  • Dyspepsia: symptoms and treatment, causes of dyspepsia

    What is it - the term "dyspepsia" owes its appearance to the ancient Greeks, who denoted them any manifestations of digestive disorders.

    Since then, nothing has changed, and these days this diagnosis is not uncommon, it is even recognized as the most common gastrointestinal disease.

    According to statistics, only in Russia more than a quarter of the population suffers from dyspeptic disorders.

    Dyspepsia as a complex of symptoms can be part of a number of diseases and borderline states or act as a separate malaise.

    Classification of

    The main difference between varieties of dyspepsia is associated with the cause of the disease. Unpleasant symptoms are associated with a long-term inadequate nutrition, leading to a violation of digestive processes or with insufficient allocation of enzymes responsible for digesting food.

    In the first case, they talk about alimentary dyspepsia, in the second - about enzymatic dyspepsia. Each of them has its own classification.

    Depending on what kind of products the person preferred, the alimentary dyspepsia is able to acquire the following types:
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    1. 1) Putrefactive .Its occurrence is caused by the infatuation of high protein foods, mainly those that are digested for a long time. During this time, the processes of decay have developed in the thick, rarely - the small intestine. Usually this applies to pork, beef, mutton, other red meat varieties, as well as processed products. The constant inclusion of them in the diet leads to a rapid multiplication of putrefactive bacteria in the intestine. The use of stale meat threatens similar consequences.
    2. 2) Fermentation .It can cause the consumption of foods with a high content of carbohydrates, such as legumes, cabbage, honey, various fruits, sweet and bakery products. An important role in the development of this form of illness is the inclusion in the menu of fermentation products such as kvass, brags, and fermented vegetables. In the intestine, such food contributes to fermentation processes. Microbes under these conditions begin to multiply rapidly, the motility of the small intestine increases, so the food is not digested and not absorbed properly.
    3. 3) Fatty .Another name for such dyspepsia is soap. It is caused by the use of large volumes of refractory fats, which include pork and sheep fat, as well as products containing them.
    In the case where the reason for poor digestion is the lack or insufficient quantity of necessary enzymes, the perpetrators of the situation may be different organs. Depending on this, the following types of enzymatic dyspepsia are distinguished:

    • pancreatogenic form indicates a lack of enzymes released by the pancreas.
    • for violations of bile secretion indicate a cholecystogenic form of the disease.
    • problems with digestion of food sometimes arise due to violations of the production of intestinal juice, then the disease has an enterogenic nature.
    • with a lack of gastric juice, are dealing with gastrogenic dyspepsia.
    • indigestion associated with malfunctioning of the kidneys is called hepatogenic.
    • it happens that the malaise is caused by several of the listed problems, then dyspepsia is called mixed.

    Causes of dyspepsia

    There are two reasons for the occurrence of dyspepsia: it is an abnormal diet or a lack of digestive enzymes.

    In the first case, indigestion is not associated with damage to the organs of the digestive system, but is the result of an unbalanced diet, prolonged use of products of one type and an improper diet. Lack of digestive enzymes indicates a problem with the appropriate body. Such dyspepsia is only a symptom of another disease.

    Among the most common causes of this illness are the following:

    1. 1) Too hasty food intake, in which the digestive juices simply do not have time to stand out, and poorly chewed food is not sufficiently impregnated with saliva enzymes.
    2. 2) Overeating and excessive infatuation with certain products, irregular meals and nocturnal "snacks".
    3. 3) Some drinks containing carbon dioxide and sugar can cause unpleasant symptoms of dyspepsia. Adverse effect on digestion of caffeine, which leads to an increase in the acidity of gastric juice, irritatingly affects the inflamed parts of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract and promotes the production of stress hormones.
    4. 4) Stressful situations, emotional stress have a negative effect on digestion due to the allocation of hormones such as adrenaline, cortisone and others. They contribute to the redistribution of blood flow from the gastrointestinal tract to the muscles. In addition, because of stress, a person starts to swallow air when eating, which also has a bad effect on well-being after eating.
    5. 5) Active physical activity can aggravate digestion, if you do it shortly after eating. Blood rushes to the muscles, thereby reducing the supply of the digestive system.
    6. 6) Commitment to bad habits, such as smoking and drinking alcohol.
    7. 7) Negative influence of the external environment, for example, critical air temperatures, vibration.
    Dyspepsia can be a consequence of some diseases, including ulcer and gastroesophageal flux disease, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, stomach and pancreatic tumors.

    Children may suffer from dyspepsia. They have this condition is caused by excessive amounts or inappropriate food composition, with which their gastrointestinal tract can not cope. Breasts up to a year suffer from dyspepsia in case of incorrect introduction into the diet of a child of unfamiliar products or overfeeding.

    In adolescents, the ailment can be explained by accelerated growth and a rapid change in the hormonal background. Although enthusiasm for fast food, carbonated drinks and other not very healthy products plays an important role.

    Symptoms of dyspepsia

    Dyspepsia can be very diverse, the symptoms are directly dependent on the type of the disease.

    But there are several signs that are equally characteristic of each of them:

    • the appearance of a feeling of discomfort, heaviness, bursting in the epigastrium. The condition can be complicated by a pain syndrome of different strength.
    • frequent cases of belching with air or food.
    • the appearance of unpleasant burning sensations behind the sternum and the upper abdomen - heartburn, can be accompanied by nausea.
    • feeling of bloating is supplemented by intense flatulence.
    • is observed disorder of stool. It becomes unsystematic, frequent.
    • rapid saturation, at which the feeling of satiety comes after taking a small amount of food.
    • loss of appetite.
    Specific symptoms of enzymatic dyspepsia:

    • is an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
    • frequent stool of a liquid consistency.
    • nausea, frequent gassing.
    • can be heard rumbling and transfusion in the abdomen.
    • worsens the health of a person as a whole: there is rapid fatigue, weakness, headaches and sleep disturbances are possible.
    • in the stool contains undigested food remains in large quantities.
    Symptoms of putrefactive dyspepsia are similar to intoxication. Malady is accompanied by weakness, nausea and headaches. The chair becomes frequent, the stools are of a liquid consistency, dark in color, with a sharp unpleasant odor.

    With fermentation dyspepsia, there is swelling of the intestine, a significant amount of gases are released. Pain syndrome worries little or none at all. The chair is very frequent, has a liquid and foamy structure, an acidic odor, stools have a light color, there are almost no gas bubbles, there are iodophilic microbes, organic acids, starch grains and fiber.

    Severe pain after half an hour after a meal, flatulence and eructation, a feeling of heaviness and overcrowding can indicate fatty dyspepsia. The chair on frequency does not exceed the norm, but it becomes more abundant. Fecal masses acquire a whitish color, differ in a fat gloss.

    In infants, the symptoms of dyspepsia are reduced to frequent regurgitation and bloating. The frequency of the stool exceeds 6 times a day, the feces are greenish with whitish flakes. The child's behavior changes, he becomes capricious, sleep and appetite worsen.

    Diagnosis of dyspepsia

    Diagnostic methods are aimed at studying the symptoms of dyspepsia, carrying out laboratory tests( general blood tests, urine, feces for eggs, worm secretion) and instrumental studies( the patient undergoes ultrasound, fibrogastroduodenoscopy, etc.).

    The actions of specialists are aimed at excluding the presence of other diseases of the digestive system, in which dyspepsia is only a part of the symptomatology.

    The most important aspect of treating dyspepsia is choosing the right diet. But at the initial stage of therapy for alimentary dyspepsia, fasting is prescribed for 1-1.5 days. The subsequent treatment depends on the type of disease. Putrefactive dyspepsia is treated with an increase in the daily intake of carbohydrates, fermentation - the introduction of a large number of proteins in the diet, incidentally reducing the intake of low-molecular carbohydrates.

    With a fatty form of malaise, the diet provides for the restriction of fat intake. Products that trigger an attack of dyspepsia should be excluded from the patient's menu. It is important to observe the drinking regime, the recommended norm of daily water consumption is about one and a half liters.

    Enzymatic dyspepsia is treated with replacement therapy, which includes drugs containing the necessary enzymes. Diet should be aimed at facilitating the work of the relevant site of the gastrointestinal tract. An important aspect is the treatment of the underlying disease.

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