  • Signs of miscarriage early: what to look for?

    Miscarriage is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy, which can cause a variety of factors. Most often, miscarriage occurs at a period of up to twelve weeks. Late miscarriages - the situation is rare, and most pregnancies are interrupted for one reason or another in the first trimester.

    Many future mothers in the early stages of doctors put the threat of interruption. Take it as seriously as possible, since unwillingness to go to a hospital under the supervision of doctors can lead to the death of the fetus.

    What are the signs of miscarriage at an early age

    If a woman has a miscarriage at 5 weeks, she will necessarily face unpleasant symptoms and ill health. Interruption of pregnancy is always accompanied by brownish and red discharge, as well as painful sensations in the lower abdomen. If a pregnant woman has noticed unhealthy discharge with an admixture of blood, you should urgently consult a doctor. In this case, the child can still be saved. If the bleeding has appeared suddenly, the fetus, unfortunately, can not be saved.

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    If the girl still does not even suspect about pregnancy, then bleeding during miscarriage, she can take for the usual menstruation. Therefore, every woman should know how to determine a miscarriage in order to seek medical help in a timely manner. It also happens that there are no obvious signs of miscarriage, but there are indirect signs of miscarriage.

    Among the indirect symptoms are the following:

    • weight loss,
    • severe abdominal pains accompanied by spasms,
    • appearance of mucus of a strange shade,
    • pain in the lumbar region,
    • nausea,
    • diarrhea,
    • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

    In some cases, along with secretions, the body can reject the fetal tissues.

    This may not happen immediately. At times, the body begins to eradicate dead tissue within one to two weeks after the actual death of the fetus. This process is almost always accompanied by smearing spotting or heavy bleeding. In the latter case, a woman needs urgent hospitalization.

    What causes miscarriage of

    The obvious signs of miscarriage at an early stage most often indicate that the fetus was experiencing some genetic developmental disorders that are incompatible with life. Most early miscarriages occur due to chromosomal defects and mutations. The woman's organism in this situation gets rid of the non-viable child, who can not live in a natural environment.

    In the modern world, there are many mutagenic factors that contribute to the emergence of a wide variety of genetic abnormalities in unborn children. That is why today a huge number of women are miscarriages in the first month of pregnancy.

    Another possible cause of miscarriage is a violation of the female hormonal background. Particular attention must be paid to pregnancy in a woman suffering from hormonal diseases: hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroid problems, diabetes, and so on. If the body lacks progesterone, it can also lead to the termination of pregnancy.

    The risk of miscarriage increases the presence of a woman's genital sphere. Sexually transmitted infections are a serious factor that can lead to fatal malformations of the child, as well as to the death of the fetus. That is why it is very important to undergo a comprehensive examination before pregnancy, take tests and cure all existing diseases.

    Conventional infectious diseases can also cause interruption of pregnancy. Angina, rubella, chicken pox, influenza are diseases that do not pose a threat to the life of an adult, but for a future child they can also become fatal.

    In the risk group are those women who had previously transferred an abortion. It does not matter what abortion was( mini-abortion, drug interruption, surgical abortion).Any such operation increases the risk of miscarriage afterwards.

    Stressful situations, constant nervous tension, and excessive physical stress can also cause a miscarriage. If a woman is too nervous, carries weights, is subjected to accidental physical trauma, then this can adversely affect the course of pregnancy.

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