
How to lose weight with menopause - rules and recommendations for weight loss

  • How to lose weight with menopause - rules and recommendations for weight loss

    How to lose weight with menopause is not known to every woman, but no one will know the secret!

    In youth, everything is as thin as a reed, and after age has crossed the mark of 50 years, a thin waist often remains only in the memory, and ease and mobility become a dream.

    Weight changes may start much earlier, but with the onset of this fatal age, methods such as diet, fitness, starvation and even special medicines stop helping.

    Some tips and recommendations

    Slimness can always be achieved

    Why a young girl can easily lose all that is superfluous? Why are 2-3 kilograms collected after the New Year holidays easily leaving after a diet alone, even short-term? And in 50 years nothing helps!

    Beautiful and slender you want to be always, therefore:

    • provide an increase in the level of estrogens in the blood, because during menopause it is very reduced. In this case, it is best to resort to the help of phytoestrogens, and also to purify the liver and activate the thyroid gland;
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    • observe the correct power mode;
    • lead an active lifestyle;
    • actively use traditional medicine to ensure that the carbohydrate-fat metabolism in the body is normalized;
    • do not exhaust the body with diets;
    • reduce the amount of food consumed per time( preferably eat more often).Only in this way it can be achieved that the entire amount of food eaten will be spent on creating energy and providing vital activity to the body. The waist and sides will not suffer at the same time;
    • eliminate any reminder of a snack. Nuts, chocolate, drying and biscuits should not be present outside the main meal;
    • expose each piece of food to a thorough and slow stirring;
    • The most important thing is that breakfast has a good breakfast, since this meal is able to provide the body with energy;
    • during the lunch break, eat stewed vegetables, nuts and fruits. Always remember about water, as a day you need to drink at least 2 liters of water;
    • if you have the opportunity to eat at home, it is quite acceptable to use soup or borscht as the first dish. And on the second you can eat vegetable salad and boiled chicken or fish. Special consumption of fat is best avoided, it is enough that those present in the salad;
    • never eat before going to bed. At night, such physiological processes as digestion slow down considerably, that is, the food consumed at a late evening is most likely not able to be digested. In addition, the fermentation-putrefactive process will be intensified, and harmful un-oxidized products will additionally accumulate;
    • it is necessary to exclude from the diet those products that are uniquely classified as harmful. These are various ketchups, mayonnaise, salt, pepsi-cola and purchased fruit juice. Benefits in them no, they only contribute to increasing cholesterol and provoke a violation of fat metabolism;
    • as a liquid use pure water and brewed herbal teas.

    Motor activity when losing weight

    Add exercise

    Quickly lose weight with menopause with just the right nutrition is unlikely to work, you need to pay attention and physical activity. If you live in a multi-storey building and not on the ground floor, then do not use the elevator - it is much more useful to climb and go down the stairs. On the day should be at least 5 km on foot, and also give time to various sports activities, fitness, swimming pool or gym. It is also recommended to visit the sauna or sauna weekly.

    If the restriction in food will be accompanied by an expansion of the motor regime, then the body will have to get rid of part of the fat energy reserve!

    Please note! The menopause period should not be accompanied by too rapid weight loss, since fat tissue is the place of estrogen deposition, and food cholesterol is necessary for their synthesis in the liver. And since the climacter is already accompanied by a decrease in the hormonal background, it can be completely left without hormones, which will adversely affect the overall health.

    Folk remedies for weight loss

    Use herbs

    Many women complain of such an unpleasant phenomenon as constipation, which, by the way, will not allow to achieve the desired effect. Juices and soft laxative herbs can help: buckthorn, rhubarb, yarrow, chamomile, dandelion, dill, etc.

    Decoction from any of the above grass can be prepared independently or buy drugs in the pharmacy.

    The main positive qualities of folk remedies include:

    • cleansing of the intestinal wall;
    • decreased appetite;
    • acceleration of carbohydrate-fat metabolism;
    • improvement of the liver.

    For example, freshly squeezed fruit, berry or vegetable juice can exert an unrivaled complex effect on the whole process of digestion. And various herbs, for which choleretic effect is characteristic, can well clean the liver.