
Treatment of dandruff folk remedies - time-proven remedies for dandruff

  • Treatment of dandruff folk remedies - time-proven remedies for dandruff

    Dandruff can be one of the causes of poor mood and self-doubt. White, small flakes on the hair and clothes uniquely tarnish even the most ideal image. Fortunately, you can treat dandruff with folk remedies, but before talking about it, let's get to the root of the problem.

    What is

    What is dandruff

    Dandruff is a scaly skin that accumulates on the scalp. They consist of keratinized skin cells and fat. Dandruff is the first sign of dry seborrhea, which leads to increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, and then to weakening and, as a result, hair loss.

    If the scalp is healthy, then it is renewed, the old skin cells are replaced with new ones, dead cells turn into dust and are not visible to the eye. In normal operation of the body, the cell needs a month, so that it leaves the deep layers of the skin on the surface. Due to disruption of the body, this process is accelerated. On the surface of the cells appear much faster, acquire a whitish hue, become thicker and begin to stick together.

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    Causes of

    Incorrect nutrition

    The causes of all diseases should be sought inside the body. As a rule, the appearance of dandruff indicates a metabolic disorder. In turn, metabolism is disrupted due to hormonal failure, which is why dandruff often appears in people aged 13 to 25 years. The metabolism is also affected by malnutrition - uncontrolled consumption of fatty and sweet, lack of vitamins, smoking abuse, stress, overwork. Dandruff can cause and dandruff shampoo if it is picked up incorrectly.

    Please note! In 80-90% of people with dandruff, there are problems with the intestines.

    If small flakes loosely fall from the hair, cosmetologists call such dandruff dry. But there is another kind of dandruff. On the head are the sebaceous glands, they nourish the skin and prevent it from becoming dry. If there is a lot of lubrication, a film is formed on the skin that delays dandruff and does not allow it to fall freely. The scales become yellow, the hair grows dull and takes on the appearance of icicles.

    Please note! Before going to the pharmacy for a remedy for dandruff, you first need to find out what kind of dandruff you have, otherwise you can not wait for the result.

    On the scalp, a microscopic fungus lives constantly and does not bother us, but with certain malfunctions in the body the fungus starts to multiply very quickly and causes dandruff. It causes the sebaceous glands to work many times faster, and dandruff is a consequence.

    There are various shampoos that promise to rid us of white flakes, but, as a rule, they can not cope with the task. Only specialists will help to choose the right tool that will help you. Another thing to remember is that the cause of dandruff is in the body itself, and it's pointless to fight only one dandruff if the main reason is not defeated. If you have been treated and eliminated the root cause, then you can move on.

    Home remedies

    As mentioned above, there are many special means to combat dandruff, but we will stop at the time-tested folk remedies. They are more accessible and do not require large financial costs. Infusions and mixtures are easy to prepare and use.

    With onion

    You need to take olive oil( 4 tablespoons), warm it well in a water bath, squeeze half a lemon and rub it into the roots of the hair for a while before washing.

    You can twist through a meat grinder or grate onions to get a gruel. This gruel is not in a hurry, it is necessary to rub it into the roots of the hair in a circular motion. After that, the head is wrapped in cellophane, and then with a towel. After the end of two hours, the head should be washed with shampoo and warm water.

    You should take the yolks of two eggs and squeeze in them half a lemon, add burdock oil. This mixture slowly rubs into the roots of the hair, then with warm water and shampoo, the hair is thoroughly washed.

    With the egg

    To wash the head from dandruff, you can use the following mixture: 1 cup kefir mixed with one yolk. The mixture is suitable for washing hair of normal and dry type.

    1-2 eggs beat well and wash the head with this mass, then the same is done with honey. Then thoroughly wash the head of the remains of eggs and honey.

    Can chopped nettle leaves( about 100 grams) pour 1.5 liters of 6% vinegar and 1.5 liters of clean water, put on a plate and cook for half an hour. This decoction is washed for 10 days.


    A tablespoon of chopped tansy( you can use both flowers and stems), pour boiling water( about 400 ml), insist for two hours, filter. Wash your head infusion in a day.

    Pour a liter of clean water one glass of hop cones, bring to a boil, close tightly and insist for an hour. The broth is used for washing hair.


    Inflorescences of chamomile( two items of a spoon) are poured with a liter of pure water, five minutes to boil, then filter. The head should be washed with this decoction for two weeks. Light blond hair will give a golden hue.

    Natural dyes for hair, such as henna, onion, basma, walnut shells, are well eliminated. It is useful to use olive and castor oil, it is rubbed into the scalp before washing for 10-20 minutes, for best results, you can wrap the head with polyethylene and a towel. The oil returns to the hair vitality, volume, shine, softness and silky.

    If you have a tea mushroom at home, it can also be used to remove dandruff. Infusion of the tea mushroom before washing is rubbed into the scalp, washed off, if dandruff is very much, the procedure can be repeated.


    A perfect lemon can be a perfect remedy. It should be cut in half and rub the roots of hair with a part of the lemon. The first sensations will be unpleasant, therefore for the beginning time can be shortened, and in the further it is necessary to spend procedure of 30 minutes, then washing a head, as usually.

    Folk remedies in the treatment of dandruff are very effective. But, like all other means, the people do not bring an instant result, so you need to have patience, strength and do not quit treatment.