
Non-carbohydrate diet - carbohydrate diet food

  • Non-carbohydrate diet - carbohydrate diet food

    The most common diet option for many is the one where the consumption of fatty and meat foods is strictly limited. But fruits and vegetables are allowed to eat in almost any amounts and combinations. But there are other ways to lose weight.

    What you can and can not do

    Authorized products

    The carbohydrate diet for weight loss is basically just to remove most fruits and vegetables from the menu, leaving mainly fish and meat dishes. Who tried, they assure: for a couple of weeks you can throw up to 10 kg.

    Please note! Experts recommend not to use this method of nutrition for a long time: it is desirable that the duration of the carbohydrate diet does not exceed two consecutive weeks and in general - two times within one year.

    What is the basis of the diet? Practically on total refusal not only from sweets, buns with raisins and cakes, but also loved by many bananas, grapes, and also dried fruits and honey. That is, any sugar-containing products fall under the ban. But you can lean on a baked chicken and stewed fish flavored with some interesting spices. It is better to develop a menu for yourself in advance in order to try something new every day - then there will be less desire to break, having eaten chocolate or eclairs.

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    Preparing a "protein feast"

    Meat Dishes

    How to make a menu correctly?

    Please note! The main principle - the amount of carbohydrates can not be more than 40 g per day. Only in this case will the process of "burning" excess kilograms start.

    If the carbohydrate is about 60 grams per day - the weight will remain at one level without moving in any direction. If more than 60 grams - it will grow.

    The approximate menu for the day can be as follows:

    • for breakfast - a pair of boiled eggs, a cup of coffee or tea( unsweetened),
    • for a second breakfast - cottage cheese with sour cream,
    • at lunch can be peppered with fish soup( only without potatoes),
    • after a fewhours to have a snack apple of unsweetened variety or orange,
    • for dinner make a couple of vegetables - for example, cabbage, or build a salad from carrots.

    Bread is best not to get carried away - except that you eat a very small piece, and even then not every day.

    The content of carbohydrates in food

    The best way to do this is: use the first few days not more than 20 grams of carbohydrates, and then slightly increase their number. Dietitians have developed a special table to facilitate the weight-losing process of orienting in the sea carbohydrates, proteins and fats. There one gram is equated to a conventional unit. Opposite to each product, you can see how many conventional "carbohydrate units" it contains, and prepare your own dinners with this information. Counting will have to produce minimal.


    Pay attention to the mushrooms: they are very nourishing, while the banned elements do not contain anything. The exception is only white, but they can be cooked occasionally. All other mushrooms are at your disposal. Mushroom soups, casseroles and even sauces - all this pleasantly diversifies the gray routine and will not let you get hungry.

    It is allowed to use many types of canned food( but you should not get too involved - there are lots of fats in it).You can not cook porridge, because virtually all cereals are included in the list of banned products.

    Dairy products

    But butter, cheese or cottage cheese - please, they do not apply to them.

    You'll have to give up and juice - sometimes, of course, you can afford a little, but only as an exception. Those who prefer fruit juices, you must wait until the end of the diet. But lovers of tomato juice are lucky - in one glass very few carbohydrates, so that even after drinking a couple of glasses, you will not exceed the daily rate - even a little more will remain in stock.

    In general, you have quite a few products available. Having a little imagination, you can invent such recipes that even not losing weight friends, having come to you on a visit, with pleasure will have dinner with dietary dishes.

    Why the weight "melts"

    Weight loss

    What is the essence of the unusual diet - why, while consuming meat and fish, does the person lose weight? The fact is that the body, which is fully supplied with proteins, fats and carbohydrates, first splits what it is easier to cope with - that is, carbohydrates. Part of the protein he uses as a building material, and all the surplus( including fats) are deposited "in reserve".It is from these that hateful wrinkles form at the waist. If the body is deprived of the carbohydrate by force, it begins to work more actively, extracting energy from proteins and fats. Actually, due to this, there is a loss of kilograms.

    Dried apricots and prunes

    After the end of the two-week course, you should gradually return to the usual diet.

    Please note! To start better with those carbohydrates that are digested more slowly.

    Finally, you can cook the morning porridge - rice or buckwheat, you can even with the addition of low-fat milk! Now you can treat yourself to dried apricots, raisins and prunes.

    Do not lean on the sweet, otherwise all the lost pounds will quickly return. Want a candy? Eat a little honey, it perfectly quenches cravings for sweets.


    Diet and contraindications

    Are there any "minuses" of the diet, can everyone use it without risk to health? Unfortunately, there are a number of contraindications. You should consult your doctor if you have:

    • stomach disease;
    • of bowel disease;
    • of the bile duct system;
    • serious kidney disease.

    Of course, the absolute contraindication is pregnancy, but there's no need to explain anything. If you are doing well with health, and you do not expect heirs in the near future, you can try the diet at any time convenient for you. Do not be frightened by feeling light dizziness, a feeling of fatigue at times, it will all pass when you return to normal diet, and the balance of vitamins and trace elements will be restored.

    Please note! During the diet period, constipation is possible - they can be handled by doing physical exercises and increasing the amount of water consumed.

    If you are not a supporter of a vegetarian diet, it will be easy to follow a diet. A little patience - and excess weight will be defeated. But do not forget: after returning to normal diet try to limit yourself in trying to catch up, otherwise the pounds will come back, and you'll have to start all over again.