  • Gidrokalikoz kidneys in pregnancy: signs, causes of development and distinctive features

    Kidney hydrocalysis is a disease that affects the health of the calyces of the kidneys, causes the parenchyma to be squeezed and the kidneys shifted to the periphery, thereby provoking an expansion of the cup-and-pelvic system. Expansion is often accompanied by atrophy of the papilla of the kidney, which indicates a violation of urinary diversion, because the canal. The connective of the kidney and bladder partially overlaps. The kidney hydrocalcalosis in pregnancy or in a different way, calicoectasia is often detected in connection with an increase in pressure on the organ.

    It is important to understand that this pathology is not an independent diagnosis, but is considered a symptom of such pathologies as papillary neoplasm in the neck of the renal calyx, tuberculosis. A similar pathology also occurs with nephrolithiasis due to improper passage of urine and with strong pressure from the internal renal vessel. The exact cause is explained by excretory urography, retrograde pyelography and angiography.

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    Manifestations that indicate the onset of the development of the

    lesion The complex of the symptoms of the disease resembles many other pathologies, and therefore, even with their undeniable presence, additional testing and testing are necessary. The signs of the disease include the following:

    • Increased body temperature.
    • Nausea with vomiting.
    • Sharp, unexplained pain when touching the back.
    • Severe debilitating chills.
    • Urine in small quantities with a trace of blood.

    This is important! At its core, kidney hydrocalysis becomes a manifestation of various diseases and involves mandatory clarification by one of the diagnostic methods - a survey of the vessels and cavities of the kidney, the identification of endoscopy type, a special radiographic study based on the isolation of the organ radiopaque component.

    There are a lot of reasons for the formation of the disease, and every reason prevents the proper passage of urine:

    1. Stones or sand in the kidneys.
    2. Various inflammatory processes in the kidneys that provoke reddening of the mucosa and narrowing of the lumen in the tubules
    3. Cancer pathologies.
    4. Injured.

    The revealed pathology assumes the organization of careful treatment, after all the further forecast of recovery depends on it. After eliminating the acute signs of defeat, you need to visit a specialist two or three times a year.

    Therapeutic process for hydrocalicosis

    The main method of eliminating pathology in humans is the implementation of surgical intervention.

    The development of the infectious process of the organs of the urinary system is a common thing after the healing of pathology. But the products of vital activity of the remaining microorganisms provoke the formation in the kidneys of tumors that consist of their amorphous phosphate crystals. In this situation it is already impossible to avoid surgery.

    The operation involves removing the obstruction for urinary diversion, but every case in medical practice is considered strictly individual. And the treatment approach is determined by the surgeon. After most of the operations performed, the rehabilitation period is not prolonged for a long time due to the appearance and active application of minimally invasive, endoscopic operations that do not require cutting at all - for the water of a special device it is necessary to make only a couple of punctures, after which the device will display information on the screen. In another way, the technique of such an operation is called bloodless, because there is no complete dissection.

    Experience shows that there is nothing terrible in the human body's defeat by hydrocalysis, but only on the condition of timely visits to the doctor and the implementation of all his recommendations. Women in the position are contraindicated in carrying out any surgical interventions, in connection with which, for neither the provision of sparing treatment and active supervision by a physician is foreseen.

    How to treat hydrocalysis if it is not possible to perform an operation

    Prevention of the disease consists in consuming a large amount of fluid and observing basic hygiene.

    This is important! To prevent the development of pathology helps infusion of juniper, but only if the disease has not yet entered the stage of its active development.

    It is necessary to reduce the consumption of protein products, reduce the total calorie intake and consume as little fatty food as possible. They contribute to the preservation of the health of the kidneys currant and raspberry, from them you can prepare compotes or fruit drinks.

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