  • What is dangerous spontaneous miscarriage

    Spontaneous abortion, also called spontaneous abortion, is not a rare problem that occurs during pregnancy. What it is? Miscarriage is any spontaneous abortion that occurs on a period of 20 to 28 weeks, that is, until the fetus becomes viable.

    At different stages of pregnancy spontaneous abortions are called differently:

    1. Early abortion( infraklinichesky);
    2. Abortion in the first trimester;
    3. Abortion in the second trimester;
    4. Recurrent spontaneous abortion.

    If a woman is threatened with abortion, she usually conducts the following examinations: external examination, clinical examination, ultrasound, blood test for HCG.

    Symptoms of miscarriage

    When you miscarry at an early stage, you can often see the following symptoms:

    • menstruation delay;
    • bleeding of a red shade without the presence of tissue in the secretions;
    • symptoms of pregnancy;
    • pain in the lower abdomen.

    An external examination shows that the neck is closed.

    Spontaneous abortion in the second trimester looks somewhat different due to the fact that the fetus is already larger in size and more viable. Here there are several stages, and on the first of them the signs coincide with the signs in the early term: these are bloody discharge or discharge with an admixture of blood, which are few, they leave only individual spots.

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    In later stages, the discharge increases sharply and you can see pieces of tissue in them - this means that a miscarriage has already occurred. However, this does not guarantee that it has occurred completely: often inside the body of a woman there are still some parts of the fruit. Completeness of miscarriage can be shown only by ultrasound examination. Any apparent symptoms of spontaneous miscarriage require immediate medical attention, especially in the second trimester, when pregnancy can be saved in a large number of cases.

    What are the possible reasons?

    There are a lot of reasons that can cause a stop in the burden, especially in the late term. Among them, the following are the main ones that are most common among women who survived miscarriage:

    1. Genetic disorders in the fetus. This is the most common reason for miscarriages at an early age. In rare cases, these gene defects are hereditary, however, most often these are single mutations that occur only in this particular case. Most often, environmental factors are responsible for this, which adversely affected sex cells: viruses, radiation, diseases, and much more. Such miscarriages occupy about 73% of the number of all miscarriages occurring. Unfortunately, it is impossible to prevent this situation, since it is impossible to neutralize the negative impact of the environment, but it can be reduced as much as possible. That's why even before pregnancy, girls are advised to give up harmful food, smoking and alcohol.
    2. Spontaneous early miscarriage at an early age in the early term can also occur due to hormonal failures. The main hormone that a woman needs during pregnancy is progesterone, and it often happens that there is not enough of it in the body. If the problem is detected in a timely manner, spontaneous abortion can be prevented with the help of hormonal drugs that replace progesterone. Also, the ailment can occur when the body is in excess of male hormones. Miscarriage can cause a violation of the function of the adrenal gland or thyroid gland, since the hormones produced by these glands also affect the development and course of pregnancy.
    3. STDs( sexually transmitted diseases) - toxoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, syphilis and many others. This is the manifestation of infections that seem almost harmless when there is no pregnancy, for example, trichomoniasis. Successful pregnancy after a spontaneous miscarriage in this case is possible only when the body is completely cured of any of these diseases.
    4. Causes of an immunological nature. This, as a rule, is a conflict between the blood rhesus of the mother and the unborn child. The greatest difficulty is experienced by mothers with negative rhesus, as it is their body that rejects the baby, if it has a positive Rh, which could have been inherited from the father. If the mother has a negative Rhesus, then it is necessary to prophylaxis of miscarriage with hormone treatment - progesterone.
    5. Infectious diseases and inflammatory diseases of internal organs. Unfortunately, when the mother's body starts to fight with the infection, then his strength is not enough to endure the child, so the pregnancy is interrupted.

    After a spontaneous miscarriage occurs, a woman often ceases to believe in her reproductive abilities. However, this is completely wrong! The most important thing is to understand what exactly caused the reason and try to eliminate it in order to get pregnant again and give birth to a healthy baby.

    Believe me, a huge number of women who have experienced miscarriages, have a healthy child, and often not even one! The main thing is to believe in the strength of your body, to lead a healthy lifestyle before and after pregnancy and hope for the best, whatever happens to you.

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