
How to choose an air conditioner? Choosing an air conditioner, tips for choosing. All Secrets

  • How to choose an air conditioner? Choosing an air conditioner, tips for choosing. All Secrets

    The summer heat of many makes you think about buying an air conditioner. And although the price becomes the determining criterion in this issue, it is not out of place to learn about other parameters important in choosing this device, saving on a hot summer day. How to choose the right air conditioner?

    Type of air conditioner

    Many are wondering about what type of air conditioner for an apartment. Indeed, the type of air conditioner can affect its final choice. In the home appliances store you can be offered:

    Window air conditioner - fastened in the opening of the window or on the wall, able to cool the room up to 30 square meters.m. There are also universal( cooling, heating) models of window air conditioners. The window air conditioner has a relatively low price, is easy to install, has a ventilation function of the room. Among the minuses - loud work( can create discomfort at night), unattractive appearance of the window with the air conditioner installed, the impossibility of redirecting the air flow.

    Mobile air conditioner.
    A unique device that can be installed in any room. It has a special hose for removing warm air, which you just need to throw out of the room( in the window or outside the door).Mobile air conditioners are good in that they do not need to be installed and can be used in any room. However, they can not do without flaws, among which - a high price( from $ 300), noise, the need for draining condensate from the compartment, the cooling effect deteriorates due to a violation of the integrity of the room( the reason for this - an open door or window).

    Split system. The most popular type of air conditioners to date, consisting of a fan( located outside) and an indoor unit( located indoors).Split systems, in turn, have several subspecies, allowing you to choose the conditioner for every taste. Split systems are noiseless, multifunctional( can have the functions of heating, ventilation, dehumidification), have a wide choice of indoor units depending on the design of the room, can be installed anywhere in the apartment. For this pleasure, however, have to pay a decent amount - both for the very split system, and for its installation.

    The power of the air conditioner

    It is logical that the more powerful the air conditioner, the more effective its main function is - cooling. To find out which air conditioner to choose for an apartment, you need to calculate the power of the air conditioner. The calculation scheme is simple: 10 sq.m.area( ceiling height - 3 m) - 1 kW power. True, other parameters should be added to this, for example, the number of people in the room, the location of the room windows( sunny, non-sunny side), the availability and the number of household, lighting devices. Do not hesitate and ask to calculate the power of the air conditioner you need right in the store.

    Air heating function

    Many air conditioners can not only cool, but also heat the room. However, if you are dreaming of warming up at home, when the frost at 20 degrees is raging outside, do not flatter yourself. Most air conditioners are not used at temperatures below 5 degrees below zero. So think carefully before you overpay extra money for the heating function in the air conditioner.

    Remote control, programmed functions

    Air conditioners with remote control, of course, greatly facilitate the life of its owner. Functions such as programmed switching on and off in automatic mode are also good. When you leave for work, you can program the air conditioner so that by the time you return home the room has cooled down.

    Installation of

    A very important point in the question of how to choose the right air conditioner. Incorrect installation of the air conditioner is fraught with the fact that the device will fail in the very near future. Ask your acquaintances who had experience in purchasing and installing an air conditioner - whether they were satisfied with the work of the company selling and installing the device. Do not be tempted by provocations like the free installation of air conditioning - the work is laborious and requiring professionalism, so free installation is unlikely to be of high quality.

    warranty Usually the warranty period for the air conditioner is 1 year. During this time, you have the right to request a free repair, replacement of parts or the entire air conditioner( in case of breakage).2 years of service( free repair and spare parts at the expense of the customer).Carefully follow the correctness of filling in the warranty card.

    Here are the basic parameters that the buyer should be paying close attention to, looking for an answer to the question of how to choose the right air conditioner. Let the purchase of this device give your home a long-awaited coolness on a hot summer day!