  • The main symptoms of miscarriage

    Miscarriage can be a result of pregnancy often enough - almost a quarter of pregnancies can result in their spontaneous interruption.

    To prevent problems with the fetus and to know what is happening in the body, a woman should clearly know what symptoms to pay attention to, and also what provokes miscarriage.

    The timing and causes of the ailment

    Most often, this spontaneous abortion occurs during the first trimester, and after twenty weeks of fetal development it happens much less often.

    Miscarried women with hormonal disruptions and not experiencing morning sickness. It is noticed that ladies after 35 years are exposed to the danger of not enduring the child 2 times more often than women of younger age.


    • Spontaneous termination of pregnancy occurs often not only because of a fall or other physical shock, although a rise in severity or injury if dropped will cause miscarriage.
    • About 50% of miscarriages occur due to improper genetic development of the unborn child due to genes and heredity.
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    • Exactly the same number of miscarriages is caused by acute infectious diseases, which the mother suffered in the first trimester of pregnancy. Improper development of the uterus and abuse of certain varieties of drugs, alcohol and drugs also affect the fetus, which provokes miscarriage.
    • Increased psychological stress and mental trauma can also lead to spontaneous abortion. Excessive physical stress and hard working conditions are one of the most common causes of miscarriage.
    • Influenza and its acute forms play a leading role among infectious diseases leading to this outcome of pregnancy. Other diseases complicating the first trimester are pneumonia, high blood sugar, tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, appendicitis and many other acute inflammatory processes in the body.
    • Unsustainable nutrition, malnutrition and hunger also provoke miscarriage.

    How to determine spontaneous abortion?

    Pregnancy can be saved if you notice signs of a threat of miscarriage on time. Symptoms of miscarriage may have a different picture, but the most dangerous sign doctors believe is the appearance of bleeding.

    How does miscarriage appear? The initial stage of spontaneous termination of pregnancy begins with aching and cramping pains in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. Separation from the uterine wall of the placenta provokes spotting. Sometimes there is heavy bleeding, followed by a fetal egg from the uterus. Then there are contractions of the uterine muscles and bleeding stops.

    Symptoms of a threat in which it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance:

    • pain cramping in the abdomen or in the region of the waist,
    • bleeding, spotting.

    Bleeding can begin with weak spasms, the color of the blood is usually bright red or dark brown. There are few blood, but in some cases bleeding can last for weeks. Bleeding can stop and resume. If there is bleeding, in which you can clearly distinguish pieces of tissue - this indicates the miscarriage that has already occurred.

    Most often, the fetus perishes in a few days or even weeks before it leaves the uterus. Therefore. If the placenta is ruptured, women do not notice the small parts of the fetus among the bloody discharge. A more developed fetus during miscarriage after the 14th week of pregnancy is similar to a pearl-white elastic ball.

    If part of the placenta and fetal membranes do not separate from the uterine wall, it can not contract, bleeding is markedly increased. Abundant bleeding threatens the life of a woman. In this case, the cervix of the uterus remains open, which contributes to the development of inflammatory diseases due to infection in the body.

    Possible consequences of

    Spontaneous termination of pregnancy in the early stages does not threaten the woman with serious complications and problems. If a woman tried to get rid of the fetus by "folk" remedies, the risk of developing diseases and inflammations is great because of possible fetal particles left in the uterus.

    In case a woman applied for a doctor's help on time and was able to identify the symptoms of miscarriage, problems usually do not happen. If professional assistance has not been provided - the risk of severe uterine bleeding, high blood loss and infection is increasing.

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