
The maintenance and care of cats. How correctly to look after?

  • The maintenance and care of cats. How correctly to look after?

    If a person starts an animal and is observant, initially is set on a deep understanding of the being with which he decided to spend part of his life, after a while he necessarily determines that his pet has its own, individual qualities of character, manners of communication and temperament.

    Although cats are considered by many people to be "walking by themselves" in the Kipling tale, that is, independent, almost arrogant, self-satisfied and sometimes daring creatures, chances to find a friend in a domestic cat are more than enough for a person. With this, we will begin!

    The content of the article will be as follows:

    First become a cat for a friend, not a master!

    The complexity of understanding cats sometimes affects the living. Who will like that the cat at you, the owner, looks condescending, sometimes appreciative and gives himself to pat, like as a gift or with great agreement, judging by their appearance. And in fact three hours ago this three-year-old cat( or a cat) was played with any subject or family members as a three-month kitten.
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    Characteristic freedom and independence of cats, their independence, is deeply embedded in their genetic fund, that is why training and education of cats like dog training is impossible. Therefore, it is cruel and unacceptable to choose a policy of subordination and, especially, any kind of forced imposition in anything. Here only the path of the treaty and friendly understanding are acceptable. If this is not followed, the cat very quickly becomes fearful, or irritable, aggressive.

    If a cat or cat quietly sits on his hands and after some time is about to jump off, then leave, then in no case can you keep the pet forcibly, as it can be taken by a cat as a very serious attempt at its freedom. At the same time, several such restraints and the cat probably prefer to rest in a safer place, not limiting its freedom of movement.

    Rules how to care for cats?

    The food of a cat or a cat is possible and even necessary to put on a routine maintenance. It is necessary to feed at the same time of the day, strictly in the dishes belonging to it, no matter how you would like from time to time to put the owner next to her or to bring from hand a piece of delicacies. To make concessions to frequent begging in the form of plaintively demanding meowing from the side of the pet is absolutely excluded. Such indulgence often leads to a special irritability of cats with an empty stomach, whims, addiction to the availability of food at any time and in any form and even serve as an incentive for the theft of food from the table and bags.

    To teach a kitten to the toilet tray also follows with a margin of patience and no sharp attacks on the left in the wrong places traces of stool. In no case should the kitten be punished with spanking, loud screams and poking the face into the floor and the tray. Subsequently, such actions the cat or cat grow vindictive, unrestrained and very nervous, capable of discontent or any fear of going to the toilet in the most unexpected and inadmissible places, no matter how subsequently they are punished. Where the results will be more effective, if it is easy to place the animal in a tray designed for him during or immediately after he directs his natural needs with a serious intonation of the voice, conversations while passing in his tray to caress stroking.

    Tray should be located in a quiet, optimally hidden and warm place, preferably without unnecessary chemical fillers. In this strict, mandatory rule for the owners - regular cleaning of the tray and a change of filler. Then the kitten will get used to his toilet seat with more willingness.

    Experienced breeders of thoroughbred cats are highly recommended( especially British and Scottish breeds) and just owners with many years of experience in raising these furry pets( including specialists of the Vse-Sekrety.com website) - from a small age, accustom cats to sit quietly in their arms and calmly, in the presence ofstrangers, to behave, as well as to the gestures, conversations and movements of people around. Periodic affectionate, easy stroking of the pet or a rare other encouragement, including calm affectionate words addressed to the animal, contribute to the education of a cat or a cat of good manners and noble reaction to what is happening.

    About the damage of furniture claws, you can not ignore the large spacious game zones for cats, equipped with gaming accessories, recreation areas and sharpening claws. But such towns are not affordable for every fan of furry pets. Sometimes the best option is to purchase several separate accessories for sharpening, resting and playing and positioning them in a separate, most free from foreign movement of the place of the apartment or house.

    How to understand what a cat wants?

    To bring up a cat, it needs to be understood! The behavior of cats requires special attention and is interesting for their spontaneity in expressing emotions of feelings and desires. Peculiarities of behavior in any particular life situation can be manifested to a greater or lesser extent in different cats' species in their own way, although, as the experienced owners of different peoples assert, there are also basic generalizing characteristics of the habits and manners of furry pets.

    The main characteristic features of pronounced behavior are the positions of parts of the cat's body - tail, wool, ears, and also the position of the body's main body. If the cat is very nervous, threatened, or very frightened, then there is a characteristic sharp hiss, the back arches, forming a hump, then perhaps an assault or a sharp escape escape on the part of the animal. At games, in such pose, absence of intensity, and also playful movements of a head from above - downwards and in the parties are appreciable.

    Here are some features of behavior in cats:

    • The vertical location of the tail, with a calm rumbling, slightly curved back and approaching one of the coming households testify to the friendly greeting and deep disposition of a furry friend. If the tail is raised vertically, but its tip is constantly shaking, then the cat eagerly and with growing appetite awaits refreshments. But if the cat lies, the eyes are half-closed, but the tail is constantly moving in a circle, from time to time making as if the whip, then the cat is resting, but something is alarming her, or she is watching someone in half-asleep. The tail is horizontal with uneven waving - the cat is something very unhappy or disappointed.

    • The feelings of contentment, tranquility and satisfaction are expressed in cats. Sometimes purring is also an indicator of the request to treat the pet along with affectionate movements about the owner's legs or simply a feeling of deep disposition towards the person.

    How to determine the nature of a cat?

    The individuality of cats is distinguished by temperament in the first six months of life. Distinguish them as well as people in four categories. Each feature of temperament is interesting in its own way and it is an excellent ground for building relationships with a pet.

    • Sanguine cats have a more balanced, calm type of behavior, moderately cheerful. Willingly go to contact and show patience to other animals and people. Easy to relate to moving, any change of scenery.

    • Cat-melancholic opposite, very often tied to only one owner, very jealous, to change with caution, to innovations in the house with disbelief. They demand special attentive attitude, they are easy to offend. But friends from them are very true, because in temperament the main note is full trust to a certain person.

    • Phlegmatic cats are the most patient and balanced. Any changes in the environment and relations can be transferred practically without consequences and responses in behavior. They get used to a sedentary lifestyle, they often become very lazy with age.

    • Cats-choleric, like choleric people, are distinguished by mobility, communication in any possible manifestation, activity in each of their fluffy body cells. But this requires a special approach in education. They do not suffer punishments, in any form, even screams and strict moral teachings. Otherwise, there is a trouble getting an aggressive and vindictive pet afterwards. With a kind and considerate, calm approach, they become true and happy friends.

    With proper treatment of a cat or cat, a friendly and considerate attitude, a person receives a reciprocal attitude of the animal, even as an irreplaceable therapist. A cat or a cat will always feel a person using their location, any ailment, pain or no peace of mind. Then immediately a fluffy friend will sit next to the master or on a problem place so that soon the pain and problems will gradually recede under the incredible power of healing energy.