  • Folic acid in pregnancy is the most important vitamin

    Folic acid is the most important vitamin. Everyone knows how important it is in pregnancy, because it affects the health of the future man, the formation of his internal organs and systems. Folic acid is a source of vitamin B9, which affects the development of the brain and nervous system of the baby.

    It is proved that folic acid in pregnancy should necessarily be on the list of vitamins taken by a woman.

    If these vitamins are not present in the mother's body in the required amount during pregnancy, fetal pathologies may develop: hydrocephalus, cerebral hernia, anencephaly( absence of the brain), defects in the development of the spinal column, and a whole list of neurological problems.

    The lack of folic acid in the body of an ordinary person can also lead to a number of unpleasant consequences. The person becomes irritable, loses appetite, diarrhea and vomiting can develop. Megaloblastic anemia is the most severe form of vitamin B9 deficiency, which, in especially severe cases, can lead to death.

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    When a medicine is prescribed

    Folic acid deficiency is experienced by 20 to 100% of people. Often, without even knowing it.

    Therefore, women who plan the birth of a child, doctors prescribe folic acid before pregnancy.

    During pregnancy, the need for this drug increases many times. Especially, at the stage of neural tube formation in the embryo( 16 days from conception).Also, during the formation of the brain and spinal cord, the entire nervous system.

    This occurs in the first trimester. It is during this period that this drug is administered during pregnancy. This appointment helps to avoid placental insufficiency( vitamin B9 is involved in the formation of the placenta) and, as a consequence, reduce the risk of premature interruption.

    Daily dose of

    Per person, for normal functioning of all systems, 200 μg of folic acid is required.

    The amount of vitamins in pregnancy required by the mother and the baby's baby is twice the norm for the average person and is 400 micrograms( according to some data up to 800 micrograms).

    The preparation contains 1000mkg( in one tablet).This is more than "required", but do not forget that excretion of the vitamin from the body during pregnancy increases, and overdose occurs only in the case of taking the drug, a hundred times higher than the norm.

    Increased folic acid in pregnancy is due to mothers, whose body is experiencing an acute vitamin B9 deficiency .Or, if there is a high risk of neural tube defects in the fetus. This happens if a woman suffers from diabetes or epilepsy. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, frequent vomiting, are also the reasons for the rate of folate during pregnancy to be increased.

    In addition to participating in the construction of cells of the future baby, it "repairs" the mother's nerve cells, which are updated daily. Lack of B9 is transmitted from the mother to the baby during pregnancy and lactation. So the price of folic acid during pregnancy is very high, although it costs very cheap in a pharmacy.

    Where folic acid is contained

    Translated from Latin, folium, means "leaf".So the name of the drug speaks for itself.

    Vegetarians rarely lack folic acid.

    The greatest amount of B9 is found in leafy greens: parsley, dill, salad, onion, Brussels sprouts, spinach, green peas and avocado. Also, in the flour of coarse grinding, beans, yeast, citrus, pumpkin, melon.

    Therefore, the intake of folic acid during pregnancy is also carried out when a woman consumes all these useful foods.

    The future mummy should not worry that the norm of vitamins will be exceeded. Excess is easily and quickly excreted by the body, and during pregnancy this metabolism is also accelerated.

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