  • Homeopathy in Neurology - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. MF.

    Homeopathy, what is it?

    Homeopathy is a special form of regulating therapy, the purpose of which is to influence the processes of self-regulation with the help of specific homeopathic medicines and drugs selected strictly individually, taking into account the patient's reaction.

    The difference between homeopathy and conventional allopathic medicine is that:

    • It treats a person as a single, indivisible system.
    • Heals the body and soul at the same time.
    • Homeopathy cures the causes of the disease.
    • It does not affect harmful bacteria and viruses, but activates its own defenses.
    • Has fewer deadlocks when the doctor exclaims: "I do not know what to do next!"

    At the reception of a homeopath, a person should tell in detail everything about himself, beginning with birth, childhood problems and ending with the most seemingly small physiological symptoms( for example, sensation of a "hammered nail" in the right temple with changing weather).Selection of drugs is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. In homeopathy medicines are selected individually, treating not the disease, but the patient. Therefore, only a medication chosen by a doctor helps, and at the same time, the qualification of a doctor who can choose from many medicines suitable for this particular patient is of great importance.

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    Treatment is prescribed for 1,5 - 2 months. After the expiration of this period, a second appointment is necessary in order to track the dynamics of the change in the state and, if necessary, continue the treatment.

    The most effective family treatment, since miracle balls not only heal the body, but also, normalizing the energy of man, bring harmony into the family relationships. Perfectly give in to homeopathic treatment of children with a "difficult" character. It is possible to correct behavior problems, improve academic performance, etc.

    Most often, similar events repeat in our life, and we, without understanding ourselves, do not cease to be surprised by it. For an adult, this method can help unravel the tangle of psychological contradictions that torment him.

    Homeopathic treatment brings peace of mind to the human soul and enables you to change your stereotype of behavior by looking at yourself from the outside.

    The basic principle of homeopathy is "like treated like", i.e.diseases can be treated with negligible doses of those substances that in large doses cause symptoms similar to the symptoms of this disease. For example, a bee sting causes swelling and acute urinary retention, and homeopathic apis( a preparation made from a bee) is used to treat these symptoms, no matter what cause they are caused.

    Like allopathy, homeopathy( with a few exceptions) uses medicines borrowed from three kingdoms of nature: plants, animals and minerals. In homeopathy, plants, minerals, insects, animal secretions, chemical compounds, products of disease-nosodes( for example, tuberculin, own blood, diphtheria toxin, etc.) are used.

    Doses of homeopathic preparations may be different. They are called "dilutions" and are decimal or centennial. Decimal dilutions are prepared in this way: 10 parts of water are added to one part of the medicine, mixed and shaken to distribute the active substance evenly in the solution. The first decimal dilution is obtained. Then one part of this solution is combined with 9 parts of water, mixed and shaken - this is the second decimal dilution, etc. When preparing hundreds of doses, the technology is the same, but 99 parts of water are added to one part of the substance. The minimum used breeding is 3X - the third decimal breeding, the maximum - thousandths of a hundred dilutions. It is interesting that in dilutions more C12( 12th centene) there are no molecules of the active substance, only energy, "memory" of water works. Homeopathic medicines are released in the form of tinctures, pills, globules or grains, mixtures of highly diluted( dynamized) poisonous medicinal substances with a neutral solvent. In addition, homeopathic remedies have also been widely used as ointments, suppositories and rubbish( opodeldokov).

    For the preparation of tinctures, as a rule, extracts of the initial drug substance, prepared mostly by alcohol, are used. The grains are made from sugar, which is then impregnated with a drug substance.

    EDAS 111( drops), EDAS 911( granules) Coffea C6, Ignatia C6, Passiflora C6

    Take: 1-3 years 2 g.3-4 r.v day, 3-7 years 3-4 gr., Adult.8-10gr.

    Increased excitability, tearfulness, sleep disturbances.

    DREAM( granules) St. Petersburg Coffea D3, Hyoscyamus D3

    1 hour before bedtime, repeat at bedtime, repeat 2-3 times when waking up

    Restless sleep in small children with night terrors.

    GIPNOSED( granules), RF Passiflora D3, Ignatia D3

    Dosage is the same

    Soothing, normalizing excitation processes

    EDAS 306( syrup) Ambra C6, Passiflora D2, Pulsatilla C9, Tinct. Valerianae

    Children 1-3 years of age at 0.5 tea.l.2-3 r.in a day.3-15 years for 1 tea.l.2-3 r. Day

    Increased excitability, anxious sleep. Nervous hypersensitivity. Period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten and school.

    AHEBPO( pellets) Homeopathy Ignatia C6, Passiflora C3, Leonurus C3, Hypericum C3, Zincum valerianicum C6

    1-3 years 2g.3 times a day 3-7 years 3-4 f.adults 8-10 gr.

    Asthenoneurotic reactions after severe infection. Anesthetizing and soothing effect in craniocerebral and other injuries of the nervous system with damage to nerve fibers. It is indicated in the period of hormonal reorganization.

    VALERIANA-COMPOSITUM( granules) Gom. Center of the Russian Federation Valeriana D3, Leonurus D3, Passiflora D3, Avena sativa D3, Hyoscyamus C12

    Dosage is the same

    Neurosis-like conditions, fears, night terrors, insomnia. Asthenic reactions, weakness.

    VALERIANA-PLUS( granules), RF Contains 9 components incl. Valeriana D3, Leonurus D3, Avena sativa D3, Passiflora D3

    Dosage is the same

    The indications are the same. In addition, pain in the heart, causeless palpitations.

    VALERIANAHEL( droplets) Germany Contains 11 components, incl. Melissa of., Ac.picrinicum, Kalium brom., Ammonium brom., Grataegus

    Adults of 15 cap.3 r.a day, in the evening 20 drops.

    To adolescents and adults with neuroses, neurasthenia, insomnia. The combination of a variety of psychosomatic symptoms.

    NEVROSED( granules) of Alcoi RF Ac.phosphoricum D4, Ignatia D4, Sepia D4, Kalium bromatum D4 Zincum valerianicum D4

    To accept: 7-14 years to 4-6 rp.3 r.in a day.adults of 8-10 gr.

    Neurotic reactions with SBH, arterial hypotension. It is recommended to thin, irritable adolescents with a large school load

    BELLANDIN( granules) Alcoy RF Belladonna C6, Coffea C6, Moschus C6, Nux vomica C6, Pulsatilla C6

    Dosage is the same

    Insomnia, neurotic disorders, fatigue, depression,a state of excitation with spasms in hypochondriacs.

    CAPRICULUM( granules) St. Petersburg Chamоmilla C12, Вгуониа С12, Staphisagria C12

    3-7 years by 3-4 rp.1 p.in a day.7-14 years old for 4-6 gr.1 p.in a day.

    Characterological features: capricious, irritable, indignant, hysterical children

    VERNISON( granules) Matter Medica RF Nux vomica C200, Coffea C200, Belladonna C200

    To adolescents and adults 2 gr.1 time per night 7 days, then 2 gr.1-2 times a week.

    Insomnia in people who are overworked, suffering from gastrointestinal and liver diseases, with excessive consumption of coffee and stimulants.

    POSTGRIPPIN( granules), Matter medicine RF, Ac.phosphoricum C30, Gelsemium C30, China C30

    3-7 years on 2 gr.adolescents and adults by 3 gr.1 time per day for a week, then 1 time every other day.

    Asthenoneurotension reactions, increased mortality, fears after a previous flu and other infections.

    VUNDERKIND( granules), St. Petersburg Aethusa C6, Ac.phosphoricum C6

    7-14 years old for 4-6 gr.3 r.per day, adults for 7-10 gr.

    For schoolchildren, students, people of mental work to relieve fatigue. Activates thought processes, increases vitality.

    ANTISTRESS( granules) St. Petersburg Ignatia C100, Avena sativa C100, Zincum valerianicum C100

    To adolescents and adults 2 gr.1 p.per day 5-7 days, then 2 rp each.1-2 r.in Week.

    The consequences of worries, sadness, longing, disappointment in love. Sadness associated with the loss of loved ones.

    VERTIGOCHEL( drops and tablets) Germany Cocculus D4, Conium D3, Ambra D6, Petroleum D8

    for 1 table.3 r.per day or 10 drops, dissolved in 100 ml.water.

    Dizziness, with Mmeiera, sea and air disease, after TBI, with cerebral sclerosis, migraine with diencephalic component.

    COCCULIN( tablets) France Cocculus C4, Tabacum C4, Nux vomica C4, Petroleum C4

    according to 2 tablets.3 r.per day, during the trip to 2 tab.in an hour. Dizziness associated with the smell of gasoline when traveling in transport, nausea, vomiting.

    EDAS 116( droplets) Ac.phosphoricum C6, Conium D7, Arnica C3

    Craniocerebral trauma with arterial hypotension and dizziness

    VIZUS( granules) HomeoparmaRF Agaricus C12, Euphrasia C3, Gelsemiun C3, Phisostigma C6, Ruta C3

    3-5 g.1-2 r.per day for 6 months.

    Weakened eye function due to visual load, spasm of accommodation, after CCT.

    EDAS 909( granules) Gelsemium C3, Spigelia C6, Chamomilla C6

    8 granules 3 times a day

    Headaches, migraines

    CEPHALGIN( pellets) Homeopathy of the Russian Federation Sanguinaria C3, Gelsemium C3, Belladonna C3, Rhododendron C3

    for 3-5gr.2-3 r.in a day.

    Headaches, migraines, vegetoneurosis, with deterioration in weather change.

    SPIGELON( tablets) Germany Spigelia D3, Belladonna D3, Bryonia D3, Gelsemium D3, Melilotus of. D3, Natrium carbon. D3

    for 1 tab.3 r.in a day.

    Anesthetic for migraine, neuritis, cervical osteochondrosis.

    CEREBRUM COMPOSITE( ampoules) Germany 26 components, incl.from brain tissues and embryonic tissues

    1 ampoule subcutaneously or intramuscularly 1-3 r.in Week.

    Functional and organic brain functional disorders. Delayed physical and mental development in children. Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, etc.

    There are general rules for taking homeopathic medicines: they should be taken 20-30 minutes before meals or 30-40 minutes after. The granules are placed under the tongue, dissolving, not washing down with water and not swallowing. Another rule for taking homeopathic medicines is a sharp reduction or elimination of coffee, tea, spirits and spices, as they block the action of medicinal substances.

    Homeopathic medications in neurology

    Once again, I repeat that homeopathy treats not a disease, but a person, so drugs should be prescribed only by a doctor after a complete examination of the patient.