  • Calicoectasia of kidneys during pregnancy: causes and manifestations

    Calicoectasia is the extension of the calyx in the collecting system of the kidneys. The cause of the formation of pathology is the presence of an additional vessel inside the kidney. But still, the disease develops more often as a result of urinary retention. Calicoectasia of the kidneys during pregnancy is not uncommon, because during this period the load on the kidneys increases in the female body.

    Causes of

    disease Calicoectasia in the kidneys can develop under the influence of a variety of etiological factors, such as inflammation, kidney stones, mechanical injuries and other injuries of various origins.

    In childhood, calicoectasia is usually a congenital pathology and proceeds without accompanying symptoms, the poet is found only during the diagnosis.

    Symptomatology of

    It is impossible to independently detect calicoectasia of the kidney, because even if there are signs of development, they can be very similar to manifestations of other diseases of the urinary system.

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    In severe cases, the patient suffers from low back pain, which becomes even worse after pressing the affected area. The process of inflammation is supplemented by an increase in body temperature. Also, with the development of calicoectasia, the patient often has frequent urination, accompanied by a small amount of urine. The urine is turbid, it has an admixture of blood.

    For the correct diagnosis it is necessary to remember that the listed signs can be manifested also with acute appendicitis and other lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, the poet of the patient with suspicion of developing this disease is referred for radiographic examination and tomography.

    In the absence of the necessary therapy, calicoectasia at the stage of exacerbation can be supplemented with infection of the urinary canals, which can lead to death.

    Pregnant women are often affected by right-sided calicoectasia due to hormonal failures and rearrangements in their bodies, as well as pressure of the enlarged uterus on the ureter on the right side. Usually such a feature passes after the birth of the child.

    Regardless of the strength of symptomatology, it is necessary to visit a doctor as soon as possible, who will conduct a special examination and make an accurate diagnosis.

    The sooner the treatment of the disease is started, the sooner the positive results will begin to manifest, since the early pathological changes in the kidneys are reversible. With the development of pathology and the development of atrophy of the papillae in the kidney, changes in their structure, changes are considered irreversible, so that the doctor should ease the course of the disease and stop its further development.

    Diagnosis of

    As with other kidney lesions, a general urine test is performed for the patient, urine samples, which provide an opportunity to identify the possibility of kidney function. Based on these methods, it will not be possible to establish a precise diagnosis, because changes in urine are not specific.

    The results of instrumental diagnostics are decisive in the formulation of an accurate diagnosis. Initially, the doctor identifies the cause of the pathology, therefore, carefully examines the patient's complaints, the history of the disease development - the manifestation and duration of the symptoms, the dynamics of their changes, the presence of chronic or previously suffered acute kidney pathologies, and the age group of the patient. In the presence of abnormalities in the structure of the kidneys, the doctor concludes that congenital calicoectasia.

    Treatment of

    disease The exact treatment tactics for this disease have not been developed. But if, at the time of the examination, a diagnosis of calicoectasia in the kidneys was made, the treatment process can be adjusted from surgical intervention to the appointment of a routine observation by the doctor. The choice of method of therapy depends on the severity of the course of the pathology, on the level of stretching and on the cause that led to the onset of the disease.

    In most situations, the main cause of calicoectasia is anatomical obstruction, which provokes a violation of urinary diversion. In this case, surgery is considered the most appropriate method of treatment. The volume of the operation is correlated with the individual mechanism of pathology formation. During surgery, strictures from the ureters, concrements, and swelling located in the pelvis and ureters are removed.

    If calicoectasia has been triggered by inflammation in the kidneys or the infection has become a consequence of complication, then further antibacterial treatment and anti-inflammatory therapy is indicated. When developing a pathology in a pregnant woman, she is shown proper nutrition, as taking medications can damage the proper development of the fetus.

    Complications of

    Calicoectasia is a risky development of certain complications. Due to stagnation of urine and blood flow disorders, the development of the infectious process and inflammation can begin. In addition, prolonged stagnation of urine in the pelvis leads to an increased risk of stone formation. Also one of the outcomes of the disease may be hydronephrosis or a chronic form of kidney failure.

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