  • Glucosuria in pregnancy: treatment

    During pregnancy, the guarantee of safe delivery and full development of the fetus is considered to be systematic measures that include periodic examination at a gynecologist's doctor's office, collection of anamnesis, delivery of laboratory tests, these procedures allow monitoring the fetus, the course of pregnancy, and also able to prevent possible complications.

    Laboratory research is considered the most necessary and informative, their result allows to identify violations or deviations from the necessary indicators. Particular attention is paid to sugar in urine during pregnancy, which allows you to identify violations or predisposing pathology. In the normal course of pregnancy, there should be no sugar in the urine, only in some cases there may be a slight increase, which indicates a physiological process.

    During pregnancy, a large number of changes occur in the body of the woman, internal organs begin to function in a strengthened mode and a slight increase in sugar in the urine can occur when physiological changes occur in the kidneys. Kidneys are not always able to process a large amount of glucose, which can lead to excessive release of sugar into the urine, but if the indicators are higher than normal, this may indicate diabetes or glucosuria.

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    Glucosuria during pregnancy occurs when the glomerular filtration increases or is exceeded in the tubules and maximizes glucose reabsorption, when its level increases to 150-200 ml / min, when the norm is 100-110 ml / min. With glucosuria, glucose begins to filter into the urine in lower concentrations than in the blood. Over the course of nine months, the sugar level changes to insignificant rates, it depends on the nutrition of the woman, the way of life, but a periodic or constant increase in sugar can indicate pathological processes in the body that negatively affect the growth and development of the fetus.

    Glucosuria is a process in which an increased glucose or sugar content is observed in the urine. This process can be observed by a doctor in the early or late stages of pregnancy. The repeated increase of sugar in urine during pregnancy can indicate the presence of glucosuria in a pregnant woman, which often does not endanger the life of a woman and a fetus, or is still considered dangerous for a fetus, it depends on the nature that can be physiological or pathological.

    Types and causes of glucosuria in the pregnant

    Distinguish between a physiological or pathological glucosuria. The physiological form is more often observed in the second trimester of pregnancy, when the sugar level does not exceed the limits of norms, such a process is not dangerous for the fetus and the pregnant woman.

    The main causes of physiological glucosuria are:

    1. increased renal blood flow and increased filtration;
    2. decreased renal tubules to reabsorption of glucose in the blood;
    3. changes the hormonal background of a pregnant woman, resulting in the increase in the number of hormones in the blood, which provoke an increase in blood sugar.

    The pathological glucosuria of pregnant women is characterized by an increase in sugar in the urine with the development of internal diseases or disorders that result from impaired renal function or concomitant diseases. The main causes are:

    • extracellular glucosuria;
    • violation of blood glucose reabsorption;
    • acute pancreatitis;
    • intoxication of the body;
    • genetic predisposition to diabetes;
    • pregnancy after the age of 35;
    • overweight of the fetus;
    • associated fetal pathologies.

    Diagnosis of glucosuria in pregnant women

    For laboratory diagnosis of glucosuria, laboratory methods of examination( urine and blood tests) are used. The results of these studies allow the doctor to correctly diagnose and identify the causes of the increase in sugar.

    One of the informative methods is the analysis of urine on the glucosuric profile, which allows to detect an increase or decrease of the renal glucose threshold in urine per day. Differential renal glucosuria is also analyzed, which will help to eliminate the presence of diabetes mellitus, glucose tolerance tests and other research methods, the results of which allow diagnosis and treatment.

    Treatment of glucosuria in pregnant women

    For the treatment of glucosuria in a pregnant woman, a doctor does not prescribe medication, but only a special diet and proper nutrition in which a moderate amount of carbohydrates should be beaten. It is recommended to take foods that are rich in potassium: fresh vegetables, sprouted cereals, legumes, dried fruits, as well as vitamin and caloric foods. Carbohydrates in the diet should come in a dosage form, also forbidden sweet foods, chocolate.

    You can also reduce the sugar level with the help of an active lifestyle, special gymnastics for pregnant women. Compliance with recommendations, frequent visits to a doctor and the delivery of laboratory tests will help to avoid negative effects, violations, prevent the development of diabetes.

    With all of the above recommendations, the forecast is always good, which allows a woman to give birth to a healthy and strong baby.

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