  • Causes of infertility in women: what are they?

    It is possible to talk about female infertility if during regular sexual intercourse without using contraception, pregnancy does not occur within 1 year.

    In the event that infertility in women is developing, the symptoms are of this nature.

    Manifestations of other pathological conditions that make pregnancy difficult and make it difficult or impossible to have a baby become symptoms of other gynecological diseases.

    For accurate diagnosis of infertility, it is recommended that the spouses contact the family planning center and take the examination together.

    In the event that problems in a man in a pair are not revealed, it is most likely that a woman suffers infertility. Unfortunately, there are cases in which even conducting a comprehensive examination of a married couple does not reveal the cause of infertility.

    What causes infertility in women

    In order to accurately determine the causes of the problem you need not only to undergo a series of examinations and to pass all the necessary tests, but also to recall your entire biography. The probability of infertility after abortion or transferred inflammatory diseases of female genital organs or abdominal cavity increases at times.

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    In addition, we must not forget that infertility is primary - a woman has never had a pregnancy, or secondary pregnancy has been advancing, but a woman can not become pregnant a second time.

    Abortions are common causes of secondary infertility in women. However, regardless of the method - not only vacuum or surgical is dangerous, infertility after medical abortion may also occur.

    In this case, infertility may occur after the first abortion or any subsequent. Even if the procedure for abortion is carried out correctly and with observance of all norms, the probability of such an unpleasant complication is present.

    Causes of infertility in women after an abortion can be very different - this is the damage to internal tissues, and inflammation, often there are hormonal failures.
    Another frequent answer to the question of what causes infertility in women is the violation of ovulation and malfunctions of the menstrual cycle.

    This category includes menopause, during which the egg is not prepared for fertilization, a violation of the duration of the menstrual cycle, when the egg can not ripen and fertilization is impossible.

    Because of hormonal failures, a disruption in the formation of the follicle is possible, if it occurs at one of the final stages, the follicle can be transformed into a cyst.

    That's why one common test for infertility in women involves checking the amount of hormones in the body of the patient.

    At the initial examination, the level of hormones is determined depending on the stage of the cycle( estrogens should be investigated in the first phase, and progesterone in the second stage), then, when the examination is continued, not only the level of sex hormones but also hormones of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, other glandsinternal secretion.

    Physiological causes of

    Often the diagnosis of infertility is made after the inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

    In order to prevent these diseases and recognize them at the very beginning, it is necessary to regularly undergo preventive examinations, and in case of any changes in health, consult a doctor.

    Infertility after childbirth may occur due to plugging or other damage to the fallopian tubes. However, this problem may be the cause of primary infertility.

    Clogging and obstruction of the fallopian tubes often occurs after infectious diseases. Pregnancy in this case can not occur due to the fact that spermatozoa do not reach the ovule that is in the fallopian tubes.

    Endometriosis is another common problem, characterized by the appearance of growths on the uterine membranes, in the fallopian tubes and on the ovaries. Often affected are the neighboring organs.

    The appearance of neoplasms can disrupt the natural process of maturation of the egg and prevent its fusion with the spermatozoon.
    Not so important, a woman's primary or secondary infertility, the cause should be established as early as possible.

    Since infertility treatment for women is carried out today by various means and it is very important to choose the right way of therapy. On the question of how to cure infertility in women, the answer can only be given by a doctor after a comprehensive examination of the patient.

    In some situations artificial insemination can help, in others surgical removal of the problem will be required. To eliminate violations of the menstrual cycle, hormones are prescribed for infertility.

    Problems with conception may have a psychological cause, it is recommended to try to relax and think positively while giving tests and examinations, and yoga in infertility can help in this.

    Perhaps with this approach the problem will soon be resolved naturally and the desired pregnancy will come. If infertility treatment is ineffective and a disappointing prognosis can be used surrogate motherhood.

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