
How not to gain weight in the New Year - excess weight on holidays

  • How not to gain weight in the New Year - excess weight on holidays

    Everyone expects New Year's Eve, because it is at this time that you can make any wishes that will necessarily come true. As you know, this fabulous and magical holiday is shrouded in many different features and traditions. That is why the preparation for the New Year begins long before the evening of December 31.

    In these pre-holiday weeks, people make long trips to the shops, where they buy gifts, luxurious outfits and a large number of food products. It is very important that the New Year's table be covered with delicious dishes and snacks.

    However, it is worth noting that most people are worried about the issue not only how to have time to cook all the salads, but also how to not gain excess weight in the New Year. Such anxiety is caused by the fact that people can not control their appetites at the sight of an abundantly laid table. After all, I want to try every dish that was cooked with love by the mistress of this house. Unfortunately, such desires often end with excess deposits in the abdomen, sides, thighs, etc.

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    Consider a few rules that will tell you how not to gain weight in the New Year.

    Light products

    We all used to use for heavy salads heavy ingredients in the form of various salines, marinades, smoked and sausage products, mayonnaise, sauces, etc. That is why in the process of celebrating the New Year people eat a huge amount of extra calories, which later settle in the form of a tuberous fat. In order not to gain weight on New Year's Eve, it is recommended to use only light and dietary products. For example, instead of pickled cucumbers, it is desirable to add fresh vegetables to olive, mayonnaise to replace nonfat sour cream, smoked sausages - cooked doctoral, etc. Using such ingredients, you will not only retain your ideal figure, but will also feel amazing ease throughout the New Year's Eve.

    Calculation of portions of

    Many people prepare a huge number of different dishes for the New Year, and they have to be eaten within a few days after the solemn event. It is worth noting that this is a very bad habit, after all, after a plentiful feast, it is recommended to arrange for yourself unloading days, and not continue to eat as if you see food for the last time. That is why nutritionists advise to prepare for the New Year's table a small number of dishes in small portions. So you will save not only your figure, but also take care of the health of your guests.

    Do not overeat

    There are quite a few people who do not lean on snacks, salads and hot meals during the New Year celebration. And their behavior is very commendable, since it is from overeating that there is an excessive completeness with which it is then very difficult to fight. In order not to get carried away with food, it is recommended to arrange various family contests and dances. Such distractions will allow the food to be digested, before the stomach is refilled with a delicious salad or appetizers.

    Do not abuse alcohol

    As you know, no New Year does not do without drinking alcohol. However, such a tradition is harmful not only in relation to the liver and other digestive organs, but also to the figure of a person. This fact is related to the fact that in the process of drinking a cocktail people have an increase in appetite several times, and, consequently, the risk of excess kilograms increases significantly. That is why it is not recommended to abuse alcoholic beverages during the celebration of the New Year.