
Beer: good or bad. Is it useful to drink beer?

  • Beer: good or bad. Is it useful to drink beer?

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    It is known that beer contains vegetable estrogens, they are similar to hormones that form the female genital organs and mammary glands. If a man drinks beer every day, a substance in his body that suppresses the production of testosterone and increases the level of estrogen. The man appears to be overweight, the stomach begins to grow, the breasts and pelvis increase in size. The number of spermatozoa decreases and their quality deteriorates. If husbands like to drink beer in families, it is difficult to conceive a child. With time, men have impotence, prostatitis and other diseases.

    What is harmful to women's beer?

    In women who abuse beer, there are also changes in appearance. At women begin to appear above the upper lip of the hairs - beer mustaches. The voice changes. It becomes coarser.

    What do beer usually drink? With dried fish, salted nuts, Kirieshki, with chips. Excess of salt, as is known, delays water in the body, which entails swelling of the face in the morning, and excess weight. Yes, and agree, a drunken woman is not quite a pleasant sight. She silly laughs, she is vulgar, behaving inadequately. Often drunk girls become victims of crimes. Just like in men, excess estrogen causes problems with the conception of a child. Infertility is developing, there are various gynecological diseases and even oncological diseases.

    Is it harmful for pregnant women?

    For pregnant women, drinking beer is simply unacceptable. If you want to endure and safely give birth to a healthy baby, then give up beer, cross it out of your life. Alcohol adversely affects the formation of the fetus. A child can be born mentally and physically inferior, premature, with low weight. Pregnancy can end in a miscarriage. In the teenage period, the child, most often, will find out the consequences of drinking a mother's beer during pregnancy. Your child will be uncontrollable, irritable, aggressive. It is likely that it will also be prone to alcoholism.

    Is it harmful for nursing mothers?

    There is an opinion that beer increases the amount of milk in a nursing mother. If mum will drink beer before feeding, then the child will be full, it will be a long and hard sleep. Of course, he will sleep, because he will be drunk. Feeding a child with poisonous milk, you will destroy his physical and mental health, accustom him to drinking alcohol. And your health under the influence of beer will deteriorate and collapse.

    Is it harmful for teenagers?

    Beautiful advertising beer, which pours from the screens of our TVs, creeps into the fragile minds of adolescents and destroys the opinion of adults that beer is harm. What harm is this? After all, with beer, you can have fun, in the merry company of young and beautiful people, to become successful, strong, rich.

    And now in the hands of teens appears the first bottle of beer. With the first sips of beer in the body, alcohol is poured in, intoxicating and amusing the teenager. He feels like a hero, an adult, steep, brave. He finds fault with other teenagers, finds out the relationship, climbs into a fight, commits various offenses. The adolescent's mental state changes, memory and ability to perceive new material in school deteriorates. And the main harm of beer is that the health of a teenager is destroyed.

    The health of a man is breaking

    And now about how the beer harms our health.


    Our heart is the main organ in our body. The heart acts as a pump, pumps blood. Blood supplies our body and internal organs, with nutrients and oxygen.

    Excessive consumption of beer has a detrimental effect on our heart. You have probably heard the expression "bull heart" or "beer heart" more than once. When a person drinks a lot of beer, the load on the heart increases, the heart muscle and heart walls increase several times in volume. The heart gradually swims with fat. A person exerts pressure, dyspnea appears, heart contractions become more frequent, arrhythmia develops, ischemic heart disease, stroke, heart attack.


    Stomach is an organ that accumulates and digests food. In the mucous membrane of the stomach are glands, which produce gastric juice. In the gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid.

    If a person regularly consumes a large amount of beer, aggressive substances such as carcinogens, resins, dyes, ethyl alcohol irritate and cause inflammation in the mucosa of the esophagus and stomach. A person has heartburn, bloating, pain, developing gastritis and ulcer. Kidneys

    Kidneys are the main organ of excretion. From our body they remove urine, excess water, harmful substances. Regulate blood pressure and perform many of the most complex functions needed by our body.

    With excessive consumption of beer, acid-base balance is disturbed. The body produces more urine, the kidneys are forced to work in a strengthened mode to remove the effects of beer libations. Together with the urine, useful substances and trace elements are removed from the body, which are necessary for our body to work properly. Constantly working in a strengthened mode, the kidneys quickly wear out. A person develops various kidney diseases.


    The liver is the largest organ and plays an important role in our body. The liver performs many important biochemical functions. The liver secretes bile, which breaks down fats and takes part in digestion. The liver destroys viruses, microbes that enter our body with blood. With the help of the liver, the exchange of cholesterol is regulated.

    What harm does the liver beer bring? Beer contains alcohol, and alcohol is the main enemy of the liver. When you abuse beer, inflammation occurs in the liver, hepatitis develops and further cirrhosis.


    The brain is the central part of our nervous system and consists of neurons. These neurons in the brain are formed into electrical pulses. With the help of these impulses, the brain controls our body, controls its functioning. The main function of the brain is thinking. With the help of the brain, we make decisions, process information. The brain is responsible for our speech, memory, coordination of movements.

    How does beer harm our brains? It is known that beer contains alcohol, and alcohol has a destructive effect on the brain, brain cells die. In people who regularly use beer in the body, thiamin is reduced, this is a vitamin, which affects the work of our brain. Lack of thiamine causes severe damage to the nervous system. The person becomes forgetful, his memory worsens. And over time, there is dementia, loss of memory. Violation of coordination of movements and a person can become disabled. Also, other organs suffer from beer.

    Family Relationships and Beers

    In families where one member of the family has a predilection for beer, many problems arise. There are often conflicts, quarrels, and sometimes fights. In connection with the poor potency of her husband, growing problems in sexual relations. A certain amount of money is spent on beer daily and there are interruptions in money.

    Can I drink beer every day?

    There is an opinion that every day using a minimum amount of beer, a person will stay healthy and not get sucked. But if you can not do without beer for a day, it already says that your body requires its own dose of alcohol. And this is dependence.

    So, can you drink beer? And whether it is necessary? Everyone decides for himself!

    It is believed that beer is a low-alcohol beverage that quenches thirst well. And there is nothing more pleasant, on a hot summer evening, to drink a bottle, another cold, fragrant beer, sitting on a bench in a park or in a park. And even better in the company of friends in nature, and even with a shish kebab or after a bathhouse with salted dried fish! Why are so many people so fond of beer that they can not do without it for a day?

    What is made of beer

    Since ancient times, people around the world have been brewing and drinking beer. Beer is produced by fermenting alcohol and brewer's yeast with malt or hops. In the composition of beer there is water, ethyl alcohol, carbon dioxide, carbohydrates, substances containing nitrogen, yeast, in small doses in beer there are vitamins, minerals, estrogens. Also, preservatives are added to the beer, to prolong the shelf life of beer, stabilizers, colorants.

    Is it useful to drink

    beer? Many people think that beer is a useful nutritional product, which contains vitamins and microelements necessary for our body. Beer promotes the release of gastric juice and improve digestion. When you drink beer, a person's mood rises, it is easier for him to communicate with other people. With the help of beer, you can relieve stress, calm down, relax. Beer calms nerves, improves sleep. Also, beer has diuretic properties, it helps our kidneys work, so it's good to drink.

    It is harmful to drink beer

    Everyone knows that drinking vodka is harmful to our body. There is an opinion that from beer, since it is a low-alcohol drink, there is no harm. It is known that during the fermentation processes, such compounds as methanol, fusel oils, aldehydes are retained in beer. And in vodka these compounds are hundreds of times smaller. For our body, for the vascular and nervous system, they are poison. They cause us nausea, vomiting, sneezing. The human brain vessels widen sharply and the head starts to hurt, weakness appears, and the ability to move deteriorates. But in fact, beer is not a low-alcohol beverage. The fortress of some brands of beer can reach from 5 to 13% by volume.

    Let's try to figure out what the beer is harmful for our body.

    Personal qualities of a person change

    Beer contains hops. After drinking beer, a person gets drunk, relaxes and eventually can not do without beer. Gradually increasing the dose of beer, a person's personal qualities change. He becomes stupid, evil, aggressive, pugnacious, deceitful, lazy. In a state of intoxication, various offenses and crimes are committed.

    Does the appearance of a person change

    What is harmful to beer for men?