
How to enlarge the breast with folk remedies - breast augmentation means

  • How to enlarge the breast with folk remedies - breast augmentation means

    Large and beautiful breasts are considered an important and attractive part of the female image. Let's analyze and recall the most popular recipes that help make it so.

    Several interesting methods of breast augmentation

    Methods of breast augmentation

    Method of "bread crusts".It's amazing, but some girls notice the effect after eating about six months in large quantities.

    Use of broths - take a little hops, pour water and boil for 20 minutes in a water bath, allow to stand, drink three times a day for a third of a glass.

    Folk method - compresses: you need to gradually change the hot compress 10 times, the oil of geranium and ylang-ylang, and with sea salt cold, then wash and spread the breast with a cream for the braces.

    There is also such a recipe: almond oil 50 ml, ylang-ylang and geranium 10 drops, and apply constantly after a shower.

    Beer method - women who wish to increase the bust are recommended to drink beer. It contains hops, but it is not enough to affect the situation. Are you ready to drink 2 liters a day to increase your breasts?

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    Products that influence the growth of

    What influences the growth of

    The cabbage comes to mind immediately. It stimulates breast growth, but, unfortunately, the result can only be achieved in adolescence.

    Safe means - walnuts with honey. To start, they need to fill with liquid honey and put in the refrigerator to insist for a week. Then you can eat a few things 3 times a day.

    Means of breast enlargement with vitamins - eat green apples, dairy products, fish, red wine.

    Broth for the breast

    Broth of hops - hop contains phytoestrogens, identical to female hormones. If you drink this broth for half a year, it really increases the chest.

    Decoction of grains: mix the grains of rye and barley, corn and millet. Boil in a large pot of water, cool the strain, after drinking this broth for half an hour before eating a glass 3 times a day. After you need to enclose the chest rice porridge for the night( it is better to make porridge of rye kvass), and in the morning wash with the infusion of chamomile.

    Decoction of seasonings: pour water into the pan, 1 cup of fenugreek seeds, and a pinch of the following seasonings: cumin, dill, anise, basil, marjoram and lemongrass, fennel, licorice, bring to a boil and chill. Before use, strain. If desired, add lemon juice or honey.

    Folk remedies

    Iodine mesh - you need to moisten the cotton swab with iodine and draw a mesh across the chest without affecting the nipples. The method is that the flow of blood flows to the site of the reticulum, which causes an increase in the breast.

    Exercise - affect the muscles of your chest. Change the breast, raise it and make it attractive with sport. But be prepared for the fact that from the 1 st size you can not get the 3rd one in any way.

    The correct recipe - there is better fatty food a lot and nourishing. But in this case, not only the chest, but also the weight, in general, will increase. You need it?

    Self-massage - for a good condition of the skin and for the chest will be useful massage. When you are in the shower, wash yourself with the help of a sponge, not forgetting about the chest. And also a contrast shower. Water should be directed from below upwards, under the breast.

    You can enlarge the breast with turmeric. Turmeric - Indian saffron it should be drunk for a month on a teaspoon before eating with milk or kefir.

    Eleutherococcus - massage and infusion of Eleutherococcus herb help the work of mammary glands. You can drink infusion of herbs for two months and simultaneously massage the points on your back and on your chest. Every evening for 10-15 minutes.

    Applying the cream on a biological basis, you can change the shape from 2 to 4 months, and increase your breasts.

    Apple mask: a gruel from apples or cabbage to mix with a spoon of butter, and with a spoon of honey. Make a massage for the chest, then apply for 15 minutes a mask on the chest.

    Tonic for breast enlargement and shape: a spoonful of horsetail, a spoonful of aloe juice, 10 drops of hops, 4 drops of lemon oil and geranium. Stir well, pour into glassware. Apply on your breasts twice a day. You can store it in the refrigerator.

    Cocoa mask for breast augmentation. Helps some to increase the breast of cocoa butter. It is rich in vitamins, rejuvenates and tightens the skin, and increases the breast 2 times. Apply the oil to the underarm area between the breasts and just below.

    Potato mask: boil the potatoes in the skin, peel and knead a spoon of honey, cream and 50 ml of normal refined oil - mix well and apply the mask for 20 minutes. Wash off all with warm water.

    Make a mask of yogurt: a spoonful of yogurt, an egg and a spoonful of vitamin E. All mixed, put the mixture on the chest, and leave until absorbed. Remove the mask with warm water.

    Breast augmentation by such methods is possible only theoretically, but in practice it is problematic. It is necessary to understand that a small chest can be very beautiful and attractive, you just need to choose the right clothes. Love yourself!