  • Inversion of the bowels: symptoms in adults, causes and treatment

    Many of us in childhood were frightened by such a condition as a turn of the intestines. Allegedly, if we are tumbling and jumping after eating, this problem will certainly come.

    What is the inversion of the intestines? Let's understand.

    The intestine is a long, sinuous tube located inside the abdominal cavity. It is attached to the walls of the cavity through a thin bandage or mesentery, which is blocked by blood vessels and nerves.

    In the case when the thin band is very narrow or elongated, it is likely that the part of the intestine is turned around its axis. This process is called the "turn of the gut".Often this disease is associated with the anatomical characteristics of a person. However, the causes of the ailment may be different.

    For example, when there is inflammation, then the mesentery wrinkles. Also provoke a turn in the intestines may be prolonged inactivity, periods of fasting or prolonged bed rest. In this case, it is just possible to twist the gut.

    Reasons for inversion of intestines

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    Intestinal obstruction may appear due to intestinal paresis or spasm. With excessive peristalsis of the intestine, the gut turn also occurs.

    Motor activity increases in intestinal infections, due to excessive fiber intake in food, as well as the abuse of certain medicines. It is possible to turn the bowels after strong physical exertion after eating.

    The disease develops when a foreign element enters the intestine, sometimes the tumor can interfere with the normal passage of food. Another cause of inversion of bowels is called a commissural disease. Intestinal obstruction in children at an early age develops due to developmental problems, a disturbed diet.

    There are following reasons for the curvature.

    1. 1) Mechanical obstruction. In this case, the lumen of the intestine can block the foreign element, and the problem arises because of external compression of a specific area of ​​the intestine.
    2. 2) Strangulation intestinal obstruction.
    3. 3) Paresis or spasm of muscle fibers. Usually, this kind of change is associated with a part of internal diseases: a wrench occurs with myocardial infarction, stones in the urea. In addition, contractile disorders occur as a result of central nervous system diseases, after intestinal surgery, and when using strong drugs.
    Rarely, but the turn of the intestines in childhood appears due to the large number of worms.

    Symptoms of inversion of intestines

    The first sign of curvature of the intestines in adults is a strong and sharp pain in the navel. After that, a vomiting of a reflex character begins.

    The main symptom of vomiting is the swelling of the abdomen in one part with the characteristic protrusion of the bowel loops. In addition, there is a decrease in blood pressure, there is a problem with bowel evacuation and flatulence.

    Patients suffer from a greyish-earthy skin tone, there are problems with speech. It becomes difficult to breathe. Noises can be heard in the intestines, similar to the splash of water. It is better to turn for help to a specialist as soon as possible, so you can avoid complications. You can not try to take any measures on your own and use medicines so as not to harm yourself.

    When a patient does not consult a doctor at the first stage of the disease, the temperature increases due to the development of peritonitis. At this time, the patient feels a false sense of improvement, this in turn provokes complications. After feeling relief, the patient does not consult a doctor.

    The first time after that, the victim of intestinal obstruction can feel normal. Therefore, if you feel any symptoms of a bowel turn, call an ambulance soon!

    Treatment of inversion of bowels

    Diagnosis of the disease occurs exclusively in the hospital. If the stage of peritonitis has not yet occurred, doctors recommend conservative methods of treating bowel inversion.

    Adults are primarily given pain medications, used to reduce intoxication of the body, put a special siphon enema. Also, the intestines are cleaned with a probe.

    The patient regulates the water-salt balance, as the acidity of the body's environment changes, which in turn can provoke bad consequences until death.

    If conducted medical therapy did not help, doctors operate the patient. Thus, the intestinal obstruction is removed, with the help of restorative measures, the damaged bowel area is resuscitated.


    1. 1) It should reduce in their daily diet of coarse plant fiber, especially for legumes. Do not recommend a large number of sour-milk products, especially if you already have pancreatitis or some other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
    2. 2) Do not overeat at night, you need to eat 4 hours before going to bed.
    3. 3) It is necessary to train the press, starting with a small load.
    4. 4) Cherry, cereals, grapes, cornelian - what should be in your diet daily.
    The main preventive measure is the lack of independent treatment. Soreness in the abdominal area can be provoked by various causes, have various complications.

    When you turn to the doctor, you will save your health! So, we wish you all to know the sense of proportion, to lead a normal life, and then the diseases will not bother you.

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