swell even more.

    If breathing is disturbed, the itch in the nose is disturbed, and the patient is disturbed by sneezing and nasal discharge. There is an increase in sweating, lacrimation, hyperemia of the face and eyelids. After the acute phase of the disease is over, the mucosal tint normalizes, but the puffiness may persist.

    Provokes rhinitis stress, excessive hypothermia. In the interictal period, symptoms persist that are characteristic of breathing in nose. There is a rapid fatigue, a problem with sleep, tachycardia, worsening of hearing, headaches of paroxysmal form.

    Vasomotor rhinitis in children - symptoms and treatment

    Vasomotor rhinitis in children may be, as in adults - allergic or neurovegetative. Treatment also implies conservative and surgical methods. Operations for the child's body are practically not used. Therapy is performed depending on the cause that caused rhinitis.

    The main method of treating rhinitis in children is the constant washing of the nasal passages from the mucus that has accumulated. Washing is used with solutions of salt, both conventional cooked and sea. For babies it is suitable to clean the nose with a rubber pear. In addition, that it perfectly improves breathing, also purification makes it possible to use other drugs more effectively.

    Sometimes a doctor prescribes a vasoconstrictor or a spray. This is important with a significant swelling of the nasal mucosa. They should be used before bedtime and eating. Excessive use of these drugs threatens to weaken the immune system and mucosal atrophy! So be very careful! It is better to combine vasoconstrictor with drugs, which contain essential oils.

    Electrophoresis, ultrasound, laser are excellent physiotherapeutic forms of rhinitis treatment. In any clinic you can take a course of such procedures. In the treatment of a child's body, antihistamines, occasionally hormonal preparations, are also used. But such medicines are relevant only after consultation with the doctor.

    When vascular tone deteriorates and neurovegetative reactions, therapy is prescribed that reduces the excitability of the nervous system, eliminating the IRR.In addition, with neurovegetative rhinitis, physiotherapy is recommended. Thus, the walls of the vessels and mucosa are strengthened, and microcirculation is normalized.

    Sometimes vasomotor rhinitis provokes the release of mucus into the nasopharynx, which irritates the receptors of the shell, a cough appears. Because of a paroxysmal cough, there is a headache. Also, the child's sleep worsens, appetite worsens due to congestion of the nose and a decrease in oxygen in the blood.

    As a result, the memory age in the school age deteriorates: the concentration of attention, the ability to assimilate the texts decreases. Then progress in school declines.

    For infants, a stuffy nose is a deadly symptom! Since a baby under 1 year can not breathe through the mouth, he has to exert more effort to breathe through the narrowed ducts of the nose, filled with mucus.

    Because of this, the baby's body is exhausted, which can stop breathing. It is also impossible to breast-feed a child with a blocked nose. After eating, significant regurgitation is possible.

    Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

    Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis is primarily aimed at reducing symptoms. Used vasoconstrictive drugs, such as nazivin, tizin, nazole, ximelin. They are effective as an auxiliary for allergic and neurovegetative form of rhinitis, made in the form of aerosols and drops.

    In general, patients with severe deformities of the septum are recommended surgical intervention in the form of septoplasty. But since often the cause of the disturbed breathing of the nose is neurovegetative muscular dissociation of the mucosal vessels, in some cases it is recommended to rinse, that is, sanation of the nose with further restoration of the mucosa.

    Symptomatic treatment of vasomotor rhinitis also includes such surgical interventions as cauterization of silver nitrate salts, mechanical destruction of vascular plexuses for further scarring, galvanoacoustics.

    One of the most common treatment methods is the introduction of drugs through the nasal mucosa with the help of injections. This is a painless procedure called intra-nasal blockades.

    The functions of blockades depend only on specific preparations. So hormones, such as hydrocortisone, provoke a constriction of blood vessels, novocaine in turn improves blood flow in the mucosa. Etamsylate or dicinone strengthens the walls of the vessels. Based on this, the effect of therapy is expected. However, we note that the effectiveness of this method is lower compared to physiotherapy. Electrophoresis, laser, ultrasound, acting directly on the nasal mucosa, improves the patient's condition.

    Treatment methods:

    1. 1) Phonophoresis with hydrocortisone. Doctor with a stick, which has a button on the end, leads along the nasal mucosa. Ultrasound perfectly speeds up blood circulation.
    2. 2) Laser therapy. The blood flow accelerates, the vascular wall works in a new way,
    3. 3) Electrophoresis with calcium chloride. In the nose are inserted fleece soaked in a solution, they are connected to the electrodes. With the help of current, the wall of the vessels strengthens.

    Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis folk remedies

    Before using medications, try the forces of nature. To begin with, a diet is recommended for three weeks, with the exception of all milk. You need to eat fish and meat, drink fruit juices. Excellent helps Ukrainian dish - borsch.

    Folk recipes recommend the following drops for treatment, which can be used without harm to the body:

    • juice of grated beets by two drops.
    • juice of birch on 2 drops in each nostril, it is also necessary to drink juice inside.
    • the Kalanchoe juice is 7-8 drops in the nostrils.
    • aloe juice is three drops four times a day. After drowning your nose, tilt your head back and massage your nostrils.
    • menthol oil for 4-5 drops in each nostril.
    Take on the following recipes:

    1. 1) Excellent helps wash the nose. Take a teaspoon of honey, dissolve it in a tablespoon of water. Since honey has restorative and actibacterial qualities, it is good for them to remove pathogenic microorganisms.
    2. 2) Ointment from Vaseline and walnut leaves in a ratio of 10: 1 helps well. Also with the help of Vaseline you can make ointment from the flowers of calendula. When used in the nasal passages, change these ointments.
    3. 3) Mix mint oil and honey in a ratio of one to two. Next, spread 2 times a day with a mixture of the nostrils, which turned out.
    4. 4) Mix honey and St. John's wort oil in a 1: 1 ratio. Apply mass to a cotton swab twice daily.
    5. 5) Nasal massage is effective to activate mucus removal. Use lavender oil for massage. For two minutes, massage clockwise the index finger of the part at the base of the wings of the nose, as well as the central part of the bridge of the nose.

    How to learn how to breathe correctly?

    Exercises should be done daily, repeating them several times.

    1. 1) It is necessary to sit exactly in a position convenient for you.
    2. 2) Prepare a forefinger for the bridge of the nose, a large one for the wing of the right nose bridge, and the middle for the wing of the left side.
    3. 3) After a full exhalation, squeeze the nasal passage with your thumb.
    4. 4) Then inhale the air through the free left turn and then pinch it.
    5. 5) Hold the breath for eight seconds, then release the right nostril, exhaling completely.
    6. 6) The duration of exhalation is more than 2 times compared to the inspiration. Rest ten seconds, then repeat all the same with the right nasal passage. Only 10 repetitions.
    If you do this gymnastics for a month, after 30 days you will notice a good enough result. Passes even the chronic form of the common cold! Note that folk recipes are most relevant for the early stages of the manifestation of rhinitis, since vasomotor rhinitis is a fairly serious disease.

    Complications of

    Treatment of rhinitis is mandatory. Chronic form leads to such consequences as chronic sinusitis, proliferation in the nose of polyps, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses( see the symptoms of sinusitis) and the ear.

    Preventive measures include: full-fledged treatment;absence of factors.provoking the disease, in particular stress and hypothermia;use of folk methods. Observing the doctor's recommendations, and 100% following the necessary treatment, you can cope with such a problem as vasomotor rhinitis!

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