  • If diagnosed: threat of miscarriage early in pregnancy

    The threat of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy is a fairly common diagnosis in our time. Therefore, it is very important for future mothers to understand the difference between the threat of miscarriage and the already started miscarriage, and also to know the main causes and symptoms of the threat of early termination of pregnancy. The main causes of the threat of miscarriage

    1. . Hormonal. Typically, miscarriage occurs most often due to a lack of hormone progesterone or estrogen in the body, an increased level of male hormones - androgens, endocrine diseases.
    2. Genetic disorders, as a result of which the fetus develops incorrectly and dies due to its non-viability.
    3. Infectious diseases( including those transmitted sexually).
    4. Defects or anatomical features of the structure of the female reproductive system( uterus and cervix).
    5. Some medicines, hormonal and contraceptive preparations.
    6. Abortion and miscarriage in the past.
    7. Age is more than 30 years.
    8. Bad habits.
    9. Heavy physical labor.
    10. Stress and overwork.
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    The threat can be recognized by the following symptoms:

    • vaginal discharge. They can be as scanty and smearing, dark brown, and abundant, scarlet. Isolation of light pink slime is also a sign of danger. It is important to know that any, even minor spotting is a serious reason to consult a doctor;
    • drawing pains in the lower abdomen and in the lower back.

    What actions to take?

    Having found out the symptoms of the threat of interruption, a pregnant woman should seek medical help as soon as possible, because at this stage the child can be saved. The doctor will make an examination, during which he will assess the condition of the uterus and cervix, and also will appoint an ultrasound to evaluate the condition of the fetus. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then the woman, in most cases, hospitalized, because one of the main conditions for the successful retention of pregnancy is rest and bed rest.

    To determine the cause and choose an adequate treatment, the following tests should be performed:

    • blood test for sex hormones( progesterone and estrogen);
    • blood test for thyroid hormones;
    • smear for mycoplasma and chlamydia;
    • blood test for intrauterine infection;
    • urine analysis of 17-CS( 17-ketosteroid);
    • blood test for antibodies to the chorionic gonadotropin.

    Depending on the results of the examinations and the clinical picture, the following drugs may be prescribed for the threat of miscarriage:

    • gestagens are the hormones that regulate pregnancy. Well-established Utrozhestan and Dyufaston in the threat of miscarriage. These are hormonal drugs that are used to correct pathologies caused by a deficiency of progesterone, which is responsible for preparing the endometrium for implantation of the fetal egg, the development of the placenta and the preservation of pregnancy. Reception of these medicines should take place only on the recommendation and under the supervision of a doctor - in this case the drug will not adversely affect the body of the pregnant woman and her unborn child;
    • glucocorticoids( hormones that are secreted by the adrenal glands).They are used at a high level in the body of a pregnant woman of male hormones. Most often appointed Dexamethasone and Metipred;
    • antihemorrhagic and haemostatic agents, in particular, Dicinon - in case of threat of miscarriage and uterine bleeding, its use under the supervision of physicians is quite effective and justified;
    • antispasmodics: No-shpa, Baralgin, Papaverin in case of threat of miscarriage contribute to relaxation of the musculature of the uterus;
    • sedatives - tincture of valerian or motherwort;
    • complex of vitamins and microelements - vitamin E, folic acid, Magne B6.

    As a rule, after successful retention of pregnancy and discharge from the hospital, doctors recommend not to stop receiving the prescribed funds for some time.

    How to prevent miscarriage

    Of course, most pregnant women are worried about this issue. If the pregnancy is planned, then even before its onset, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination and treat possible diseases. In the case of an unplanned pregnancy, you should abandon all bad habits as soon as possible, regularly visit a gynecologist and follow his recommendations.

    Great importance is the nutrition of a pregnant woman - to reduce the likelihood of a threat of miscarriage in the menu should prevail foods rich in fiber.

    Under no circumstances should you prescribe yourself medicines, including vitamins. If possible, stress and severe physical exertion should be avoided. During pregnancy, you can not:

    • do repairs or move furniture;
    • lift weights of more than 2 kg;
    • perform any work that is associated with the risk of falling( for example, hang curtains on windows).

    It should be remembered that the threat of early miscarriage can arise from any strong shock, shaking, falls, intense jumps, etc.

    In addition, in the first 12 weeks, doctors are advised not to enter into intimate proximity to avoid uterine contractions and possible infection. This is especially true of women who had previous pregnancies with miscarriage, or they already had a threat of abortion.

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