
How to get rid of cat's smell - get rid of the smell of cat's urine

  • How to get rid of cat's smell - get rid of the smell of cat's urine

    Many people think that smells of cat urine on the carpet of or in shoes - the plague, it is simply impossible to get rid of. Why do so many people do not like cats, only because of the accompanying smell, because the composition of cat urine is no different from the urine of other animals?

    The problem of this disgusting smell that appears in the house only arises from the fact that the pet owners are careless about cleaning and handling the cat's toilet. Poorly cleaned spots of urine make it possible for bacteria to multiply, which, in the course of time, increases the odor. And imagine if such spots are not one but many. Soon you will provide your house with a "special" flavor.

    Causes of odor appearance

    Before deciding to eliminate the cat's smell, you need to understand why all cats go to the toilet in the wrong places. Veterinarians believe that the reasons for the refusal of cats to go into the tray may be:

    1. The cat simply does not like the toilet offered to her. Maybe it does not fit her in size, because the length of the tray should exceed the length of the cat at least a half times. Put the tray better in a secluded place. As it turned out, cats, as well as people, like to cope with need in an atmosphere of tranquility. There are animals that are not ready for anything to share their tray with another cat. And the last and most common reason is a badly washed tray. Do not forget that the cat is a very clean animal and has a well-developed sense of smell, an order of magnitude better than that of humans. If you carefully wash the tray with detergents, even daily( which is very desirable), you can make life easier not only for the cat, but for yourself.
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    2. Some new and unfamiliar objects in the house in the cat, it can perceive as encroachment on personal territory. In such cases, the animal tries to remind that it is the "king" of this house. Therefore, often there is a smell of cat urine in the shoes of a man that the cat has never seen.
    3. There are such cats that are very sensitive to respond emotionally. For example, they may not tolerate grievances, punishments and any changes in the family in which they live. To bring relations with the animal back to normal does not always succeed, it takes patience and time. The main thing is not to rush from extreme to extreme: from tender love to animal to hatred for the appearance of a smell. Cats most like a calm and stable attitude to themselves.
    4. Even going to the toilet in an unsuitable place can happen because of a cat's illness, especially for animals that have reached the advanced age. This situation is characterized by frequent urination and the desire of the cat to go to the toilet in your presence or in front of you.
    5. The label of your territory can not be called urination in the full sense of the word. In this case, the cat only slightly sprinkles certain places, and does not make a puddle. This behavior is a way of attracting individuals of the opposite sex and demonstrating their dominant position. Most often, such marks are made by unsterilized cats and non-castrated cats. The smell of cat marks is much stronger than the smell of ordinary urine, due to the content of a specific secret.

    There are several ways to get rid of the cat's smell of urine:

    • cat sterilization or neutering of a cat. It is important to make this situation on time, because if the animal ever enters into conflict or sexual contact, the habit of marking the territory of it may not disappear;
    • permission to walk outside. You can expand the cat's territory a little, allowing him to leave the house. In this case, most likely, the cat will start to leave its marks on the street outside the house;
    • is your dominance over the animal. This method can not be called traditional and familiar, but experienced cat breeders prefer to wean the cat to go to the toilet, not where necessary. How can you show the cat that you are the master of the house, and not him? It is possible, finding the animal in place of the "crime", lift it by the scruff and hold it in this position. In this case, you need to look into the cat's eyes, until the moment when he does not look away. If you do this first, you can assume that you lost and no dominance over the cat was established.

    How to get rid of cat's smell

    Regardless of the reasons why a cat goes to the toilet in the wrong place, the sharp and strong smell of urine must be eliminated as soon as possible. Sometimes this is quite a difficult task, but it is absolutely reachable.

    Which of the odor removal methods you find more effective depends on certain factors: the type of surface where the puddle appeared and how long it exists there. If the stain is fresh, the first thing to do is to arm yourself with paper towels or toilet paper, and try to absorb all the liquid in them. Remember, the less urine remains on the surface, the easier it will be to permanently exterminate the smell.

    Knowing the composition of urine, can help, rather, get rid of its odor:

    • urochrome - the color part, the derivative of pigments;
    • urea is a sticky part that dissolves in water;
    • uric acid - colorless crystals that are poorly soluble in water and alkali.

    Most products only work on the first two parts and remove some of the odor and color. But the crystals of uric acid usually just dry up and become invisible to the person. If any liquid acts on them again, whether it's urine, sweat or just water, the smell reappears. Just because of this, do not be surprised when you think that you thoroughly washed the shoes from your cat, and after the first socks the smell of urine returns. Places that have been repeatedly marked by a pet will smell even more sharply because of the accumulation of crystals of uric acid.

    How to get rid of the cat's smell in the apartment

    How to get rid of cat's odor-2

    It should be said that using home remedies, you can not always easily remove the smell. Why then do people use them only? Basically because of their low cost. Having visited the Internet, you can find a huge number of recipes to combat odor, the other is more fantastic.

    The most unfortunate option to get rid of the smell can be called everyone's favorite bleach. Of course, chlorine is a strong oxidizer, which excellently kills any microorganisms. But this is not the best remedy for cat's smell due to the high level of its toxicity. You can harm your pet, which has a much more developed sense of smell than we do.

    Also it is not necessary to use ammonia spirit containing, as it is known, ammonia in its composition( urea also contains it).Accordingly, the problem can only worsen. For the same reason, the application to the stain of perfume products is not appropriate.

    Such oxidizers have a much stronger effect, helping to cope with the smell of urine:

    • is potassium permanganate. It has a deodorizing effect;
    • lemon juice;
    • vinegar. Only it is necessary to use it in combination with water;
    • iodine. Dilute 10-20 drops per liter of water;
    • hydrogen peroxide.

    If the stain is still fresh, ordinary antibacterial agents will have a fairly effective effect: alcohol, vodka, laundry soap, soda solution and tea leaves.

    Applying only flavors, you do not solve the problem. Common means of combating the smell( coffee, aroma oil, Zvezdochka and flavored bath salts) will have a temporary effect - they will shortly smell the odor.

    A wonderful and very effective recipe that helps to bring out the cat's smell: you need to dilute one part of the vinegar in four parts of the water and put everything on the stain. Now carefully soak the liquid with tissue. Then sprinkle the stain with soda. Next, you need to dilute a tablespoon of liquid for dishes in 100 grams of hydrogen peroxide. Now rub the resulting mixture into the stain with a brush. Remains should be cleaned with a clean sponge.

    To date, there are a huge number of drugs helping to remove the cat's smell. But, unfortunately, not all of them are effective, some just mask for a while the smell. You can buy such drugs in animal stores.

    When buying a professional tool, do not forget about the strict adherence to instructions. Such drugs are also great for washing a cat's tray.