  • Kidney of the kidney during pregnancy: the causes, the symptoms of its formation in women

    If a woman has a kidney cyst during pregnancy, then in the first place she should not panic and despair. The cyst is a hollow formation on the kidney, in which foreign matter accumulates.

    Symptomatic of the formation of the kidney cyst

    Specific signs in the development of cysts in a pregnant woman is not evident. Even in the case of confirmation of the alleged diagnosis, a woman may not feel any discomfort during the entire period of bearing a child and not even think about the presence of cystic neoplasms in her kidneys. In this regard, when planning pregnancy, the doctor recommends conducting a complete examination of the body with the help of ultrasound.

    But there are some symptoms that indicate the formation of a pathological process in the kidney, namely:

    1. Drawing or sharp pains in the back area.
    2. Impurities of foreign bodies in the urine.
    3. Strong pressure rise.
    4. Body temperature rise.
    5. Chills.
    6. Exacerbation of the inflammatory process in the kidney.
    7. instagram viewer
    8. Problems with urination.
    9. An impurity in the urine of the blood.
    10. Enlarge the kidney.

    Methods for diagnosing the pathological process

    For the qualitative conduct of diagnostic activities, the following methods are used:

    • Provision of preventive tests. Biochemical blood tests.
    • Ultrasonic examination of the kidneys and bladder, helping to establish the standing of these organs and their structure.
    • Ultrasound examination of the fetus after 20 weeks of pregnancy, which helps to track all possible changes in the formation of kidneys in the fetus.
    • Intravenous urography in order to obtain several pictures at once, based on which the doctor diagnoses the condition of the kidneys and organs of the genitourinary system. Snapshots help to identify the origin of cysts and their location.
    • Magnetic resonance imaging - helps to layer-by-layer the organ and determine the possible degree of malignancy of the cyst.
    • Computed tomography - helps to accurately study the structure of the cyst and its size.
    • Puncture of the cyst and subsequent study of the fluid obtained from it - there is a detection of the degree of malignancy of the cystic neoplasm.

    All described methods are implemented on the basis of indications of the pediatrician and under his strict control.

    This is important! The kidney cyst during pregnancy is identified with great caution and only with the use of safe methods.

    Methods of cystic neoplasm treatment, complications and prophylaxis

    This is important! The cystic tumor on the kidney can be eliminated only by performing a surgical procedure, that is, removing the cyst. But with the development of the disease in a pregnant woman, the cyst can not be removed.

    There are two types of basic operations, namely:

    1. By pumping out the internal fluid of the cyst by puncture under the control of ultrasound. In the cavity received from the puncture, a special liquid is introduced, gluing the cells of the organ.
    2. The removal of cystic neoplasm by means of a small-sized incision of tissue that is done on the abdomen. The cyst is removed with special tools.

    The consequences and complications of surgery for the removal of kidney cysts include the following:

    • At the stage of exacerbation of the inflammation, a cyst rupture can occur due to a blow to the waist or a severe shaking of the body.
    • With prolonged disregard for pathology and inflammation and lack of treatment, suppuration and infection can occur in the damaged parts of the body.
    • The development of chronic arterial hypertension in a patient is a constant rise in blood pressure indicators.
    • Violation of the urinary and urinary work of the kidneys.
    • Formation of calculus in the kidneys.
    • Formation of the inflammatory process of a malignant nature.
    • Disturbance of blood flow in the renal parenchyma.

    Prevention of the disease consists in the implementation of the following measures:

    • Reduces the impact in the female body of harmful factors throughout pregnancy.
    • Regular preventive examination at any time of bearing of the child.
    • Visiting a doctor by a woman to register her for pregnancy up to 4 months.
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