  • Bloating: causes and treatment, diet, drugs

    Bloating is called a condition in which an excess volume of gases accumulates in the human intestine, which is accompanied by a sensation of its bursting and inflation.

    It develops mainly in various pathologies of the stomach and intestines - from functional to tumor, but sometimes it is a variant of the norm.

    The gastroenterologist and therapist are engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of flatulence( this is what this symptom is called medically), sometimes the oncologist, infectiologist and neurologist are needed.

    Physiological excursion

    The gas in the stomach and intestine is normally formed due to food processing, mainly when bacteria that colonize the intestine are included in this process.

    The gas per day is about 0.9 liters per day. Most of it is contained in the colon, especially its bends, and also in the stomach. A small amount of gas is in the small intestine.

    Intestinal gases are needed in order to further( the main role is played by the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract) to promote the exit of stool from the rectum;in this way they are released about 100-500 ml per day. Part of the gas mixture is absorbed in the vessels that feed the intestine.
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    Causes of bloating

    Not always flatulence is the cause of pathology. Transient bloating, not accompanied by a general condition disorder, may develop with:

    1. 1) Excessive use of carbonated beverages.
    2. 2) Swallowing air when eating food( usually it happens when a person, taking food, actively and emotionally communicates, as well as in all conditions accompanied by shortness of breath).
    3. 3) Soda as a folk remedy for heartburn: it, reacting with the acid of gastric juice, promotes the formation of carbon dioxide.
    4. 4) Overeating.
    5. 5) Taking lactulose( "Dufalac", "Normase") as a laxative.
    6. 6) Taking Fortrans for preparation for ultrasound, endoscopic or radiological examination of the intestine.
    7. 7) Work at altitude, which is associated with a change in atmospheric pressure.
    8. 8) Pregnancy and menstruation.
    As well as eating:

    • sweets;
    • beans;
    • black bread;
    • potatoes;
    • cabbage;
    • kvass;
    • of dairy products;
    • of beer.

    Abdominal bloating

    Abdominal bloating condition can also be observed in various pathologies:

    1. 1) Use of food containing lactose( dairy products), with its intolerance. This condition occurs when a lactase enzyme deficient is released into the small intestine, usually manifested in infants. As a result of such fermentopathy, the sugar contained in dairy products does not split into glucose and fructose, but passes into the large intestine. In it, "for business" is taken already bacteria, resulting in an increased amount of gases. The condition is characterized not only by abdominal distension, but also by diarrhea associated with the use of dairy food, not accompanied by pain in the abdomen.
    2. 2) Dysbacteriosis of the intestine, that is, the imbalance between the bacteria inhabiting the body. This state develops after the intake of synthetic antibiotics, as well as some products and folk remedies containing natural antibacterial agents;with intestinal diseases;after chemotherapy, reception of hormones-glucocorticoids. As a result of the predominance of the opportunistic flora of the intestine, during digestion of food, putrefactive processes begin to dominate, which is accompanied by gassing. Characterized by dysbiosis bloating, feces of green or yellowish color, soft consistency, with mucus. At the same time, the body temperature does not increase, there is no vomiting, the stomach does not hurt, there is a connection either with taking antibiotics( within the next month) or with gastrointestinal diseases.
    3. 3) Pancreatitis is acute and chronic. In this case, less than necessary is produced, the number of enzymes that are needed to break down the food. The condition is accompanied by pain in the abdomen( with an acute process, it is unbearable), diarrhea, nausea( with an acute condition - and vomiting), intolerance to fatty foods. The disease is treated only in a hospital: in acute condition - in the surgical, in chronic - in therapy.
    4. 4) Mechanical intestinal obstruction is also accompanied by bloating. This term is understood as an obstacle( a tumor, adhesions, stenosis), squeezing the intestine from the inside, from the outside, blocking its lumen. In this case, the condition of a person worsens, nausea, a feeling of belly distension, gases, and with them a chair, do not depart. Bloating soon becomes noticeable "by eye".This obstruction is treated only in the surgical department.
    5. 5) Dynamic bowel obstruction. In this case, the bowel "paralyzes" due to their inflammation, contact with inflamed neighboring organs( for example, the peritoneum with peritonitis), impairment of impulse transmission from the nerves to its muscles( for example, in botulism).There is a pathology of swelling, nausea, vomiting when eating, difficulty in removing gases and feces. It is treated by surgeons, sometimes together with other experts( for example, infektsionistami).
    6. 6) Psychogenic flatulence that occurs due to stress. In this case, normal regulation of intestinal peristalsis is disrupted, and it is felt as "swollen".Psychogenic pathology always has a connection with stress, only meteorism is felt, sometimes 1-2 times diarrhea. Nausea, vomiting, there is no violation of the general condition.
    7. 7) Inflammation of the intestine in infectious diseases( salmonellosis, staphylococcal infection), Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis. In this case, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and fever come to the forefront.
    8. 8) Violation of the patency of vessels providing intestinal nutrition. At the forefront of pain in the abdomen. There may be diarrhea with blood.
    9. 9) Diseases of the biliary tract: cholecystitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis also causes flatulence. But such swelling will be accompanied by pain or discomfort in the right hypochondrium, an increase in temperature, relaxation of the stool, and sometimes jaundice.


    To determine the cause of bloating, the gastroenterologist conducts palpation( probing) of the abdomen, determining the degree of its swelling, soreness and spasm of the intestine.

    Further, he may schedule the following studies:

    • general blood test - to determine the level of inflammation, anemia in the blood;
    • liver tests - if liver disease is suspected;
    • determination of amylase in the blood - for the diagnosis of pancreatitis;
    • coprogram - a study of the digestibility of food by feces;
    • bacteriological examination of feces to determine the causative agent of the disease;
    • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity for the detection of liver pathologies, pancreatic, fluid detection;
    • X-ray examination of the intestine with barium for the determination of intestinal obstruction, Crohn's disease, nonspecific colitis;
    • Colonoscopy - examination of the intestinal mucosa with video equipment.

    Treatment of bloating

    How to treat bloating will depend on the cause of this condition.

    Thus, tumors of the abdominal cavity, impaired circulation of the intestine, as well as peritonitis and the disease that caused it( appendicitis, phlegmonous cholecystitis) are treated promptly.

    Acute pancreatitis is treated initially conservatively, with a large number of medications, but an operative correction of certain conditions can be applied. Chronic pancreatitis is treated conservatively. Infectious bowel disease is treated in an infectious hospital with antibiotics.

    If the condition does not require emergency surgery, it is necessary to follow a special diet for it and take some medications.

    The diet is to exclude the following products:

    • beans;
    • of mushrooms;
    • honey;
    • carbonated drinks;
    • coffee;
    • omelette with cheese;
    • cabbage;
    • of apples;
    When bloating, the purpose of such drugs is indicated:

    1. 1) Eliminating increased gas formation: "Infakol", "Espumizan", "Kuplaton", "Bobotik";
    2. 2) Enterosorbents: Smecta, Atoxil, White Coal.
    3. 3) Improving peristalsis of the intestine: "Motilium", "Cerucal".
    4. 4) Enzymes( according to indications): "Creon", "Mezim", "Pancreatin".
    Thus, bloating is a symptom of a large number of diseases of the abdominal cavity, each of which can be suspected by the presence of additional symptoms. Treatment of bloating in adults is carried out depending on the cause identified.

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