
How to choose a floor scales? Advantages and models of electronic scales

  • How to choose a floor scales? Advantages and models of electronic scales

    weight loss is a stressful situation for all internal organs, since for normal functioning the body needs a stable rhythm and dimensionality of the course of metabolic processes. Weekly weighing should become for you an obligatory ritual, which will keep your hand on the pulse of your biorhythm.

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    Types of floor scales

    Floor scales are a very popular product that many well-known brands of household appliances produce. This device is represented by two main varieties.

    Mechanical balance. The mechanism of this type of balance is extremely simple. The main operating element is a metal spring, equipped with a measuring scale and a plate.

    It should be noted that absolutely accurate measurement of body weight with these scales is impossible. Therefore, depending on the type of instrument, the maximum permissible error is introduced. For ordinary mechanical weights this error is from 500 grams to 1.2 kg. Medical scales are more accurate - for them the error is only 5 to 100 grams.

    Mechanical scales are durable and reliable in operation. In these scales a minimum of details, and in principle there is nothing to break. If you somehow miraculously managed to put them out of action( weigh a dinosaur or a Boeing), it's up to you to bring them back to work without relying on highly qualified craftsmen.

    Also this type of scales is of low cost. An important nuance in the use of "mechanics" is absolute energy autonomy - they can be used all year round in a high-tech megacity, and in the wild primitive foothills of the Himalayas.

    This strong, reliable tool has its drawbacks. These include: large dimensions of medical mechanical scales, a decent error of conventional. With some reservations in this age of high technologies, their narrow specialization can be attributed to shortcomings. Now, even when irons have an Internet connection, a device that performs only one function causes distrust and danger.

    In a word, mechanical scales are the standard of reliability.

    Electronic balance. This group of weights for design features is divided into 3 more versions:

    1. Scales with mechanical base and electronic scoreboard. They function in the same way as their mechanical counterparts, only the result of the measurement is output to the LCD display. The advantage of this type is a good visualization of the result - without bending down, we see large and precise figures. These scales are also not very expensive, though for their maintenance you will have to buy batteries from time to time.

    2. Electrical scales. The principle of operation of such scales is wholly gone from mechanics. The measurement is made by fixing the changes in the electric field of the wire placed between two metal plates. The electronic component can significantly reduce the degree of error in measurements.

    3. Scales of the new generation. The results of the latest developments have made it possible to create a scale based on four sensors that read information from the entire pressing area and give the processor the most accurate information about the pressure produced on the plate. Indications of such weights give values ​​with an error of up to 5 grams.

    The latest trends in technical development make it possible to turn your electronic scales into a real diagnostic center.

    Advantages of electronic scales in front of mechanical

    Among the advantages of electronic scales are the following.

    1. Measurement accuracy. We have already mentioned that the error of electronic scales ranges from 5 to 10 grams. This is important for people who strictly control their weight from day to day.

    2. Multifactor Measurement. The newest models of scales allow to measure not only the body weight, but also the percentage of bones, fat and muscle tissue. This is achieved by measuring the electrical potential of the body. This type of scales is not recommended for use by children under 10 years old, women in an interesting situation, people with heart and brain diseases.

    3. Presence of memory of previous weighings. With this function, you can track the dynamics of your body's weight in time. You can also monitor changes in the balance of fat and muscle mass over a certain period of time.

    4. User authentication. Before the first application, you create your profile, describing the main parameters - age, height and others. Once you become on the scale, they automatically determine your identity and set the appropriate settings, parameters.

    5. Determination of body mass index. This value determines the degree to which your body weight matches body height and build. You enter your basic parameters, and the microprocessor automatically calculates this index.

    6. Automatic shutdown function. This option saves battery life by shutting down the device in the event of a long period of inactivity.

    7. Some models are equipped with wireless monitor , allowing you to read the parameters of the body, without bending over and not knocking down the instrument.

    8. "Fresh" models can be connected to a PC.

    9. Availability of hours, thermometer and selection of convenient units of measurement.

    Buying floor scales - what do we draw attention to?

    Any purchase should be useful and bring only positive emotions. Therefore, we give a few recommendations for the choice of floor scales.

    Weight. Undoubtedly, we love ourselves more than all technical novelties, but we will be objective and will treat with compassion for the unhappy acquisition. If the mass of our "ego" has exceeded 100 kilograms, you should pay attention to the maximum weight on which the scales are calculated. This will preserve intact our self-esteem, and the measuring instrument. Mechanical floor scales usually have a higher load threshold than electronic counterparts. Average devices - regardless of design - can withstand up to 140 - 160 kilograms. If your weight exceeds these figures( on assurances of conscience and common sense), then you can find copies for "vast people", able to measure up to 200 kg.

    Units of measure. Many models of scales offer owners the opportunity to choose the units of mass measurement. However, there are scales that measure your weight exclusively in exotic units - pounds, stones and other inches. Buying these scales will undoubtedly spur you to self-improvement not only physically, but also intellectually, as it will make every time in your mind to convert the seen figures more familiar and understandable.

    Batteries. Electronic scales in the vast majority of work on batteries. There are models that work on solar panels or on the kinetic energy of the pulse pressing the plate. But the reliability and stability of such devices leave much to be desired. Not to mention the asceticity of the functional - this amount of energy will not clear up. Therefore it is better to purchase scales on usual finger-type batteries and AA or AAA batteries. Lithium batteries provide a longer life of the device on one set than other analogs.

    LCD display. This element is extremely important, as it is the main source of information for the user. The display can show weight, time, ambient temperature, battery level and a host of other valuable and up-to-date information. It can have a backlight, large dimensions, stand out as a separate companion device for the convenience of the user.

    Functional. Before buying, think carefully about why you are buying scales. If you just need to keep peace of mind every day, looking at stable weight figures, then the most ordinary models will do. In addition, you will save money - these scales have a loyal price. It's quite another matter if you are actively involved in sports, cardinally fight with excess weight and generally watch your health seriously enough. Then you should buy a solid multifunctional device that will give you the most complete picture of the dynamics of metabolic processes in your body, allow you to objectively and fully evaluate the results of the efforts.

    Choose the material. Scales - this is not only extremely useful in the household appliance, but also a very juicy piece of furniture. Therefore, you should pay attention to the appearance of the purchased device. A rosy and playful female "weigher" will look, at least strange, in the bedroom of the brutal pumped "macho".

    It is important that the very basis of the mechanism is metal. This makes it possible to protect it from mechanical damage and prolongs the service life at times.

    The most unpretentious are the scales with a plastic surface. They are inexpensive and have a variety of colors.

    If you like the feeling of natural material under the legs, the perfect solution will be a scales with a surface of wood( most often beech).

    For fans of futuristic industrial design, scales with a glass surface are suitable. The combination of glass and metal looks quite modern and highly technological. Do not be afraid that the glass will crack. The surface of the scales is made of high-strength tempered glass, capable of withstanding significant loads.

    For real connoisseurs and aesthetes, the market of scales offers appliances with a stone surface. Models of such a plan usually have quite a lot of weight( 10-15 kilograms) and, accordingly, a high price.

    The best representatives of the "family" of scales

    Among the most optimal in the ratio of "price-quality" can be identified the following models.

    company Vitek has released a new original model VT-1982 .The main highlight of this model is the pebble surface of the scales, made of natural stone by the technology "ObsidiArt".Standing on these scales, you will remember the sensations of the sea, sun and pebble beach. In addition, the original surface has a massaging effect on the biologically active points of your feet. The scales are equipped with blue illumination and indicators of overload, battery discharge. The user is also given the opportunity to select units of measure.

    Another worthy model of not less than worthy brand is BORK N701 .This copy is made of aluminum in "high-tech" style and black tones. The scales provide high accuracy of measurements( up to 50 grams), equipped with a highly intelligent system of user recognition, letting you know about the increase or decrease in weight by the indication of red and green. The user is given a choice of units of measurement. The large-screen LED displays data with high definition. This model provides weighing of body weight up to 200 kg.

    lovers of light forms and bright colors will please model RSL-1505 brand ROLSEN .The scales are made of plastic of quite acceptable quality in the form of a candy( for which they received the nickname "yum-yum").You can purchase such scales in blue, pink or white color solutions. The stability of the surface of the device to scratches and its ease. The originality is also in the absence of a traditional display. The information is projected directly onto the surface of the balance. Scales are able to withstand a host weighing not more than 150 kg.

    Thus, we see that the choice of weights is a process that is rather responsible and does not tolerate haste. The main thing is to choose the device based on real needs. Then you will avoid extra money spending and your new "friend" will last for many years.

    Be in shape!

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