
How to care for aquarium fish - care for aquarium fish

  • How to care for aquarium fish - care for aquarium fish

    They say that you can look at the fire indefinitely. No less fascinating is the gliding fish, they can be watched for hours, and it does not bother you. In addition, it is well known that when watching the slow movements of fish in the aquarium, peace and tranquility condescends to the person, in simple terms - the aquarium in the house, it's just wonderful.

    Settlement of the aquarium

    Before starting the aquarium fish house, it is necessary to think about what kinds of fish will live in the aquarium, how many will be, which species are not considered predators, and which can live together. The fact is that settling fish in their new home is perhaps the most difficult exercise in caring for them. By itself, care of aquarium fish is simple. It is necessary to take into account all manners of behavior and behavioral reactions inherent in each species as a whole, and each individual separately. So, for example, fish, accustomed to live only in a flock of their own kind, quickly wither and die, living in an aquarium alone.

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    Fish quickly die of different species, for which different habitats and water temperatures are required. The aquarium looks well-groomed and beautiful, if the same ecological environment prevails in it, that is, the fish and the plant, and the internal structure of the aquarium are kept in the same style. If some residents already live in the aquarium, and the owner decided to add new fish, they can not be immediately put to the old tenants. There are a few caveats to this. First of all, fish can not get on with each other, even though the owner has studied all the literature and bought a fish of the vila that he already has, or that can exist together. Just in case, we need to mention that in order to coexist together the fish should have a similar color and eat the same food.before planting new fish in the aquarium, they need to be held in a separate container for two to three months, this is caused by the need to identify hidden diseases, clean microorganisms that they bring with them from the store tank, and that may not live well with the newmedium. Most of this concerns tropical fish, the habitat of which is completely different.

    In the aquarium it is necessary to install a special aerator. Air is recommended to be served no less than eight hours every day. And, if you translate the aeration system for round-the-clock work or at least a twelve-hour operation, then in any aquarium you can settle a significantly larger number of residents. Greater than this is provided by the appropriate volume, according to the norms.

    Water in the aquarium

    In addition to the details of the main inhabitants of the aquarium, the owner must know everything about the very habitat of fish. And these nuances are many - the composition of water( its hardness and acidity), the conditions of aeration and filtration of the aquarium, the quality and variety of feed, how to illuminate the aquarium, how often it is necessary to change the water and what it should be temperature.

    The main thing, of course, for the correct and comfortable living of fish in the aquarium, the most important is the water and its composition. Even water that is constant during the day does not always suit certain types of fish, since during this time harmful components, especially chlorine, do not have time to leave, and it is necessary to defend water for at least 3 days. You can do easier, and do not wait for so many days - just heat the water to 17 degrees, and then cool it. Thus, water is released from the excess of oxygen, which is very harmful to fish.

    It is necessary to change the water in the aquarium once in 7-8 days, updating each time the aquarium is not only one third. The fact is that for some species of fish, a change of water is a change of habitat, which can provoke stress in fish, for such varieties water is changed only by one-fifth of the total volume of water in the aquarium.

    Daily care of the aquarium

    Control of the aquarium equipment

    Aquarium fish require a certain daily care, it does not take much time, but it must be done every day. And it is good to understand what aquarium fish are, caring for them, and in that case everything will be in order.

    First of all, care concerns the support of all the constant parameters of the environment to which the fish are accustomed. Every day you need to check the water temperature, do not forget to turn on the heater in time if the temperature drops below the norm, and vice versa, turn it off if the water has overheated. The daily routine includes checking the condition of the filter, cleaning it if it is clogged. Compressor check is also included in daily procedures. If the room is dark, then you need to turn on the light.

    To maintain in the aquarium a constant level of water is also needed every day, in case of its lowering - add a stand-by( cooked beforehand) water. It must be remembered that it is strictly forbidden to place foreign objects in the aquarium, first, it can scare the fish, and, secondly, they can have bacteria harmful to the fish. In addition, aquarium fish do not tolerate tobacco smoke, so in the room where the aquarium is better not to smoke.

    Feeding fish

    Feed the fish one or two times a day, if they are already adults, and the fry are fed at least four times a day. The amount of food that is given once varies depending on the species of fish.most often the amount is determined by experience, simply by checking how much fish are handled so that there are not any large surpluses left - they are clogging up both the water in the aquarium and the filters. However, you need to watch to not overfeed the fish, it is also harmful to their health.

    Food is sold in shops in dry or frozen form. Dry food is made on the basis of dry daphnia or dry mixtures from other crustaceans. Live food is a pipe man, bloodworm, duckweed, etc. Frozen food before giving fish should be thawed. Throwing food into the aquarium should be watched so that it is evenly distributed throughout its volume, otherwise stronger fish will take food from the weak and small, it is necessary that the food gets to those fish that live near the bottom of the aquarium.

    Useful advices

    One of the mandatory procedures is a daily check of the condition of not only fish, but also water, habitat and plants. The slightest discrepancy in the color of plant leaves should immediately alert, such seaweed must be removed and discarded. Also come with suspicious outgrowths( they are scraped off the walls with special tools).If the fish have any signs of disease - a change of color, dark spots, the swimming mode has changed, these fish are instantly planted in a separate aquarium - "in quarantine", so that the rest of the inhabitants do not become infected. Determine what the fish are sick, can not independently fail, you should immediately contact a specialist.

    To clean the aquarium thoroughly, that is to do, so-called spring cleaning can be done twice a month. For that, all fish are transplanted into a spare aquarium, trying to provide them with the most similar conditions, and begin cleaning up the aquarium. During this, first of all, drain all the water, clean the bottom, walls, clean them from accumulated remains of food, dust and waste. After that, carefully wash the aquarium several times, clean and wash the filter. With cleaning, this is the case, on the one hand you can not often disturb the fish, and on the other hand you can not not clean the aquarium.

    Here, perhaps, and all the rules that you need to adhere to, having an aquarium at home, is complicated in how to care for aquarium fish, nothing is there, it takes a little time, and lots of fun and pleasure brings to the owners' life.