  • How to properly wash a cat - my cat

    Wash is the most important and difficult moment in the care of a cat. But it is necessary, because it contributes to the loss of all dead hair and the growth of new and living hair. Only water procedures can completely remove dust and dirt from the cat's fur, improving the condition of its skin and clearing the pores.

    In the article we will consider in more detail the main recommendations and necessary steps of this process.

    General recommendations

    General recommendations for bathing a cat

    An animal's skin, like a person, has a different type of skin, but only according to their breed, color, length and texture of the coat, heredity. Therefore, for each cat it is necessary to choose an individual and universal way of washing and means, both for skin and wool. But to understand what is right for your cat, you need to experiment.

    It is necessary to start the washing process as early as possible. The fact is that a kitten, accustomed from the first days to this weekly event, will be calm and supportive towards him when he is older, so you should regularly bathe the cat almost from birth, and always carefully rinse the detergents.

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    How to prepare a cat for bathing

    Cat should be fully prepared for washing. Nails are shortened shortly, so that in the process of water treatment, she could not sever her host. Further, if you care about how to properly wash the cat, you need to carefully comb it out with a metal comb, removing more dead hair. If you do not do this procedure, then it will be difficult to comb and untangle the wilted dead wool during the drying process. It is necessary to comb out and remove the coils in all places.

    Then, it is always good to clean your ears with a special oil. It can be washed off while washing.

    Be sure to carefully prepare a place in advance where you will wash the cat, putting all the necessary detergents. Otherwise, while you are moving away from a wet cat, for example, after shampoo, it can at that moment jump out and run away.

    The main stages of the cat washing process

    We bathe the cat

    Let us dwell in more detail now on how to properly wash the cat, on the process itself. To begin with, you need to be aware that you will have to soap several times. Therefore, first we do this in order to wash off the strong dirt and wash the most critical places. These are areas such as the abdomen, paws, behind the ears, the region of the gonads. You need to use strong special tools that have special effectiveness. Be sure to rinse thoroughly with shampoo.

    Then start to soap the entire animal, avoiding the head area. To do this it is necessary with the help of a special remedy for cats of high quality. But when choosing it, priority should not be the cost, but the effectiveness of the shampoo. To find out, the drug will have to be tried first. All animals are different, so the choice of shampoo should be individual. The main criterion: it must be of high quality. If you are interested in an alternative, then a feminine remedy for normal hair of any known firm is suitable.

    The procedure of soaping should be done two to three times, each time completely flushing the shampoo. Once it will not be enough to wash off all the fat from the skin, and, most importantly, from the animal's fur.

    Now proceed to wash the muzzle, applying for this special shampoo for puppies and kittens "Without tears."In the event that it is absent, it will be necessary to use a remedy for children.

    How to wipe a cat after bathing

    Now it's time to use a shampoo-color intensifier. On sale there are funds for red, white, motley and other cats. But it is recommended to use only such a means, which only intensify the natural color of the animal, but does not artificially color it. The fact is that you can get the final result, which is far from desired. If the cat performs at exhibitions, then you need to consider that staining is prohibited in accordance with the exhibition rules. After using the shampoo-intensifier, it must be washed off.

    Next we begin to use the air conditioner, as a necessary means for giving shine to the animal's fur. But it must be borne in mind that in some animals it already has a greasy, shiny shade with a silky texture. Therefore, the air conditioner can only spoil the whole thing, you need to experiment.

    That's all. Now the animal can be dried and combed.

    It should be borne in mind that the described stages are only a general knowledge of how to wash a cat. To achieve the best result, it may be necessary to repeat some stages. The proposed councils are not the only correct ones. The best counselor is your own experience.