
How to get rid of dandruff - get rid of dandruff at home

  • How to get rid of dandruff - get rid of dandruff at home

    One of the most common problems with hair is dandruff. She, as an uninvited guest, is able to appear at very inopportune moments, spoil the appearance of not only the hairstyle, but also the image as a whole. Scientists until today have not come to one conclusion about what are the causes of dandruff. But as the basic theory of the appearance of this rather unpleasant phenomenon, they call a microscopic fungus, which constantly lives on the scalp. Usually you do not even pay attention to it, but if there are any unfavorable conditions, the fungus begins to intensify and manifest on your hair an unpleasant "snow".

    To start a more active process of fungus development there can be a huge number of factors:

    • accumulated fatigue and stress;
    • reception of hormonal agents;
    • adverse environmental conditions;
    • lack of specific and trace elements;
    • inappropriate hair care products.

    In order to know how to get rid of dandruff, you need to understand what is generally an unpleasant phenomenon and why it appears. After all, white flakes on clothes - only a consequence of the disease, but you need to look for its cause.

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    What is dandruff

    Dandruff or as another one its name seborrhea is a scalp disease characterized by very rapid renewal of skin cells. In their healthy state, these cells are updated gradually over about a month. But when seborrhea occurs, this period becomes much less and reaches a week. In this case, the cells just do not have time to go through a whole cycle of their "maturation", several cells are glued together, peeled off the skin, and new ones start to appear in their place.

    There are such reasons for the appearance of dandruff:

    1. Failures in the work of the sebaceous glands. Depending on the state of the organism as a whole, of metabolism, age, sex and the diseases that have ever been transmitted, either a reduced or increased production of the sebaceous secret may begin. It aggravates such a state of chronic disease, malnutrition, lack of vitamins and so on.

    If sebum is produced too much, hair begins to look fat, get dirty much faster, stick together in greasy strands and become covered with a small amount of yellowish scales. If everything described is present in your case - you have oily seborrhea. To get rid of fatty dandruff you will benefit from several recipes offered below.

    There is an opposite situation when the glands produce a small amount of secretion. The hair in this case is brittle, dry, densely covered with white scales at the roots. This disease is called dry seborrhea.

    Usually such destabilization in the work of glands begins in the adolescent period, which is characterized by hormonal imbalance. Also, the problem of dandruff is often affected by older people: they have a reverse situation, the production of sebum is greatly reduced.

    2. Yeast fungus. Another reason for the appearance of dandruff is called "waking up" the yeast. This type of fungus lives constantly on the scalp, but it becomes more active during periods when mental and physical loads increase, metabolism is disrupted. All these moments can change the acidity of the skin, as a result of which active reproduction of the fungus and accelerated renewal of skin cells begins.

    Now you know the main causes of seborrhea and it's time to figure out how to deal with dandruff.

    How to get rid of dandruff at home

    How to get rid of dandruff at home

    Sometimes, in order to remove peeling of the scalp, just simply moisturize it: restore the correct balance of water in the body, which means drinking as much water as possible per day.


    Most of the shampoos designed to combat dandruff, just wash the uppermost layer of scales, thereby removing only the symptoms, but not the cause of the dandruff itself. Even if you start washing your hair every day, you will only feel that you do not have dandruff. Such an illusion can last a long time. But every time after washing your head, the restoration of a layer of crumbling scales will occur more quickly, and the fungus will have an "addiction" to such a shampoo and it will simply cease to function.

    If you have noticed dandruff in your hair for the first time, and in the near future you have some important event, there is no time for treatment, dandruff shampoo really is not the worst way out. Only be sure to pay attention to the composition of the purchased products: Zinc Pirythione, Ketoconozole, Climbazole, Selenium Disulphide have antimicrobial action, Coal Tar and Octopirox - remove flakes of dandruff, and Sulfur( sulfur) and Salicylic Acid have the ability to reduce the speed with whichreproduction of cells. If the purchased shampoo does not contain any of these elements, it will be completely useless.


    When you come to the pharmacy, ask them to show you medicines for dandruff. They no longer just wash off the flakes of exfoliated skin. But they also struggle with the cause - the fungus. Most likely, the price for such funds will be several times higher than for conventional shampoos, but is the lack of a nasty "snow" an insufficient price? Be prepared for the fact that dandruff does not get after the first shampooing with such a shampoo, the treatment will take some time. But after his lapse, you will get rid of dandruff, albeit not always, but for quite a long time.

    Folk methods

    Traditional methods of treating dandruff

    Treatment of dandruff with folk remedies has always had a positive effect. But again, do not think that everything will be learned at once - it will take some time to conduct procedures.

    The first recipe - a tincture of nettle: Take a tablespoon of chopped dry nettle and pour it with a glass of boiling water. Let stand for a day, then strain it. To be treated with such infusion is necessary for two months. Rub the broth in the scalp for a night twice a week( can often, if you want).In the morning, wash everything with your favorite shampoo.

    The second recipe for : If, in addition to fatty dandruff, you also suffer from hair loss, in the same way as with nettle do with calendula. It also needs massaging movements to rub into the skin, then tightly wrap the head with a towel. Sit for half an hour, and then rinse off with warm water.

    The third recipe for : Take any sour-milk product, for example, kefir or whey).Densely cover the selected hair, starting from the roots and up to the tips. Lightly massage the skin. Leave the mask for half an hour, after which rinse your hair with warm water, which is added with mustard. Proceed from the calculation of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water.

    The fourth recipe : take 4 tablespoons of thyme, pour them with boiling water. Now put everything on fire for about 10 minutes. After that, strain the broth and squeeze. One half should be immediately rubbed into the skin( do not rinse), and leave the second for the next day.

    The fifth recipe : you need to mix a half spoons of kefir and the same amount of vodka. Now add to them a chicken egg. It is necessary to thoroughly mix all the ingredients and rub the resulting mixture into the scalp. You need to do this every other day. If you want to get rid of dandruff folk remedies, this recipe is the most effective.

    You can try two eggs to whip in a foam and wash her head. Then smear the scalp with honey( preferably take liquid) and leave this mask for an hour. After a while, wash the heads without using shampoo.

    Sixth recipe : for this product with olive oil you need to heat it up to about 40 degrees and immediately, using a cotton swab, apply it to the scalp. Do scalp massage, and then wrap your head in cellophane. After waiting 20 minutes, you can go to rinse your hair and wash them as you normally do.

    The seventh recipe for : make yourself a hair conditioner. To do this, take 0.5 liters of water and mix them with the same amount of 6% vinegar. Now it remains to bring the mixture to a boil and fill it with fifty grams of cornflower flowers. Let the broth stay about an hour, and it is ready for use. You need to use it for a month. Of course, this article will not tell you the secrets of how to permanently get rid of dandruff, but here's help to eliminate it for quite some time it can. Use the recipes and be beautiful!

    Use recipes and be beautiful!