
Why do people get fat - why does a man get fat

  • Why do people get fat - why does a man get fat

    Completeness rarely painted by someone. Although, and it can not be denied, some plump women are very attractive and enjoy great success with men. Throw them a few pounds - and they can lose admirers. But in most cases, excess weight is not good: young people, he makes clumsy, heavy, a man of age and does not age at all! It is clear that no one wants to look bad, and therefore the question arises: why are people full of their own fault that their figures are far from perfect?


    Lifestyle and overweight

    Did you notice that mobile, nimble people are very rarely full? Recover from them simply do not have a chance - they are always on the move. How many calories per day they eat, all will "burn out"!But people are slow, heavy to rise, often are obese. Sometimes they make attempts to change their appearance: they buy a subscription to the gym, they start visiting a fashionable fitness club - of course, there is an effect of this. But since such people are naturally lazy, they quickly get bored with it, and they return to their not active way of life.

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    The daily menu of

    A person can refer to age, heredity, but sometimes it is worth looking at him at home - with him to have lunch or dinner, to immediately understand: this is not age at all, and it's not "genes" - the problem is in the wrongnutrition. Either the portions are too large, or the cooked dishes are too fatty.

    Regular snacks can also contribute to completeness. Of course, if all this replaces lunch or dinner - there is nothing terrible;if, in the interval between a full dinner and the same dinner, not one cup of coffee or tea is drunk, in addition to eating a few sandwiches or buns - it is difficult to maintain harmony. All sorts of "sticks", "chips", used in large quantities, also contribute to a set of extra pounds.

    Exhaustive diets and fasting

    Today there is a lot of literature with tips on how you can lose weight: a universal diet, therapeutic starvation is offered. That's just not clear: why people get fat, and why they are not helped by all these "perfect" funds? Can they not find a suitable diet for themselves or can not withstand a day or two without food?

    In fact, almost all fat people, to get rid of the shortage, resort to these methods. But few of them have enough willpower, dropping a few kilograms, do not dial them immediately again. After completing the diet, a person returns to the old way of life. And, as luck would have it, it happens, the appetite is played out even more - after all, the organism has "suffered" for several days or weeks and now requires everything that was deprived at this time. As a result, all efforts failed: the scales again show the previous figures.

    Benefit or harm?

    Benefits or harm from diets

    True, some fat people do not make such attempts at all - they do not starve, do not sit on diets, explaining this by the fact that such "tests" for the body are harmful. Partly they are right.

    First, before you decide on starvation or refuse any products, you should always consult a doctor. Not every organism can sustain such "loads".

    Secondly, any diet for a while makes a person completely dependent on her attitudes, which means that he is constantly worried: invited to visit, and there is nothing you can not;unexpectedly sent to a business trip - it is difficult to find the right products and it is absolutely impossible to observe the mode of food intake by the hour. A person grows thin, but at the same time becomes nervous, irritable, much more tired and all this looks worse!

    But if the diet is still relatively safe, then full fasting can often provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases or cause serious stomach problems. Such a method can be used only under the supervision of specialists and must withstand all stages of preparing the organism for fasting and the gradual withdrawal from it.

    Health is more expensive than the beauty of

    One can not help saying that completeness is not always associated with overeating or a passive way of life - it happens that the person himself is not at all to blame for being fat. Diabetes, kidney, liver, heart, thyroid, hormonal disorders in the body, taking certain medications - this is far from a complete list of factors that can lead to excess weight.

    Fighting with him in such cases is very difficult, sometimes just impossible. Whatever the person does, the kilograms do not go away. It remains only to accept oneself as it is. And there is no tragedy either: the main criterion for assessing a person as a person is not his height, weight or age, that is, not his appearance, but his spiritual qualities, education and upbringing.

    Quit smoking - recovered!

    Smoking and overweight

    You can often hear from people complaining that, on the path of a healthy lifestyle, they are not prettier, but began to grow stout. In fact, as you understand, nicotine did not help to support the figure at all - it was just a habit for a person to smoke at certain moments. Quitting smoking, he begins to replace cigarettes with food, another habit appears, incidentally, is also harmful: I want to chew all the time-it leads to weight gain.

    How to deal with completeness correctly?

    How to deal with the completeness of

    First of all, you need to give yourself an installation that the fight against extra pounds will not be temporary, but you are ready to completely change your lifestyle for a long, long time. In order to realize this, you need to radically change: if earlier you were drawn to the sofa on Saturday and Sunday, now on the day off you must have time to go to the pool or in the gym, visit the bathhouse or sauna, walk a few hours on footcity.

    By the way, you will have less time for snacks - because sometimes we look at home in the fridge is not at all because they are hungry, but simply because there is nothing to do. It will not be easy to force yourself to move more, but when you see the result, then, we assure you, you will hardly want to return to your former laziness again. After all, the active way of life will be reflected not only on your figure, but also on your mood!

    Always remember: a person forms his own image. Therefore, if something does not suit you in your own appearance, then you need to change something in your life!