
How to quit smoking - how to quit smoking yourself( at home)

  • How to quit smoking - how to quit smoking yourself( at home)

    At some point, almost every smoker comes to the conclusion that it's time to give up your addiction.

    The reasons for this are different for everyone: someone started to deteriorate health - there was a strong cough, the other was impaired appearance - the teeth turned yellow, the condition of the hair and skin deteriorated, the smell from the mouth, the third became tougher towards smokers at work -Already on the street, that agree completely unpleasant, especially when it's terrible cold. In general, the options why people decide to quit smoking are numerous.

    But for some reason to realize their intention is not for everyone. Although experts are ready to unanimously confirm that quitting smoking is much easier than it may seem. And the dependence on nicotine is much weaker than that which can appear due to the use of alcohol or drugs.

    Moreover, there are so many ways and methods to say goodbye to a pernicious habit that an ordinary person is easily lost in them. Learn how to quit smoking forever.

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    Methods to combat addiction

    Acupuncture from smoking

    All those methods that are devised to combat smoking can be divided into 3 such groups:

    1. Methods based on therapeutic suggestion;
    2. Methods associated with reflexology( here you can include acupressure, acupuncture, etc.);
    3. Means that have a medicinal effect and help the body to cope more quickly with nicotine withdrawal syndrome.

    Most often, specialists prefer to combine several methods into one, thus, forming their own way to get rid of nicotine addiction. Best of all, if such specialists will select their own methodology for each individual client.

    The only point in which all doctors agreed without exception are to quit smoking immediately. Within half an hour of the last inhalation, the concentration of nicotine drops strongly in the blood. So, if you endure such a moment, the need to smoke will disappear after 3 days.

    But it's worth admitting that if everything were so easy, there would not be so many smokers around us. What does it say? The fact that everything is not so simple. In general, the dependence on nicotine is very individual. We'll figure out why people smoke and how to quit smoking each of them.

    Nervous type

    Such people smoke because they want to gather their thoughts, pull themselves together and calm down. Usually a person of this type has a very emotional character. For example, melancholic or choleric.

    What should I do?

    Such people should be contacted for qualified help to a specialist who will choose the necessary and suitable method of treatment. It is possible that you will have to take sedatives, so that the next stress does not provoke the habit of grabbing cigarettes.

    It is extremely important to exclude alcohol from your life, at least for the period that you will quit smoking. After all, cigarettes and alcohol are connected in our subconscious. And for a nervous person, even a stack of vodka can become a catalyst for the desire to smoke. And then all efforts will simply go to nothing. You do not need this, do you? Then for a while you will forget about alcohol.

    Pragmatic type


    For this type of people, cigarettes are just a kind of rest. A person smokes simply because it gives him pleasure. Remember Sherlock Holmes, he constantly smoked. For a pragmatist, ritual is very important, for example, a combination of coffee and cigarettes or cigarettes and cognac. In general, everything that brings pleasure.

    What should I do?

    Unfortunately, doctors in this situation can not help. After all, most often pragmatists are sanguine with a very strong character. So, the only authority in the matter of throwing a pernicious habit can only be himself. No other opinion for him does not matter.

    Hypnosis, suggestion and so on will not help either. Such people are used to believe only in themselves. He can quit smoking only if he himself takes such a decision.

    Dependent type

    Here he does not get any special pleasure from the process of smoking. For a dependent person, a cigarette is nothing more than a method of communication. Such people usually start smoking only because the whole company smokes. Usually this happens at a very, very early age. A dependent type of person will not miss a chance to smoke, simply because he is accustomed to doing so.

    What should I do?

    Independently such people can not turn out to be a bad habit ever. They will need a long course of psychological rehabilitation. This type of people is perfectly amenable to suggestion, hypnosis and all sorts of terrible stories about the dangers of tobacco.

    The loving type of

    And the lover is in cigarettes. Yes, yes, and it happens! Such people just love to smoke and are drawn into a pernicious habit almost from the very first puff. Lovers love all kinds of entourage: thin cigarettes, beautiful lighters, any accessories.

    What should I do?

    Such a person forced to quit smoking is possible only under the threat of his life. They are usually helped by drugs that cause nausea during smoking. A good result is acupressure and acupressure. It is very important that the lover has any replacement for the adored cigarettes. Want a cool cell phone? Have to buy! Prefers now to sit at the computer all the time? Let him sit until he stops smoking.

    Weight gain

    Perhaps many have heard that if an inveterate smoker drops his habit, he almost instantly begins to gain weight. This is indeed so. But that's just not the case at all in cigarettes and rejection of them, but that after stopping smoking, the mouth regains the sensitivity of the taste buds. And this leads to the fact that even the most common food begins to seem divinely delicious ambrosia. People just can not resist the temptation. Hence the addition of weight.

    Can this be avoided? Of course, you can. To do this, let your house always have fresh vegetables and fruits. When you have a thirst for something to eat, eat them. Especially good in this business are berries, which have a sour taste.