
How to get rid of addiction to sweets - overcoming cravings for sweets

  • How to get rid of addiction to sweets - overcoming cravings for sweets

    Sweet is the most insidious temptation. Rarely, what kind of person can say that he does not feel any sense at the sight of confectionery or sweets. And, sweet dependence can often be compared not with a beautiful capkake or a delicious chocolate, but, rather, with a real sugar drink. So, how to get rid of addiction to sweets?

    An irresistible craving for sweets is based on the biochemical processes taking place in the body: a sharp jump in blood glucose can provoke the need for a new "dose" of sugar. In this case, the figure suffers not so much at the expense of the sweet, but at the expense of "related products" - white flour and various fats, which are in large quantities found in cream, glaze or topping.

    Is it possible to hide from sugar dependence

    Love for sweets is a dependency of

    Over the last decades, dependence on sweets has become a very hot topic not only in everyday life, but also in science. The results of the research are frightening: scientists say that a sweetheart is the same drug addict, because sweetness is not only a passing pleasure, but also leads to a serious addiction, which is often very detrimental to health.

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    Sweet makes a hormone of joy

    The main reasons for sweet love and options for dealing with them:

    • Hunger. If a person is hungry, then in his blood there is a sharp decrease in the level of sugar. This moment is not only a medical indicator, but also an indicator of the working capacity of the organism as a whole. The lower the sugar level, the more fatigue the human body feels.
    • Payment. The roots of this reason are hidden not in the need for sweet, but in the search for sweet sensations - love and intimate moments associated with it. Help in this situation can only understand that one sweet is very different from the other.
    • The Hungry Brain. The normal working capacity of this body should be provided by fast carbohydrates, which can be obtained by eating sweet or fruit. Other products the brain can not eat, so the complete elimination of sweet is not recommended even during a diet. And if there is intense mental work, then the brain needs a stable make-up. By the way, if the number of delicacies is limited, then the brain begins to demand them several times stronger. The solution lies on the surface - you just need to replace sweets with healthy carbohydrates: honey, pastilles, marshmallows, dried fruits and sweet fruits. But sugar and sweeteners should be avoided. Completely get rid of addiction to sweet and flour is not necessary, you just have to eat them less often and only in the morning.
    • The effect of the white monkey. Once you forbid yourself to even think about the sweet, and will begin to observe the opposite effect. A complete exception to the yummy can be achieved only if there is absolute indifference to them. Hormone of joy. Every person wants to be happy, and sweet is the quickest and easiest way to achieve a sense of happiness. But to fill the lack of a hormone of joy, you can eat some other foods, for example, oranges, nuts, dates, tangerines, persimmon or cheese. Even greater pleasure can be achieved by physical exercise and useful rest, because the taste of chocolate is incomparable with skating or swimming. The second option, in addition to joy, also implies a sense of pride. No less joy will bring your favorite hobby, fascinating journey and communication with pleasant people.

    The secret of the attractiveness of sugar

    Why we like sweet

    Sucrose is a disaccharide or a simple carbohydrate. The organism is able to extract very quickly from sucrose, which has entered the bloodstream, glucose and fructose. Almost everyone knows that one can greatly stimulate brain activity with the help of one small candy. The human body can not work without glucose - a reliable and irreplaceable source of energy.

    The first recipient of glucose is the brain. Then it passes into the muscles, kidneys and other organs. Thanks to insulin, glucose "poured" into each cell and in the process of "burning" replenishes the energy reserve in the body.

    Please note! If the glucose is too much in the cells, then it begins to turn into fat deposits.
    Effect of Sugar

    An unstoppable craving for sweets is also explained by the rapidity of assimilation of sucrose. Due to a sharp increase in the concentration of sugar and the release of insulin, there is a "carbohydrate starvation": digestion has taken place too quickly, so you need more. But the human body, unfortunately, is not able to independently understand that the energy for the normal life of the body is already enough. A new "bright flash" of sugar in the blood leads to a new attack of "sugar hunger", which ends in a vicious circle. But in spite of the universality of the craving for sweets, it basically depends on individual inclinations.


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