  • Celiac disease: symptoms and treatment in adults, causes

    What it is? Celiac disease is a multifactorial disease caused by lesions of small intestine villi as a result of interaction with proteins of certain products.

    Celiac disease is rare, another name is Guy-Herter-Geibner disease or intestinal infantilism, accompanied by a digestive disorder.

    As a rule, the disease is provoked by the use of foods enriched with proteins - gluten( gluten) or cereal proteins - avenin, hordein.

    Cereals - barley, oats, rye, wheat include proteins that are life-threatening celiac disease.

    Pathogenesis and causes of celiac disease

    The disease has a mixed-allergic, autoimmune, hereditary and develops in an autosomal and dominant type. When the disease develops, an immune response or an allergic reaction to a certain protein occurs, which leads to inflammation and destruction of the small intestinal mucosa.

    As a result of reduced absorption in the intestine, there is a deficiency of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. According to statistics, a large number of patients are registered in Northern Ireland, America, Italy and Austria.
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    The cause of celiac disease is not fully understood, a defect is supposed to be a deficiency of the enzyme( gliadaminopeptidase) involved in the cleavage of gluten. It is important how active the mucosa of the small intestine is, where a cellular and humoral reaction to gluten occurs.

    In patients suffering from celiac disease, gliadin undergoes damage to the intestinal mucosa and impaired absorption( bowel atrophy is observed).Celiac disease is characterized not only by intestinal atrophy and impaired absorption, but also by a positive reaction to the gluten-free diet.

    In other words, if a patient observes a certain diet that excludes products containing gluten and cereals, the bowel function is partially or completely restored.

    Symptoms of celiac disease in adults

    Classical symptoms of celiac disease are diarrhea, exhaustion, anemia. In children, the developmental lag, weakness, nervous disorders are manifested.

    Especially attentive it is necessary to be to children 6-12 months, when there is an adaptation to new products. Introduction to the diet of flour products can trigger the development of celiac disease.

    There are two forms - true celiac disease and celiac disease. With developmental abnormalities, infections, long-term antibiotic use, all signs of the disease are observed and talk about the syndrome of celiac disease.

    Symptoms of celiac disease:

    • diarrhea;
    • frothy stool;
    • chair light or gray with a pungent odor;
    • fatty stools;
    • increased weakness and fatigue;
    • numbness and tingling in the legs;
    • aphthous stomatitis;
    • permanent pain near the navel. Often appears without specific localization;
    • excessive irritability;
    • permanent constipation.
    We note that the symptoms of celiac disease in adults are manifested in different ways, so that digestive disorders lead to vitamin deficiency, impaired metabolism, decreased appetite, lethargy. In children, the disease manifests itself in the presence of bright mucous membranes, exhaustion, lethargy, and enlarged abdomen.

    Sometimes edema of limbs and fractures of bones develop, there is an accumulation of fluid in the atonic part of the intestine. As a result of a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, signs such as dry skin, nail bundle, hair loss, dystrophy of the gums and teeth, stomatitis are observed. When the disease is absorbed little iron, calcium, fats, poorly transported tryptophan and cystine, malabsorption is observed.

    All this leads not only to physical, but also mental disorders. Patients with celiac disease often experience depression, poor mood, and increased excitability. Children grow poorly and slowly develop physically and intellectually.

    Celiac disease very well hides under other diseases. Many patients do not know about celiac disease for many years, confusing it with chronic pancreatitis, for example. In rare cases, when another infection joins, celiac disease can be fatal.


    Before 1970 about celiac disease, its prevalence was little known. With the advent of serological diagnostic methods, it became possible to recognize celiac disease in the early stages. The method is based on the definition of antibodies of the antigliadine series. Later, methods based on the detection of antibodies to the tissues of the small intestine, to reticulin were begun.

    The test with endomysial IgA antibodies is specific, particularly sensitive and costly. Therefore, the most acceptable variant of the examination is a test for the identification of the tissues of transglutaminase( endogenous antigen).Surveys have shown that celiac disease is typical with severe impairment of absorption is not so common.

    Many people develop a hidden, subclinical form with signs of celiac disease( stomatitis aphthous, anemia, dermatitis, osteoporosis, delay in sexual development and small growth, infertility, diabetes).

    Diagnostic methods:

    • coprological examination( indicator of fatty acids and soap in stool);
    • biochemical blood test;
    • intestinal fluoroscopy;
    • analysis of biopsy specimens of the small intestine.
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    In the diagnosis, all deviations in the functioning of the internal organs are taken into account, especially the abnormal work of the gastrointestinal tract, cystic fibrosis and disaccharidase insufficiency.

    Modern medicine is recommended to examine all persons suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, with chronic constipation and suction problems, as well as with inapplicable infertility, anemia and aphthous stomatitis.

    Treatment of celiac disease

    Treatment of celiac disease includes a lifelong diet, excluding products such as bread, confectionery and flour products, crackers, pasta, sausages.

    It is recommended to eat potatoes, vegetables, fruits, rice, soybeans, corn, as well as vegetable fats, fish and meat. The market offers a series of gluten-free products from European manufacturers. After a couple of weeks, with a strict diet, intestinal functions are restored, metabolism is improved, growth is accelerated and body weight is gained.

    After 2-3 years histological changes in the intestine completely disappear. In addition to diets, patients with celiac disease are prescribed such drugs as probiotics, enzymes, vitamins, calcium and iron-containing minerals. Effective procedures such as gymnastics and massage, aimed at improving health and improving the protective functions of the body.

    It should be noted that many doctors to date do not know that there is such a disease and do not want to treat celiac disease in adults.


    With a strict diet and proper treatment, the prognosis is favorable. Patients who seek to cure achieve good results.

    In addition to diet, many patients improve their physical form, eliminate bad habits, adhere to diet.

    It is important to include in the diet rich in trace elements and vitamins products, use honey, dairy products, drink up to 2 liters of liquid.

    Useful juices, broth of dogrose, dried fruits, mineral water.

    Complications of

    Celiac disease is a disease that is fraught with complications if the doctor's recommendations are not observed. Disruption of absorption of the intestine leads to abnormalities throughout the body.

    Vitaminosis, anemia, diabetes, hair and teeth dystrophy, dry skin, dermatitis, gastric and intestinal inflammation develop. Diarrhea leads to dehydration and exhaustion of the body, lethargy, weakness, mental disorders. Especially dangerous is the disease in childhood, because mental development, growth, and weight loss are suspended.

    Children lose the ability to adapt to society, become irritable and withdrawn. That is why it is important to correctly establish the diagnosis and conduct adequate treatment.

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