
How and what to wash the cat at home? How often can I wash a cat?

  • How and what to wash the cat at home? How often can I wash a cat?

    due care, of which water procedures become a part.

    Why it is worth washing domestic cats

    The tendency to clean and care for the fur in cats is inherent in nature. Therefore, they from an early age regularly lick their fur coat, clearing it of dust and various small contaminants. Especially active this process can be during molting. There are exceptions among animals when some domestic cats do not have the habit of washing themselves. But not only in this case additional water procedures will be required.

    Any cat should be washed at least once in 3-4 months. If the animal often happens on the street, then the interval between washing can be only a couple of months, whereas cleaning the feet from street dirt should occur regularly. Such care is required in order to help a pet friend maintain his fur coat in an attractive and healthy form.

    Too often washing cats is not required. It is even capable of damaging the animal. Hairs of cat hair have a special thin coating, produced by the sebaceous glands. It is a kind of protection for the fur coat of an animal. If you wash the cat too often, it will break such a natural protection.

    In what cases may an unplanned wash of the animal be required?
    1. Before the show, when it comes to pedigreed cats. In this case, the frequency of water procedures can increase.
    2. In situations where the animal is dirty. Especially in those moments when harmful or chemical impurities are present on the coat. If you do not wash them off with water and additional funds, the animal can be poisoned.
    3. In the period of too strong molting. The cat, when washing herself, swallows the hairs, as a result of which the wool in her stomach is collected in lumps. If the pet does not belch it, digestion problems may occur, up to the intestinal obstruction. This risk increases with intensive molting and in cases where the cat's fur is very long and dense.

    In addition, washing the cat allows you to simplify the subsequent process of combing the wool, so as not to form koltunov, which then have to be cut.

    An additional positive answer to the question of whether a cat should be washed is that not only dust but also microbes and microorganisms accumulate on the animal's wool. And a considerable number of their own owners bring from the street on their shoes and clothes. Therefore, it is required to arrange from time to time water procedures even to those pets who do not go outside the apartment.

    Than to wash a cat at home

    Many owners of domestic cats neglect the use of specially designed shampoos, replacing them with soap or hair products. Strict prohibition of this does not exist, but human shampoo in some way harms the pet's skin. Because of what is happening?

    The human and domestic cat has a completely different acid-base balance( pH), which is taken into account when creating a caring agent. Therefore, applying shampoo to people, there is a risk of drying the skin of the animal. From this, the cat will be very itchy, it can have dandruff. Also on a number of components in the composition of such means for washing a pet may have an allergy.

    Specialty stores sell three types of shampoo for animals:

    • regular shampoo;
    • dry powdered;
    • shampoo spray.

    Normal shampoo. It should be selected based on the type and color of the skin. In a number of cases, such remedies can be with a narrow focus, for example against fleas, for easier combing of wool, against dandruff.

    Dry shampoo. This option is most relevant when the animal is very afraid of water and noise in the bathroom. Powder is applied to dry hair, and then it is actively combed out, thus eliminating dirt, dust, foreign smell.

    Shampoo spray. It is practically the same as the usual tool, but it is more convenient to use it. There is no need to pour a certain amount of shampoo into the palm of your hand. However, some cats react very nervously to the sounds of the spray, which can cause additional inconveniences in the washing process.

    In a situation where there is no special shampoo at home, it is best to transfer the water procedures if possible. You can also limit yourself to simply rubbing the animal's skins using a damp cloth. Or call a hairdresser for animals, so he spent all the necessary procedures at home, but using special shampoos and conditioners.

    How to properly wash a cat if it is afraid of water

    The process of washing a cat will not be stressful or difficult if the animal has been accustomed to this procedure since childhood. But even in this version, you should follow the step-by-step instructions on how to properly wash the cat.

    1. Preliminary it is necessary to prepare a bathroom. If the cat is afraid of water, then everything should be done so that the animal does not suspect anything and does not hide in advance somewhere under the sofa. From the bathroom should be removed bottles, bottles and other items that can suddenly fall. On the floor it is better to lay a rubber mat so as not to slip on the water, which can splash during washing.
    2. In advance it is necessary to open shampoo, conditioner, to put them so that without problems it was possible to reach. Also in the bathroom you need to bring a pair of dense terry towels.
    3. A cat with a long coat must be combed beforehand, otherwise during the washing process there will be difficulties with the washing out of the shampoo, and the wool may become even more wrinkled.
    4. To wash a cat better or in the bath itself, putting a small rubber mat on the bottom that will not slide, or in the sink, if its dimensions allow such a procedure. Use the pelvis is not desirable, the animal will cling to its edges, this will create additional difficulties.
    5. If the cat is very afraid of water, while it is aggressive enough, you can wear special silicone attachments on the claws. They do not harm the health of the pet and protect the owners' hands from deep scratches.
    6. It's better to change clothes in such a way that it will not be a pity to splash with soap and water.
    7. The bath should be filled with water, so that it touches the tummy of a cat. In this case, it should be a temperature in the range of 33 to 40 degrees. The most ideal is the temperature of the human body. Also need to prepare a basin with water, which will wash away the soap foam. A tap, shower or hose is best not to use, noise can greatly frighten a cat.
    8. Taking the animal in your arms, do not immediately rush with him into the bathroom. It is necessary to stroke, talk with the cat, trying to control her nervous tension.
    9. When entering the room, the door must be closed tightly. So, the cat will be easier to catch if it can get out of the bath.
    10. Gently lowering the cat into the water, holding it, you should wait a while, so that the pet is accustomed to water. After unsharp movements, moisten the coat with your hand or use a glass. Water on the head and face is applied last. In doing so, you should proceed carefully so that moisture does not get into your ears, as water can provoke the development of inflammatory processes. To secure in the ears of a cat, you can put small cotton balls.
    11. When the skins of the animal are sufficiently moistened, a small portion of the shampoo is applied, while the cat is held by the front legs. After thoroughly foaming the product, it is thoroughly rinsed off. The procedure can be repeated up to two times, especially if the coat is very dirty. If possible, a special conditioner for animals should be used after the shampoo.
    12. When all the basic water procedures are completed, the cat is quickly wrapped in the first prepared towel that will absorb the underlying moisture. Then, replacing the towel on a dry, holding the animal firmly, it is necessary to transfer the cat to the room where it will dry.

    To finally understand how to properly wash a cat at home, you can see the video instruction:

    After washing, it is not necessary to dry the animal with a hairdryer. This device, producing a loud enough sound, can further injure the psyche of the pet. Therefore, fenu should be resorted to in exceptional cases or when the cat has been accustomed to it since childhood.

    Contraindications to washing

    Despite the fact that cats need to be washed, there are a number of contraindications when such a home procedure is either unacceptable at all, or should be done with great care.

    First of all, we must remember that for a cat that has not been accustomed to water since childhood, washing becomes very strong stress .Therefore breeders recommend to accustom to washing of a kitten in 3-4 weeks after it will be brought in the new house. This will simplify the care of the pet in the future and relieve him of panic fear of water and the noise that it emits.

    Because of the stress experienced during the washing, the animal receives a huge strain on the heart. Therefore, it is not recommended to conduct water procedures for cats and cats in old age.

    To additional contraindications, not based on the age of the cat, include:

    • pregnancy at a later date;
    • with an early pregnancy the cat can be washed, but very carefully and when there is a significant need;
    • feeding period of kittens;it is not necessary to wash the nursing cat because the milk can simply disappear;
    • in the presence of severe diseases, recent surgical intervention.

    Also it is necessary to limit water procedures when it becomes cold in the apartments and there are drafts. These moments can become the basis for the disease of the animal. The temperature in the room in which the cat will be after washing, should not fall below +22 degrees, and the windows and doors should be tightly closed.

    Cat washing is a short process, but can cause a lot of problems. When deciding to arrange a pet for water procedures, you should be patient, in the process of washing, talking gently and calmly to the animal. And already after the second or third time the pet will begin to treat this procedure calmer, without experiencing too much stress and not leaving numerous scratches on the hands of the owners.

    We also recommend reading the article about what kind of medicinal properties the cats have.

    Cats are considered one of the cleanest pets. Therefore, there is an opinion that there is no need to wash them regularly. However, it is not. The cat needs