  • Hypoplasia of the kidney during pregnancy: causes and methods of fighting

    Hypoplasia of the kidney in medical science is the pathology of the anatomical structure of the kidney, which develops during the period of intrauterine development. In its structure, the organ is considered normal, but taking into account its size it becomes clear that the kidney is too small.

    Often such dimensions do not interfere with normal functioning, but for this it simply does not have enough strength. Hypoplasia of the kidney during pregnancy is more acute, disrupting urinary diversion and metabolic processes in the body, which can significantly harm the fetus.

    Causes of

    pathology Hypoplasia of the left and right kidneys has the same causes of its development. The main reason is the insufficiency of the mass of metanephrogenic blastema with simultaneous normal growth rates.

    In addition, all nephrons are characterized by the correct structure and can work normally, but the problem is that their number is less than normal in half. But at the same time, the opposite kidney has more than usually the number of nephrons as compensation, therefore, in the general work its functioning is not violated.

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    In a child, hypoplasia of this organ develops during the intrauterine period due to the impact on the mother's body of external and internal negative factors.

    Symptomatic development of pathology

    Pathology of kidney hypoplasia in acute course can manifest itself, and is accompanied by the following manifestations:

    • Noticeable lag of the child in the development of intelligence and in physical development.
    • Pale skin, the appearance of a puffiness of the face, as well as upper and lower extremities.
    • Chronic form of diarrhea.
    • Subfebrile body temperature.
    • Multiple symptoms that are like manifestations of a dangerous pathology of rickets - softening of the bone tissue, the appearance of parietal and frontal cranium of the skull, a flattened occiput, bloating, curvature of the legs and baldness.
    • Chronic failure.
    • Increase in blood pressure indicators.
    • Frequent nausea, which is sometimes accompanied by vomiting.

    Diagnosis of pathology

    Usually for patients, first of all, differential diagnosis with such pathologies is organized. Like dysplasia in the kidney or wrinkled kidney. Usually the structure of the vessels of this organ and all of its systems can be considered proof of the presence of hypoplasia. To make an accurate diagnosis, it will be sufficient to perform an MRI scan.

    Until now, the most popular method of examination is ultrasound, the data of which allow to establish the size and identify if they are less than normal. In addition, a patient with hypoplasia has less than six calyces, and in a healthy organ there are eight or more, there is a pelvis with a modified structure. In any case, the kidney artery is underdeveloped.

    In the absence of complications, the structure of the inferior organ corresponds to the age group of the patient. The physician should distinguish the congenital pathology from the secondary atrophic process.

    Treatment of pathology

    There are practically no manifestations of kidney hypoplasia, which is why this pathology belongs to the complex group. It is difficult to diagnose, so detection can be very late. The treatment process depends on the type of pathology and the health status of the normal kidney.

    Pathology does not require special treatment provided that a healthy kidney can fully perform its work. If there are suspicions about the development of other diseases of the patient, a transfer to hemodialysis and organize a transplant of the donor organ.

    Hypoplasia refers to severe pathologies. It interferes with the normal life of the child, and then the adult person.to prevent the development of the disease during pregnancy, a woman should be very cautious, stop smoking and drinking alcohol, follow the rules of adequate nutrition and regularly go to the doctor. In this situation, the baby's health will be directly dependent on the habits of his mother.

    If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with kidney hypoplasia, then she is at increased risk of anemia. There is also a threat of termination of pregnancy. For the normal gestation of the child, the expectant mother must constantly consult with the doctor and carefully follow all the recommendations. With adequate behavior, proper nutrition organization and attentive attitude towards one's own health, a completely healthy child is born to a woman with kidney hypoplasia.

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