
Hair care in winter - how to maintain the beauty of hair in winter

  • Hair care in winter - how to maintain the beauty of hair in winter

    It's a good Russian winter. With a frost, snowfalls and an invigorating wind."My health is good for Russian cold," I remember, as the classic used to say. However, for hair, winter time is a period of constant stress. Exposed to temperature changes, they become dull and ugly. Even those who have a magnificent thick head of hair, in the cold months often complain about the fact that the hair has become something different.

    The main problems typical for winter time: the hair becomes electrified, dry at the tips and fat - at the roots. Often, the ends of the hair split, there is fragility, hair can not be laid: the hair either looks sleek, or, conversely, stick out in all directions, not wanting to obey the mistress.

    Reasons for "winter" problems

    Dry hair

    Why is it harder for us to manage our own hair in the winter months, because they say that the most difficult time for the body is spring? There are several main reasons that can spoil the beauty of the hairstyle and create a hostess for a bad mood. So:

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    • Dry indoor air created by central heating batteries. Lack of moisture has a disastrous effect on any living organism, and hair is part of it( also alive, despite the absence of nerve endings).
    • Temperature differences. If you often have to run( for example, at work) from a warm room to the street or move from transport to the street and back, the hair does not have time to adapt to the constantly changing environmental conditions. This is a stress factor that creates the prerequisites for the appearance of brittleness and hair loss.
    Hat protects the hair from frost
    • Frequent exposure to cold air. Cold causes the vessels to narrow, and, consequently, blood supply and nourishment of the hair worsen. Therefore, going to the cold, do not forget to put on a hat.
    • Frequent visits to baths and saunas. To warm up, many people go to the sauna several times a week in the winter. Of course, this is a very useful procedure, but in all things it is necessary to observe the measure: frequent exposure to hot air is no less harmful to the hair than hypothermia.

    Of course, it is impossible to completely exclude the impact of these factors, but in our power to try to minimize the negative consequences.

    Please note! Hair care in winter should be more careful than in a warm time: they need help to stay in shape.

    Let's try to solve those problems that do not need expert advice and treatment. Of course, if you suddenly have a sudden hair loss( in this case it does not matter, in the winter or any other), it is better to consult a doctor so as not to remain completely without hair. But more on this later, but for now, let's see how we can help ourselves, if the problem is not so serious.

    We eliminate the electrification of hair

    Electrified hair

    The main trouble that delivers unhappy sensations and often causes annoyance - the electrification of hair. Probably, there are no such people who would not have come across this phenomenon. And it does not matter, dry hair or fat: electrified, both are almost the same.

    Please note! There is a small trick that will help reduce static tension - try washing your head with warm water, and rinse with cool water.

    We are used to thinking that washing and rinsing hair follows exclusively hot water, but this is exactly what contributes to the appearance of statics. If you rinse your hair with cool water - the effect will be reversed. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise you can catch a cold: just enough water at room temperature or just below room temperature.


    A special massage brush-comb will help to solve the problem: most often we use metal or plastic, from which the hair will only "spark" more. Try to replace the comb with a wooden one, this will reduce the sensation of electrification.

    Do not forget about special products: gels and foams. They are applied to dry clean hair in small amounts. You can also apply them to the comb.

    Try not to dry hair with a hair dryer: at least sometimes let them dry naturally, this will save them from excessive loss of moisture, hence, and the voltage will be less.

    Care for dry, dull hair

    Masks for dry hair

    You can fight with fragility and lack of gloss with masks and rinse aid. They are easy to prepare yourself at home.

    • Rinse aid with lemon. Pour the lemon juice into a glass with distilled water, rinse the hair with this solution after washing and allow them to dry without a hairdryer. It is not necessary to wash off this compound with hair. Applying this home remedy regularly, you will soon notice that the hair has started to shine again.
    • For the return of strength and volume to the hair we prepare the following masks: mixing the egg, a couple of spoons of any vegetable oil( you can have olive, burdock), as well as glycerine and table vinegar - on a teaspoonful - whisk everything to a homogeneous mixture and apply to cleanhair for 30 minutes. Then the mask should be washed off with a warm, and then slightly cool water.
    • You can use this option: mix a spoon of cognac, egg and shake everything. Apply to the hair for half an hour, then wash off the warm and then - with cool water.
    • With an increased dryness of hair helps to cope with ordinary beer. True, it should not be consumed inside, but as an external remedy: a glass of beer and one egg carefully mix, leave on hair for 15 minutes. Then we wash off everything in the same way.
    Chamomile infusion for dry hair.
    • . Nettle and chamomile infusions are good for restoration of shine. However, in the winter with this, there may be some difficulties, but you can also use dried grass harvested from summer on your own or just bought in a pharmacy.
    • Weak hair loss can be tried in the following way: take any dairy product( milk, kefir, unsweetened yogurt) - 1 cup, add a cup of chamomile broth, add a drop of apple cider vinegar to the mixture. This mask should not be kept for long: it is applied to the hair for 3 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

    Care instructions for any type of hair

    Wash hair
    Please note! The main rules of hair care in winter - keeping them clean, regular nutrition with masks and proper combing.

    You can not neglect the headdress: we remember that the cold damages the hair bulbs and worsens the blood supply. When entering the room, the cap should be removed so that the scalp does not overheat.

    Wash your hair as it gets dirty: with dry hair less often - for someone and once a week is enough, with a tendency to fat - even though every day, if necessary.

    Burdock oil

    In winter, even those who have oily hair, there is a tendency to dryness, so you can try using care products for dry hair. One of them is burdock oil.

    Please note! In its useful properties it surpasses many expensive industrial masks and in the cold time will serve a good service for those who want to preserve the beauty of the head of hear.

    Burdock oil( sometimes with the addition of red pepper) is used as follows: apply to the scalp( hair is not to be washed beforehand), gently rubbing, with light massage movements, a little oil and distribute along the entire length of the hair. Then put a warming hat on the head or an unnecessary towel. In this form, you have to show off for about half an hour. After this time, the head should be thoroughly washed and rinsed with balsam. Do not be afraid that the oil will remain: it is usually well washed off, even if the head is soaped only once.

    This procedure is desirable to be done every time before washing your head - the result you will see in a couple of weeks. Hair will become more magnificent, silky, will cease to fall out.

    How to deal with dandruff

    Henna for dandruff

    In winter, many often worry about dandruff. Usually the reasons for its appearance are the same as in general: deterioration of the hair condition, dryness, temperature changes. Excellent, centuries-proven means of combating it - colorless henna.

    Please note! Frequent use is unsafe and can even increase the formation of dandruff( henna drys the scalp a little), but occasionally you can use it and even need it.

    If there is a large dandruff, accompanied by severe itching, you should be alerted and visit a doctor: this may be a sign of a disease like the scalp, or some kind of internal disease. Hair can begin to drop sharply. In this case it is necessary to exclude avitaminosis, severe hormonal failures, chronic stress. Without eliminating these factors, it is impossible to cope with the problem.

    In a word, do not be lazy, take care of your hair in winter correctly( and always - regularly!) And do not forget about the hat. Then no, the most severe frosts will not spoil your hair.