
How to get rid of cockroaches - get rid of cockroaches at home

  • How to get rid of cockroaches - get rid of cockroaches at home

    Can you think of neighbors worse than cockroaches? Probably not. But it turned out that cockroaches are human symbiots, that is, they are beings who live with people and bring them a certain benefit.

    Wondered? And in fact the benefit really exists: cockroaches eat our scraps, thereby clearing our same living space. But still, even so, there are no people who will be grateful insects. Everyone wants to know how to get rid of cockroaches, and get rid of forever. In addition to benefits, insects also bring harm - they endure dangerous diseases, for example.

    Harmful pesticides

    Destruction of cockroaches by chemicals

    There are quite a number of ways to combat uninvited guests: chemical preparations, traditional carbophos and newfangled traps. But only in most of these ways there are many shortcomings.

    Most often you get rid of cockroaches only for a certain time. Do not think that by applying a poison, you completely exterminate uninvited guests - it's not so. They will simply decrease in numbers, but not more. Moreover, often such chemicals lead to the fact that an unpleasant smell settles in your apartment. And about their harm to the health of people and animals and not worth talking about.

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    Many people, trying to solve the problem with cockroaches, are fighting with them, completely forgetting about the incredible harm of poisons. Pesticides are very harmful to our immunity and other things. In addition, if there is a small child in your home, nothing prevents him from tasting the drug and getting the strongest poisoning. A favorite cat will necessarily walk along the floor, which is infested with pesticides, and then begin to lick its paws, since this animal has a very small body weight, poisons can cause serious harm to its health, even to death.

    So, as you understand, the use of chemicals is not the best way to fight insects. We learn how to get rid of cockroaches, without harming neither your health nor the health of family members and pets.

    Variant of struggle β„–1

    Elimination of cockroaches with boric acid

    There is a huge number of people who are very much afraid of big cockroaches, but very few people think about how to destroy them. In fact, it's quite simple. You need to sprinkle all the places where the water flows( that is, the bathroom, the toilet and the kitchen sink), as well as all skirting boards, a waste bucket and ventilation holes with boric acid powder.

    And rash from the heart, because it is absolutely not harmful to either people or animals. Some people even rinse the oral cavity with a solution of boric acid for medicinal purposes. You can buy the powder in any pharmacy, and it costs a penny.

    In order to be enough for the whole apartment, you need to buy at least 30 grams of powder. You should consider that when cockroaches feel acid, they will try to find water. And if somewhere you forget to pour the powder, they can easily do it. Here and come in handy second option to combat cockroaches.

    Fight option β„–2

    Fighting cockroaches

    Here we will rely on the fact that the cockroaches are incredibly curious animals. If you do not believe it, you can check it yourself. Just put a bright candy wrapper on the center of the kitchen, for example, and notice that the insects will very quickly run to it.

    Take a raw yolk of one egg and pour into it about 30-40 grams of boric acid powder. Stir everything until a thick mass is obtained. From it you will need to blind the balls, the diameter of which is about one centimeter. Now you let them wither and scatter all over the area of ​​the apartment, in the most prominent places.

    Great attention must be paid to the kitchen, toilet and bathroom. Remember that the places in which you will throw such balls, should be well viewed not from the position of a person, but from the position of a cockroach. That is, it can be cabinets, shelves and kitchen sets. All that is located above your eyes are places that are perfectly visible to cockroaches.

    If you have room flowers on the windowsills, you can scatter the balls there. When night comes( namely at this time of day insects become most active), cockroaches will not be able to feel the masked boric acid, but they should definitely show maximum interest in the balls. At a time when the insect touches it at least with a mustache, you can assume that it is already doomed to perish.

    Curiosity of cockroaches

    Moreover, cockroaches are not so clever as to somehow convey to other relatives about the incredible danger of a beautiful ball, so that insects will constantly run to your bait. If an infected cockroach touches a healthy cockroach, it will also fall ill.

    At first you will think that you could not solve the problem of destroying cockroaches. After all, insects will also continue to run around the house, examine the balls, it would seem, without any particular inconvenience. You need to have enough patience - in two or three weeks you will notice that every day you sweep more and more dead cockroaches, and soon they will not be left.

    If in about six months you again notice unpleasant insects, then those females that died during your first extermination, had time to lay eggs, and a new generation of cockroaches appeared on the light. You can fight them with the same method.

    If after the destruction of insects has passed many years, and they reappeared, it remains just to update the balls. They are located in fairly inaccessible places, which means they will not interfere with you. It also happens that cockroaches "come" from neighbors who have just been poisoned by chemicals. In this situation, if the balls are still lying in their places, insects in your house do not linger.

    An additional effect is given by treatment with boric acid of all ventilation openings. To be certain that there are no cockroaches in your house, combine both ways of destroying them.

    These recommendations will help you destroy cockroaches, even if the whole house is teeming with them. Moreover, you will not bring absolutely no harm to your beloved children and pets. Such methods work reliably even in such apartments, where insects have become an integral part of everyday life, that is, in old houses, dormitories and communal apartments.